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It's perfectly normal. Sit back and relax, as long as you're enjoying the game there is no pressure. Take your time and either ignore quests for a while or simply start the quests that would seem urgent or more important to your character. Anyway that's my way of coping with the crowded quest log and I'm like you I don't fast travel. :happy:
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I just want to know if I am still sane because I tend not to fast travel and I always end up having 15 active quests or more. Do you guys feel the same? It looks like there are too many of them at the same time, feels like radiant story doesnt stop spamming lol


You are completely sane, but the game is insane. :P


Finally i finish all the quests in Markarth and happyly go out of the city just to get another 3 quests... :woot: :hurr: :dance: :teehee:


Just checked my quest log and found out i have over 50 quests there...im feeling completely sane :woot: :hurr: :dance: :teehee:

Edited by pavy
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LOL! too funny, I have a TON of quests that I have to do. But right now I'm not playing the storyline, I am out exploring with my dumpster warrior and having a great time. So don't be overwhelmed, just enjoy the beauty of the game. Take your time and don't be pressured by all of the quests. :laugh:
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By active quests, you mean..you have a bunch of arrows showing on your compass? That's too confusing to me. I deactivate everything but the one I want to work on. Now that I'm finished the main quest I'm working on getting all my shouts first cause I really like those shouts. Super cool! If I happen upon a quick quest, I'll do it. But most just sit in waiting. I wish there was a way to abandon a quest. Can you abandon a quest if you decide you don't want to do it?
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