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Mitigate, use of the subjunctive or future imperfect tenses doesn't make insults disappear.


If I say "people with verbs as usernames are blah", especially when I know that you're going to be reading this thread, I can't then say that it's because the shoe fits that you're potentially insulted. I may have never called you "blah" directly, but I set up a situation in which "blah" will clearly be applied to you. That's still an insult.


If I say "people who disagree with this post I just wrote are too blah to understand it" then I'm either attempting to compel you to agree with me at the threat of an insult if you don't, or I'm just pre-emptively getting my insult in to those who disagree with me, or both.

I disagree. If I say that someone who buries seeds is a gardener and an individual gets offended because they plan on burying seeds at some point but do not want to be labelled a gardener. I am not guilty of offending.

A sellout is someone who betrays the soul or integrity of something for reasons of expedience. If Arthmoor chooses to do that one day, then that's on him. All I did was describe what that would make him. How he reacts to that is his fault.


By your reasoning, and Arthmoor's, he is guilty of calling me a jackass troll earlier. So if any shots have been fired, they were fired from his foxhole.

I am above that kind of behaviour.

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to tell the truth the few mods i produced since the start of beth.net, i only uploaded there cause the community seems way more thankfuly then the spoiled community here. i believe console player are the more grateful community at the moment and im a pc-player that will never get a console again cause i love my pc-powers

xbox players are the guys that use my mods most not the pc masterrace

and i have way more friends playing on consoles than i have playing in pcs and im happy and proud to be able to provide them with mods




bty excuse the bad englsih cause its not my native languade

Perhaps to a console user who is just getting familiar with mods, what you have made is amazing. But it may actually barely be average going by the standards of PC mods.

The consoles are desperate to get whatever they can right now. After all, they are the people that will pay for Minecraft skins lol.


However, they are also the ones stealing your work... Just watch how bad THAT gets when paid mods comes back... Remember, these are the same kids that play COD and tell each other they're going to rape their mothers...

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I disagree. If I say that someone who buries seeds is a gardener and an individual gets offended because they plan on burying seeds at some point but do not want to be labelled a gardener. I am not guilty of offending.

A sellout is someone who betrays the soul or integrity of something for reasons of expedience. If Arthmoor chooses to do that one day, then that's on him. All I did was describe what that would make him.


Well I suppose that's one way of approaching social interaction, however I have serious doubts as to its long-term efficacy. If perhaps at some point in a hypothetical future you're wondering "Wow, why does everyone seem to react so badly to everything I say?" Please, think back on this moment and consider that perhaps you may need to re-examine this approach.


Because to be honest, if after 15 pages of the thread you keep on having to say "But I'm not saying X" to everyone else involved then your communication strategy is clearly ineffective. Your words are not conveying what you wish them to. Regardless of who you choose to blame for this failure of communication, it might well be time to pick some other words.

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I disagree. If I say that someone who buries seeds is a gardener and an individual gets offended because they plan on burying seeds at some point but do not want to be labelled a gardener. I am not guilty of offending.

A sellout is someone who betrays the soul or integrity of something for reasons of expedience. If Arthmoor chooses to do that one day, then that's on him. All I did was describe what that would make him.


Well I suppose that's one way of approaching social interaction, however I have serious doubts as to its long-term efficacy. If perhaps at some point in a hypothetical future you're wondering "Wow, why does everyone seem to react so badly to everything I say?" Please, think back on this moment and consider that perhaps you may need to re-examine this approach.


Because to be honest, if after 15 pages of the thread you keep on having to say "But I'm not saying X" to everyone else involved then your communication strategy is clearly ineffective. Your words are not conveying what you wish them to. Regardless of who you choose to blame for this failure of communication, it might well be time to pick some other words.


Your reasoning is sound. I'm just trying to be another voice in the sea. Apparently though, my right to a position ends where it opposes the majority's. But are the majority more intelligent than the minority? Society tells us the answer is no. So perhaps where I am coming from is indeed being misunderstood.

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Your reasoning is sound. I'm just trying to be another voice in the sea. Apparently though, my right to a position ends where it opposes the majority's...


In what way has your right to a position been challenged?


You have stated your position, others have stated theirs. You, they and I have all continued to express our opinions despite them being different to one another. Other people disagreeing with you is no worse than you disagreeing with them.

