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Imperial Legion mod


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Dnuken, I deem myself tolerant of people who don't try too hard to make their posts look visually appealing and/or easy to read, but I think it'd really be much better if you used fullstops to separate your sentences, that really doesn't require too much work. Also your ideas would make a better impact if the reader didn't have to read the text a few times to get it.
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ok this is what i ment to say.

i feel that making new forts or replacing old ones is the best direction to go in, but i understand if people do not want to mess with what there all ready is . there is another solution to be consider we could make a brand new world space but this would require a mass amount of efffort and turns the hill of a mod into a mountin (like i say all the time only an idear) but solves the lack of space problem.

I know in oblivion that you can find out about the gray fox throught staying in the ic jail , black horse courior and poster around the ic city i think we could create propaganda poster to conscript the palyer in to the legion ,or wile your in jail your give the opiton of joining up or serving your sentance.

im still not sure what tile sets you are planning to use for the forts if you can send me a link to a pic or name the set i would be gratefull , and i am not sure if you have started to put this in to the cs if you have i would very much like to help with the project by building parts of it and not just handing out idears if so could you send me the esp file if not dont worry

im also very sorry if my early post did not make seanse annoyed you or insulted you in any way i just would like to help in anyway i can

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yeah i understand thought it dose get annoying haveing to read messages 20 time to understand them lol.i tryed to have a look at your map but when i loaded the page i could not make head or tails of it (the web page i mean ,didnt even get to your map) is there any way you can shrink the file and upload it here ?? :thanks:
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  Stormraven said:


I just wanted to say I looked through your album on photobucket, very nice work.

:thanks:. Unfortunayly, I have not been able to update my album yet. Much has been changed or added.


  sanada_yukimora said:
I agree. He's an awesome modder and I'd definately love to have him on the team.
:D :thanks:


I have Two ideas that I wish to share. I believe it would be a fine idea if you commit a crime in the wilderness or in a small town, the legion patrols would arrest you but rather than taking you back to the city, you would be jailed in a fort which has jurisdiction in the said area. For example, If I attacked a citizen in Weye but was sent to prison, I would spend my sentence in fort Nikel as that is the nearest Imperial garrison. Also, when recruiting help for Bruma, Senator Ocata refuses to send any legionaries. Of course, we could give the player the chance to receive additional help by helping certain forts which are under siege by oblivion gates. Once a fort is reieved, the garrison commander will consider dispatching a few of his/her men to relieve Bruma.

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We haven't started any of this in CS yet; my goal is to get everything worked out, get it all clean and 'shake the dust off' so to speak, before we get started on it. We should have everything planned out, should have it all ready to put straight into the CS without any second thoughts on what we need. Like I said, I want to get it all done in one big go without fifty thousand updates. I'm still personally for the idea of making new forts, but if we can change the old, ruined forts to the bigger, cooler castle ones, that'd be fine. I want to go for an Imperial feel as much as I can. More of a modern thing. The older ones are, I'm guessing, just that; ancient, old, ruined and decrepit. More modern, newer forts are my goal. I'm still, and will remain, all for the castle look. One tall keep is cool, but I don't like tall and narrow. I like walls, battlements, towers and a central keep in the middle. Trapdoors so you can get onto the walls, barracks, the whole nine yards.
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  sanada_yukimora said:
I like walls, battlements, towers and a central keep in the middle. Trapdoors so you can get onto the walls, barracks, the whole nine yards.

The Colovian Forts will have that too. As I said, I have not completed the outer sanctum for Fort Nikel yet. When completed, you will be able to acomplish alll said things in your quote.

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  Dnuken said:
ok i understand thats probaly a better way of doing this than doing random updates. cyronarxes could you plaeas post a link to you fort nikel mod please im interested in looking in to how you went about recreating it from the ruin tile set (thats what i imagine you used)

It is not a mod thus far. I still have some work to accomplish on the outer sanctum (outer walls, barracks, stables, guard towers, ect). I also need to work on the prison. Once I update the images, you should be able to understand what I am striving for. Chow

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The only thing I didn't go for about the layout of your fort, Cyonarxes, was the roofing area. The top of it, the way it came up into the cone-shape with the point stood out against the stone. I'll say it here and now, it's tons better then I could, and will, ever do. I personally would rather go for the flat roof with the jagged top and spaces every five or ten feet or so for archers, personally. But this is just me.
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