SiniVII Posted January 22, 2012 Share Posted January 22, 2012 Hey let's come up with appropriate names for this avalanche that rolled over sexlivion and is now turning towards: Sexrim/Skyrape? Yes/No? :D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ManleySteele Posted January 22, 2012 Share Posted January 22, 2012 lovemaking should be a skill with perksI would never have thought about that. lmao. And like blocking and one handed weapons, have a seperate skill set for romance? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Borborygmus Posted January 22, 2012 Share Posted January 22, 2012 i dont get it? meaningful simulated sex between my orc and lydia? what could this ever be? 3 minutes of watching my characters hump eachother? would the lovers sleep bonus be better? are we talking buffs? are we talking STD's? we could mod shields into looking like babies! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
killahpriest2972 Posted January 22, 2012 Share Posted January 22, 2012 I'm assuming getting voices for a mod that would result in "meaningful, contextual" sex wouldn't be difficult considering the number of people who frequent the nexus Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
RozClarke Posted January 22, 2012 Share Posted January 22, 2012 are we talking STD's? YES! You wake up in the morning after a night of passion, and oops - "You have contracted Witherbits". Shoulda been more careful... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ManleySteele Posted January 22, 2012 Share Posted January 22, 2012 are we talking STD's? YES! You wake up in the morning after a night of passion, and oops - "You have contracted Witherbits". Shoulda been more careful...Better do some careful AI screening to make sure your significant other is not like a guard who knows everything, all the time. lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jack254 Posted January 22, 2012 Share Posted January 22, 2012 (edited) I'm assuming getting voices for a mod that would result in "meaningful, contextual" sex wouldn't be difficult considering the number of people who frequent the nexus Well , there are probably sound files for each character that could be reused in a way for sex (probably their injury sounds hehe) . Imo it would be much better if all characters had their own sounds. Then some physics sounds are to be used. Model and animation wise: I Hope that Calentine Does some decent things with his mod (i wonder if skyrim would support Changing textures with the models to stimulate muscle/flab movement?) . I would rather lots of animations for One male and one Female body mod than Few animations spread out amongst many mods... Now that i have made myself look like a sick and twisted 12 year old... I hope that.. A: Npc's put sex on their "too do" list. And you can catch them at it, Although if your disposition is Low they won't let you watch.B: all major Cities Get brothels- But that's for a "better cities mod" . C: You can do most people of a high Enough disposition with a speech check. If they are married then the speech check is higher and There's a good chance an angry spouse will Be confrontational. E: bandits might try to rape you and foresworn Have a tendancy to have Orgies D: Couples show their Affection to eachother With things like kissing, hugging, Arm round the back, holding hands and so on. It annoys me how stale the npcs are towards eachother Edited January 22, 2012 by jack254 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StayFrosty05 Posted January 23, 2012 Share Posted January 23, 2012 Good topic...thank you OP....I was disappointed and felt let down by Bethesda on the lack of content in regards to my Dragonborn getting married, just a small number of extra dialog's...."Interested in me are you?" and "Make my dinner"....suffice to say my Dragonborn's have never married again....pointless. Having read all the comments here....I certainly wouldn't like rape included, but other realisms absolutley....Think of the attention Rock Stars, etc get.... many a young girl...and older...lining up to bed these people for their fame, etc....consider the fact that Dragonborn is so much more than a Rock Star, coupled with the fact that Skyrim is a tough and dangerous is the fact that Dragonborn is pretty barbarian...Skyrims population is far too pristine and unrealistic in their lack of sexual interests for the world they live in...I don't think it would take just a prostitute to consent to or wish for a quick roll in the hay, I think Dragonborn would find him/herself pretty popular, quite a notch on the bed post in a number of eyes....though the inclusion of Brothels would also make a great deal of realism sense. It's a funny thing how decapitations, blood splatter, dismemberments, violence, etc... are considered acceptable, but nudity and sexuality is perverse?...Odd and quite disturbing really....I am not interested in highly explicit (hard porn close ups) scenes for my Dragonborn, but something more realistic (maybe still not for the squeamish) would be great and not just locked to marriage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Lachdonin Posted January 23, 