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Your reasoning is sound. I'm just trying to be another voice in the sea. Apparently though, my right to a position ends where it opposes the majority's...


In what way has your right to a position been challenged?


You have stated your position, others have stated theirs. You, they and I have all continued to express our opinions despite them being different to one another. Other people disagreeing with you is no worse than you disagreeing with them.


Well so far I've been labelled a troll, a jackass, jet addicted, jealous and just plain ignorant. Disagreement is one thing. I feel I have to defend my position from obvious slander. This is typical internet tactics. The one who is disagreed with by the majority gets bullied into silence or giving up, leaving the majority to reason that they have the superior position and have 'won' the debate.

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You don't believe the mod author deserves the majority? I do.




The idea of the mod author (aka myself) getting 50% is nothing short of preposterous to me...


It would be nice, I guess... But I have never seen any company in the real world function in such a way. I have never got more that a third of the profit that I ever earned a company. Most companies are much less than one third, and I am grateful that my current job gives me 33% of the money people pay for my services.


Without that built in audience of 20+ million Fallout 4 players, nobody would be playing my mod.

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Its pretty simple Mitigate,if paid mods are introduced by betheseda and you are so against them,just don't pay for them.

I personally will not pay for any mods as there are no guarantees that they will work under any set up and I don't want spend my time chasing refunds.I enjoy betheseda games to a degree but they arent that important to me.

If the mod authors prefer the paid for system,well so be it,its just the way the gaming industry has gone over the years.

But ultimately the choice is your own.But at the minute none of that exists so its all just hyperthetical and all ive seen at the minute is betheseda try bring mods to consoles which isn't a bad thing and other than some mod theft,which can happen no matter the platforms or the sites,it has had very little impact on the nexus at all.

Trying to bring mods to other platforms is no threat to pc users and at the minute the paid for mods are just smoke and dust.

I see no point in boycotting beth.net even if its implementation has been nothing short of a bad joke.Hopefully they will learn and having another decent site to browse for mods cant be a bad thing

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You don't believe the mod author deserves the majority? I do.




The idea of the mod author (aka myself) getting 50% is nothing short of preposterous to me...


It would be nice, I guess... But I have never seen any company in the real world function in such a way. I have never got more that a third of the profit that I ever earned a company. Most companies are much less than one third, and I am grateful that my current job gives me 33% of the money people pay for my services.


Without that built in audience of 20+ million Fallout 4 players, nobody would be playing my mod.


And in Arthmoor's case, where he uses his time and effort to fix the mess Bethesda left us all with in Skyrim and whatever other game he has made unofficial patches for in order for them to work correctly? Bethesda should get a majority for that?

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Then you must be guilty of calling me a 'jet addicted, jackass troll'? If so, you cannot exactly judge. Nevertheless, I still maintain I am not hurling insults at anyone.

The difference between yourself and me is that I never denied insulting you, but you brought it to this level well before anyone else in the thread by labeling anyone who uses Bethesda.net as a sellout. Present tense. Not this walk-back you're trying to do now about how we MIGHT be if paid mods return.


You are already getting paid for your mods on the Nexus. Even for patches. You get paid via donations. You will never be able to make a career selling mods... You're caught up in a dream if that's what you think.

Funny, I don't see any paychecks coming my way with Robin's name on them as my boss or Nexus on there as the company I work for.


And I'll have you know that having already participated in paid modding once before tells me I could very easily have made a "career" out of it if the money I made in 3 short days was any indication. That 3 days was already many orders of magnitude more money than had ever come in in the YEARS on Nexus getting donations before that.


It's not us who are delusional or caught up in a dream. It's you. Lecat seems to have you pegged at this point. Green with envy. Nothing more. You have offered nothing substantive to the discussion during the whole thread other than to repeatedly call people sellouts for putting their work up on Bethesda.net.


So if any shots have been fired, they were fired from his foxhole. I am above that kind of behaviour.

That was return fire. Not the opening salvo. You definitely are not above the behavior, but I figured it was the only thing you understood given your tone throughout this whole thread.




And in Arthmoor's case, where he uses his time and effort to fix the mess Bethesda left us all with in Skyrim? Bethesda should get a majority for that?

And again, I'm going to call you out here. If you knew anything about me AT ALL you wouldn't even need to be asking this question. So I don't think you know diddly squat about this community at all, which is why people are calling you ignorant.

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