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Help: Skyrim "data files" unclickable


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  On 1/15/2012 at 11:05 PM, horiizon said:

Hey guys ! I figuired out the problem for windows 7 users !


Make sure you change the SkyrimPrefs in your mygames directory (NOT THE INSTALLATION FOLDER). It is the same folder that you store your game saves. make sure you add the







at the top of the notepad document!

i made an acc to thank u :D i send u aa big cargo of love :DDDD

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Still dosen't work, and btw, the uLastAspectRatio is =3, does that matter when i open the data files? PLEASE HELP ME OUT!!!!!!! I already copied the bEnableFileSelection=1 and the bShowAllResoultions=1 and the Launcher.
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to anyone who tried all above yet failed... try this.. delete or backup the skyrimpref from my document yadayada skyrim then start the launcher so the skyrimpref.ini will show again but only your original already had the benablefileselection=1 first, worked for me, simple huh.. i guess it got stuck somehow.. (win7 x64 OS)
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  On 8/4/2012 at 11:58 AM, bben46 said:

Here is a link to my troubleshooting blog. . And yes, the problem is covered there.



If you use any of this and have some success - or even if nothing works - please post back here what you did that worked or didn't work. That kind of information can be invaluable to other members having the same or similar problems - And to me in fixing any problems in the blog.


here's a guess.. try delete or move the skyrimpref.ini (from my document yadayada skyrim) then start the launcher.. it'll spawn new .ini file, luckly it'll work..

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  On 11/30/2011 at 11:48 AM, panamacityeddie said:
  On 11/27/2011 at 4:55 PM, Mastercheat001 said:

You need to add that line in SkyrimPrefs.ini located in My document/MyGames/Skyrim or something. I don't use win 7 so figure it yourself, pleasa:D).


Look for the line:





And add it like this:






Good luck. :psyduck:


Thank you..It worked like a charm :dance:


Okay since win7 totally sucks cause you have to change permission to owner instead of admin so here is how you do it to a program file: right click the elder scrolls skyrim file in programs then go properities then go security then advanced then owner, then go edit then select your name apply okay then go to permissions select your name then tick full control then apply and then okay, you may have to close down all your programs first but it works, so hope you can select data files now :D

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  On 11/28/2011 at 5:22 PM, Mastercheat001 said:
  On 11/28/2011 at 9:51 AM, iEyeBBangin said:

I have win7, this didn't work for me, also when I try to change it to "0" it says access is denied after I click save, I'm running as admin, also, I tried running in compatibility mode for xp to see if I could get any differet result, and got none. please please help!!!!!!


I think you should creat a new file and change the extension to ini and then replace the old "SkyrimPrefs.ini" file. That should fix the access denied in most case. Good luck and have a fun game. :thumbsup:




Its not working for me has well help anyone please? :mellow:

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  On 12/3/2011 at 2:51 AM, DarkoVaultTech said:

Alright ill show the best solution and it will work.



go into your skyrimpref.ini under mygames in documents. Ctrl +F find launcher and yourll see something like this:






edit it to look like this:







save and exit and it should work



thanks it helped me

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Just in case anyone, like me is having this issue with WINE (i.e. running Skyrim in Linux) here's what I found. NOTE: This most likely will not work in Windows, but you can try it. You can always cancel it if it fails (see below.)


The instructions are correct. You must add the bEnableFileSelection line under /home/<username>/.wine/drive_c/users/<username>/My Documents/My Games/Skyrim/ in the file SkyrimPrefs.ini under a section named [Launcher]. In my case, the section didn't exist at all (because after install I had never actually run the Launcher in the first place - I suspect using the normal setup.exe to install does this, but I copied my Skyrim installation from Windows.)


However, for use in WINE, this is correct yet incomplete. When you run the Launcher again, it will still have "Data Files" grayed and also still have "Install" rather than "Play." As crazy as it sounds, click Install. Yes, even though it is ALREADY installed, click it anyway. In my case, all this did was trigger automatic video settings detection, and then reloaded the launcher, with both the "Play" and 'Data Files" options enabled. I'm not sure why this worked, but it did.


If for some reason it DOES try to actually reinstall the game, just click Cancel and it shouldn't do any harm.

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