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Skyrim Toolset


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i wouldnt be suprised if we never see it tbh.... easier to sell dlc

I don't understand how anyone can actually believe this.


If you earnestly believe that Bethesda is worried about our modding activities having a negative impact on their DLC sales, please consider the following:

  1. You can count the number of Oblivion mods that actually stand up to something like Shivering Isles on one severely-maimed hand
  2. The vast majority of the game's sales so far have been on the XBox 360, where mods are not even an issue
  3. The GECK for Fallout 3 came out a month prior to the release of the game's first DLC

I realize that we're all anxious to get our hands on the editor, and Bethesda could certainly afford to give us an update, but you guys seriously need to give this conspiracy nonsense a rest.

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i wouldnt be suprised if we never see it tbh.... easier to sell dlc

I don't understand how anyone can actually believe this.


If you earnestly believe that Bethesda is worried about our modding activities having a negative impact on their DLC sales, please consider the following:

  1. You can count the number of Oblivion mods that actually stand up to something like Shivering Isles on one severely-maimed hand
  2. The vast majority of the game's sales so far have been on the XBox 360, where mods are not even an issue
  3. The GECK for Fallout 3 came out a month prior to the release of the game's first DLC

I realize that we're all anxious to get our hands on the editor, and Bethesda could certainly afford to give us an update, but you guys seriously need to give this conspiracy nonsense a rest.

how is it a conspiracy? i remember a time when almost everygame was mod friendly and had modding tools.


these days devs/publishers are more likely to be against modding because they dont want you playing the same game for ages they want you buying new games and they want to sell there own dlc.

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There is no conspiracy http://i51.photobucket.com/albums/f351/charonn0/ohgeez-1.gif

Modders are the first people to buy the DLCs We want MORE stuff from Bethesda, not less.

It takes time to get the CK ready for use - They are busy with bugs right now. Console bugs take first precedence, then if we are lucky they will work on the PC only bugs. When the bug storm dies down then they will be able to work on the CK.

Have at least a little patience, the game has only been out a few days.

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i wouldnt be suprised if we never see it tbh.... easier to sell dlc

Despite how popular DLC is these days Bethesda knows that modding and a Construction Set will account for something like 30-40% of their longtime sales. The CS is a HUGE reason why Oblivion sold so well for so long. It'll come.

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I agree with James 009. Modding extends the shelf life of games like Oblivion and Skyrim, and adds to their popularity. Not to mention, it makes it much easier for developers to see first hand the kinds of things players are interested in. How many Oblivion mods came with all sorts of neat little features that let you cook food or brew wine or stuff like that. Now look at Skyrim! You can cook your own food, brew your own wine, tan your own leather, sharpen your own sword, and who knows what else! Crafting things in-game was a big part of Oblivion modding and now it's a part of Skyrim itself! That alone should speak to the value modders have for developers!


They're planning on releasing the Creation Kit soon and are working on it as we speak according to the last article released about it yesterday. They hope to have it released before December. Be patient!





I get the excitement for it's release though! I keep wandering all over Skyrim and finding neato places where I'm DYING to build a house mod! And I can't wait to create a faster horse with more interesting skins! Hurry Bethesda, lol!

Edited by Quirkyblonde
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i wouldnt be suprised if we never see it tbh.... easier to sell dlc


Oh give it a break. I thing Bethesda knows good and well they've made TONS more money on these games because of their modding capability to provide a VERY long shelf life. And a long shelf life means many many more sells. They would never hold onto the tools because they could "make more money with DLC" and never have.


Because they don't? :hurr: honestly, this talk is just silly.


They've always released modding tools (at least the games I've played, I'm young though... So grain of salt) and they're not going to stop now, we buy the PC version FOR the mods! It's what makes it so great.

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By that he means that they have not only promised it, but advertised it before the game launched. Bethesda would never put their head into that legal noose. So it will come, but they have always promised that it will ship with the game, and then cycled it back just before the game actually releases to "sometime close to launch". Their pattern is always the same, and the initial toolset is always still buggy (lots of crashes), so I hope they take their time and release something stable this time.


In the meantime, since this is almost exactly the same engine as F3/FNV, there are people working on modding the GECK to work with it. I do not know how that is going, but would not be surprised to see it finished before Bethesda is. They have far too many bugs to fix before they can put their coders back on the CK. I would really like my game to be a little more stable and optimized, before I start loading mods (other than textures that is). :whistling:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Actually is rather desirable the SK coming after the game is patched and stabilized enough so no mod is trashed by version compatibility and such.


All opinions till now are somewhat right and somewhat wrong (as always and every time conflicting opinions are in debate), then this mine is so too...


A - the first and most important reason for the delay is both the game and the SK itself are at debugging phase (the later depends on the first badly).


B - Besides, in the while the game can be played in it's vanilla state so to get the original feeling...


C - Meanwhile the console game buyers have a time before PC version becomes so "different" thanks to mods so it is almost "another" game at all.


D1 - All the above; D2 - Some of the above; D3 - None the above; D4 - is something else I never wondered or guessed... :)

Edited by nosisab
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