2012 Share Posted January 23, 2012 It's a funny thing how decapitations, blood splatter, dismemberments, violence, etc... are considered acceptable, but nudity and sexuality is perverse?...Odd and quite disturbing really....I am not interested in highly explicit (hard porn close ups) scenes for my Dragonborn, but something more realistic (maybe still not for the squeamish) would be great and not just locked to marriage. Welcome to American-superculture. Its nothing but a long string of hipocracies. The American Constitution demands the seperation fo Church and State, but its ok to espouse god at every turn when your in office. It's ok to have sex in a PG14 movie, but as soon as its in a video game they want it rated X (Which doesn't really exist anyway, but you get the point). You can violence, sadism, buckets of blood and so forth in a movie, but you put one fuzzy scene of a 9 year old being sucked up by an explosive bloom in a game and suddenly you've crossed the line. Western culture, despite the modern push back, is still a catastrophicly sexually repressed society. We are, however, violently desensitied. Between movies, literature and even the basic media, we are so inundated with violence that it just slids by the wayside. You watch the news and hear about some new murder and you shrug. You head about some guy cheating on his wife, and suddenly you'r shaking your head and talking to friends about how 'terrible' it is. I know it's basically been established that rape is not a great direction to go in (though I agree with those who've said that decapitation being ok when rape isn't is pretty wtf) I can't let this statement go unchallenged. Men do get raped, mainly by other men. Bear in mind that rape is mostly about violence and humiliation, not about sexual attraction. It's a huge problem, particularly in places where there is war and general lawlessness, it is under-reported and largely ignored, but it is very real, and no more 'difficult' than raping a woman. I also feel the need to address this. While 100% true, the difficulty i alluded to is one of psychological difficulty. The sense of empowerment which leads to the drive to humiliate being a sexually stimulating responce is much lower when looking as homosexual interaction. Depending on what material you read, the reaction is anywhere from 30% lower, to 80% lower, meaning that the required physiological reaction is much less likely in a male-male situation and a male-female. It does happen, but its much less likely. This doesn;t of course disqualify the use of 'props' as a humilation tool, but thats a different type of associative rape... Which of course brings us back to the fact that sexual relations, of any sort, is a highly convoluted, situational and often times circumstantial combination of biological and social interactions. Making it realistic and authentic, and anything but superficial and scripted, would require an infinately more comples AI system than i have personally seen in a videogame. As such, the only way to sucessfully make it work, in the context of Skyrim, would be a simplistic (Though still more complex than comes with the vanilla game) scripted A leads to B leads to C leads to Nekked system. Something similar to Mass Effect or Dragon Age. This is by no means realistic, but it is somewhat involved. Still, the inclusion of depth and the capability for sex is something completely different than the inclusion of the mechanical process. Asside from getting your teenage jollies off, theres no reason i can see to include the actual mechanical process, interactive or no. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rbtRvlt Posted January 23, 2012 Share Posted January 23, 2012 I absolutely, totally agree...though...I do believe the nature of Skyrim itself, its setting, from spoken words from previous Elder Scrolls games and even the current one..."Life is short."...not saying "Make it into Porn!", but it would be a world rife with loveless, one night trysts in a land where, as one character put it, "Life is short in Skyrim. And dangerous."...though of course, things might have changed for the more conservative in the 700 years since oblivion/morrowind. Though I doubt it, considering courtship as it is is "Your single? Lets get married and make viking babies!" Irregardless, a strong historical presence, especially prior to the 21st/late 20th century, is missing. Prostitutes. Im having difficulty imagining why Bethesda left them out, considering their pervasive (though justified) presence in New Vegas. Did it seem to like anyone else Bethesda was trying to absolutely avoid any sort of controversy whatsoever in regards to sex/nudity, considering the absence of prostitution and even the more recent "Fade to Black" sex scene implemented in the two most recent, previous bethesda RPG's? Not to be a nympho here, but he's right, Where's all the whores? Backstab HD for android had whores. Why not skyrim? Nobody knows. I've been waiting for someone to bring up the incongruity, but I wasn't gonna post a request for it xD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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