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This thread definitely drives the point home about not debating politics, religion or gun control not to mention what shoes woman like to wear. :no: :yes: :no: :yes: :no: :wallbash:

Man one of the fratiest guys I knew in college had over 100 pairs of shoes. That guy was a straight up prima dona.

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It's clear I've been grossly misunderstood by my denigrators. That or they are trying to put words in my mouth. Perhaps they're just grasping, trying to justify their motives. I'm convinced they've just not actually understood though.

Can someone be labelled a sellout if they are only inclined to do so should the opportunity arise? Would that not make them just an opportunist if anything? Arthmoor hasn't yet become a sellout as the opportunity to become one hasn't even arisen in this case, therefore I still refute the claims that I called anyone a sellout. Also I am completely unable to see it as an insult. It's just a verb for describing a certain behaviour. If you feel insulted by said verb, or engage in the behaviour that dictates it's use, then that is your fault.

And now people are derailing this thread with utterly irrelevant and irrational sentiments over sexism (of all the ridiculous things that could be brought up) as well as reading into the posts here whatever they wish.

It seems the discussion is now over. I put my piece out there. So you can tear this thread apart now if you want without bothering me. Take my words out of context, misunderstand and/or just plain get butthurt.

Edited by Mitigate
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"Sellout" is s horrible and completely illogical term that should be exorcised from all languages. It can encompass anything and everything at any time, able to be applied to any person or persons that receive anything (monetary or otherwise) for any effort. It's almost as bad as "It is what it is" or "snitches get stitches" in its absurdity.

Making a mod and requesting endorsements on the Nexus could be considered "selling out", as one is doing something for something in return.

...that's my contribution to this thread...and I've written it with the interest in someone else reading it, thus, I'm a sellout.

P.S. If one cannot see that saying "You'll be a <word/term commonly acknowledged to be derogatory> if you do <this thing>" will almost always be perceived as an insult...then I'm at a loss.

Edit to add: I have no comment on whether or not people should make money on mods or boycott Bethesda.net.

Edit again: To many "not" and not enough "a".

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Just as an aside, it always amuses me when all the men in an argument think something wasn't sexist and the women think it was.


But when all is said and done, that derailed a derailment talking about paid modding. Which isn't actually happening, at least not at the moment, and has been the subject of more conversation in this thread than any actual issues with policies and developments that are really happening and people apparently, allegedly, want to address.

Edited by TimeLadyKatie
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1. You have no idea if thats accurate and as someone else stated before its naive. Sure you might think monetizing something will increase the quality but that simply isnt true. The way markets like this tend to work is they produce what is in demand not what is innovative or better. To provide a more grounded example do you remember skyrim nexus when people found out they could make cbbe slutware and get 100 thousand endorsements? I do. Now imagine if modders figured out they could make skimpy clothes and make 100 thousand dollars?


Every single, and I do mean every single, innovative modder would stop all their projects to learn how to make outfits to make skimpy armors and get in on that money. That is 100% how market economies work lol its not even arguable. So no just because something has a price tag now doesn't mean it will suddenly become more innovative and higher quality. Maybe armors and such might reach higher level of quality but the less profitable, and often times most interesting an innovated mods such as quests will decrease in quality and quantity.


I'm finding it a little peculiar being told what every mod authors will and won't do. Excuse me? I can tell you exactly what one mod author will do and no more than that, please don't presume to speak for me. The dismal science is just a model and doesn't accurately describe human behaviour, it certainly doesn't give you any right to comment upon mine.


I have no intention to charge for substandard work, I have pride in what I create. If I was going to focus on what made money, rather than my passions, why on earth would I be doing modding of all things? Why would I study the arts? I'm not going to stop giving away fun content that I make in my free time for free. I am going to put more time, effort and resources into content that I'm selling because I refuse to charge money for something that isn't worth what I'm charging.


Every single person you're talking about right now is currently making the choice to give away their labour for free. While I can't speak for them, I think your assumption that they're all focused on the money is ignoring the one thing that you know for certain about their choices so far.

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