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Skyrim patch downloading right NOW (pc)


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oh groovy, so I put Steam in offline mode and yet it downloaded the update. Way to earn my trust Steam, really. So now I know I can't godamn trust it to remain "offline". Could be doing all kind of things behind my back. what the f***.


I reverted to the 1.1 Exe, and I should be getting the LAA (cheers chumps didn't know such a patch existed). Steam is now firewalled, blocked from my HDD and devoid of any internet connection. I was trusting the "offline" mode but not anymore.

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I'm glad I run the .exe directly and am not even using steam so I didn't get this horrific patch downloaded automatically. I'm gonna wait for the REAL patch before I update anything.


Don't raise your hopes too much, I bet they're going to force the same crap on us in any subsequent patch they release.


Well, whatever. I don't like the current trend that is leaning toward taking away freedom from users AND dumbing down the game for the more casual majority. You can keep your DLCs and games Bethesda, from now onwards I am not going to buy anything from you. http://plurkfiends.com/wp-includes/images/smilies/a5ae31c4185bc60cd006650dc10f8147.gif

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the main Problem with Steam is, that it forces itself onto gamers.


Digital Distribution of Games? great idea!, automatic Updating? well why not!, Service for Multiplayer gaming, voice chat etc.? all welcome BUT! and thats a big but (wait..that sounds ...nevermind), all that should be optional not "forced".


Also, Steam linking itself with a game? thats kinda like branding with mobile phones as long as there is a possibility of having "unbranded" versions all is good, no "unbranding" possible...bad.


Look, I know many people are happy with Steam and like it but also many are not. I have no Problems with Steam (itself) whatsoever but I have a big ideological Problem when a software sticks itself to another just because they make it so without logical reason. Thats like the fat, ugly friend of a hot chick trolling along wherever you go with her.


Dont forget this, you are paying 60 Euros (thats what I paid for the game in Retail at least) for this game and you must install a Software that is technically, logically, practically etc. unnecessary for a game that has no Multiplayer at all. You are FORCED to install a Software that you would normally not need to play the game. I can not stress this enough.


I can, with grinding teeth, accept that this is necessary against piracy but I cannot accept an argument that says "Steam is so great everybody must have it" please for the love of god, spare me!


P.S. oh and another thing. We are giving away our freedom for their security.

Edited by Arcadiast
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Resourceful individuals will find a way around this problem with careful searching on Google. Or by *cough* looking at Megagames PC *FIXES* ... *cough*

The problem is not if there's a way around this, the problem is why as legitimate paying customers should we be treated like thieves and forced to use illegitimate "fixes"?

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Thats like the fat, ugly friend of a hot chick trolling along wherever you go with her

It's fine to make a point. Don't make yourself look shallow. There a lot better analogies to make then that.


I wonder what's going to be in the actual patch? Probably going to have to wait for an unofficial patch before I download anything...

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the main Problem with Steam is, that it forces itself onto gamers.


No, you're wrong. Nobody forced you to buy Skyrim.

On the box, it is clearly mentionned that you need to install Steam in order to play the game.


That's all. If you bought the game knowing this fact, you accepted it.


I agree this is clearly abused, but you still have the choice. It's not like if it was hidden when you bought the game...

It's just the fact you hoped it wouldn't be too restrictive/boring/embarassing to use Steam, like everyone, or you just didn't care about it :-/

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Thats like the fat, ugly friend of a hot chick trolling along wherever you go with her

It's fine to make a point. Don't make yourself look shallow. There a lot better analogies to make then that.


I wonder what's going to be in the actual patch? Probably going to have to wait for an unofficial patch before I download anything...


Sorry! you are right! I got carried away!




No, you're wrong. Nobody forced you to buy Skyrim.


thats of course a valid point but consider this, I want Skyrim but I dont want Steam and that is just not possible which means effective loss of freedom of choice. As I said before that is not directed at Steam itself, it could be Origin or Activision or <put anything here> for that matter. I just really wish that extra Software would really be "extra" and not mandatory, thats what I mean when I say "forced".

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the main Problem with Steam is, that it forces itself onto gamers.


No, you're wrong. Nobody forced you to buy Skyrim.

On the box, it is clearly mentionned that you need to install Steam in order to play the game.


That's all. If you bought the game knowing this fact, you accepted it.


I agree this is clearly abused, but you still have the choice. It's not like if it was hidden when you bought the game...

It's just the fact you hoped it wouldn't be too restrictive/boring/embarassing to use Steam, like everyone, or you just didn't care about it :-/


You are right...to a point. It is mentioned on the box...on the back in very tiny letters, which I missed. Some of us are too busy to hear all the hype before the game, and I understand (now) that this was mentioned as a requirement before the game was released...again, I missed it. That being said, had I known this before I picked up my game, I may have given pause as to whether I wanted it or not. As an older game payer, I am admittedly set in my ways, especially when I spend this kind of money on any game. I expect to install the game with out having to involve a third party like Steam...even to activate it. I don't have an issue activating my game on line, but I do expect to do that with the company that produced it, and any updates.


And of course that issue of not having any choice, that really burns me. There are those out there that like Steam...hey, go for it...but I don't want anything to do with them and that choice was taken away. Long story short, it is the principal of the whole thing and in my mind, just bad business. I am enjoying the game despite some of the issues and I will say it was worth the money, but...Bethesda lost me as a customer for any future games if they continue down this road. I hope that a spy from Bethesda is snooping around in the forums and actually reading some of these post. It's the folks who spend their money on the games from any company that make that company successful, and they need to listen to those folks (us). But I am not holding my breath on that one. :devil:


So I admit that I am partially at fault in my excitement about this game, but it won't happen again, this I do know. :tongue:

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200+ posts in less than 24 hours because a DRM patch screwed up a surprising number of PC gamers. I wonder if this is unique to this forum since almost everyone here uses mods or if it is just as bad an inconvenience outside of nexus.


nope bethesda's forum as well



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