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Where Does the Negativity Come From?


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I agree with this. I especially can't stand when people say the vanilla games are "unplayable."


it's also incredibly stupid how people hate on bethesda here of all places, which is purposed around a bethesda game and the development tools Bethesda released voluntarily to the public.

It's some kind of passive aggressive nonsense.


It's like every time I come here I see the same posts. If you people hate this game so much, why are you here,? There's the door... go outside, find something to enjoy, stop being so bitter... :wink:



Enjoying things isn't cool.


If you want to be part of the cool kids you have to be a critic about everything. Find validation in yourself by pointing out the flaws in a videogame.

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Also I wish the game had the survival game mode from the start. I am currently playing through it on survival, and now building settlements has more meaning. On my first play through I skipped it. But on survival, making it back "home" to my red rocket garage, having the guns I collected on wall displays (because I cant carry all of them) really adds to the sense of creating my place. Looking at my gun collection, I can remember where I found each gun and each piece of armor. And that is much deeper storytelling for me than obsessing over making a decision in New Vegas on which npc group travels to the other npc group's base to have a shoot out.

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You like Fallout 4? "You're just a stupid console kid that only cares about shooting! Obsidian makes the best Fallout games!"


You dislike Fallout 4? "You only dislike it because of nostalgia, Fallout 4 is superior to every other Fallout! Bethesda makes the best Fallout games!"

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You like Fallout 4? "You're just a stupid console kid that only cares about shooting! Obsidian makes the best Fallout games!"


You dislike Fallout 4? "You only dislike it because of nostalgia, Fallout 4 is superior to every other Fallout! Bethesda makes the best Fallout games!"


That's what it seems like.


Is it possible to like fallout 4 independantly from the other ones? Fallout 3 was fun, NV and Fallout 1 were fun, for as little as I played them. Why must this always be compared to its predecessors.

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Can't their be a middle ground?


I for one got what I bargained for. Not the most memorable game in the world, but something keeping me entertained for a few dozen hours after release. And then again about six months later. Now I'm bored agaiin. Was that way with every Beth game apart from Morrowind, which for me, was an entirely novel concept when it came out.


Comparisons are valid. Because they tell you what you can and can't expect when buying any Beth game. They're never top of the pops, but they're always entertaining for a while. The ones outright hating FO4 probably bought into the prerelease hype.

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Can't their be a middle ground?


I for one got what I bargained for. Not the most memorable game in the world, but something keeping me entertained for a few dozen hours after release. And then again about six months later. Now I'm bored agaiin. Was that way with every Beth game apart from Morrowind, which for me, was an entirely novel concept when it came out.


Comparisons are valid. Because they tell you what you can and can't expect when buying any Beth game. They're never top of the pops, but they're always entertaining for a while. The ones outright hating FO4 probably bought into the prerelease hype.



I think a lot of criticism comes out when people get bored of the game. I've been playing it pretty much every day since January and I am still interested.


That said, some things about it do bother me. But I am slowly fixing them by creating mods, so it's all good.


When Skyrim came out I loved it for a few months, then got bored, modded it to death, and got bored again. I do believe that Morrowind was a better Elder Scrolls game than Skyrim and Oblivion but that's another can of worms.


I also think Fallout 4 is a huge step up from betheda's previous title. They brought back some concepts I enjoyed from the past, like the armor pieces for left/right limbs, layering of clothes, so on. I am impressed by the in-game construction mechanic.


I really hope they keep the "wardrobe" clothing deal and the settlement building for the next elder scrolls title. Can you imagine how cool it would be to become a feudal lord in an elder scrolls game? And have an arming coat/harness that you attach steel plate armor to? And the new materials, with photorealistic steel textures.

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I really hope they keep the "wardrobe" clothing deal and the settlement building for the next elder scrolls title. Can you imagine how cool it would be to become a feudal lord in an elder scrolls game? And have an arming coat/harness that you attach steel plate armor to? And the new materials, with photorealistic steel textures.



You know my major gripe with any Bethesda game boils down to one thing and that is directly connected to the above. In their vanilla state the world doesn't react to what you do and what you are. It has been that way since Morrowind, which was the first Beth game I played and it's still the case with FO4. Even if you make head of a guild or just saved the asses of a particular settlement, the NPCs treat you like Johnny NoNo or the new stable hand.


Unmodded of course. Big thanks to the modder creating the less stupid replies mod by the way. It's a huge immersion breaker for me when that happened and I have little hope of Beth ever changing that, if they weren't up to the job in 14 frigging years.

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Except I rather enjoyed it, even if I did get bogged down in a lot of settlement crap along the way. So yes, it's not only playable, but enjoyable as well.


See, there's a lot of us who actually like their games but get sick of hearing from the minority about how bad they supposedly are at everything. If this were true, they'd have failed as a developer the way Obsidian did and would have had to come to beg from the public the same way to be able to go back and try one last time to redeem themselves.


Anyway, the point is, you have your opinion, I have mine, and everyone else has theirs. It only looks like negativity when the same people show up to bash the company every time.


I agree with this. I especially can't stand when people say the vanilla games are "unplayable."


it's also incredibly stupid how people hate on bethesda here of all places, which is purposed around a bethesda game and the development tools Bethesda released voluntarily to the public.

It's some kind of passive aggressive nonsense.


It's like every time I come here I see the same posts. If you people hate this game so much, why are you here,? There's the door... go outside, find something to enjoy, stop being so bitter... :wink:


Honestly the only game that's unplayable without mods is Fallout 3 and that's because there are a lot of problems with it on modern systems. Fallout 4 is 100% playable without mods.

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I really hope they keep the "wardrobe" clothing deal and the settlement building for the next elder scrolls title. Can you imagine how cool it would be to become a feudal lord in an elder scrolls game? And have an arming coat/harness that you attach steel plate armor to? And the new materials, with photorealistic steel textures.



You know my major gripe with any Bethesda game boils down to one thing and that is directly connected to the above. In their vanilla state the world doesn't react to what you do and what you are. It has been that way since Morrowind, which was the first Beth game I played and it's still the case with FO4. Even if you make head of a guild or just saved the asses of a particular settlement, the NPCs treat you like Johnny NoNo or the new stable hand.


Unmodded of course. Big thanks to the modder creating the less stupid replies mod by the way. It's a huge immersion breaker for me when that happened and I have little hope of Beth ever changing that, if they weren't up to the job in 14 frigging years.



I try to rationalize this by pretending the NPCs are morons and don't know who the player character is. After all it's not like posters of your face are put up everywhere when you become chairperson of a guild.

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