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Guys who play girl characters


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I think it's far more disturbing to see someone's avatar being a someone they find attractive(females do it too)... Never did understand that...


I don't play as female characters as it would only be fooling myself. If I want to stare at a lovely female I'll simply date one I find attractive. Guys if you're busy looking at fake T&A it's not going to get you real T&A lol. Same goes for whatever your sexual preferences are.



Do you really think we play female toons for that reason?


These kind of posts are pretty self-explanitory and obvious. And why do you care, anyway? Not trying to sound like a jerk, but really. Cry about something that matters. I have a male Stormcloak, a female dark elf in the DB, and a female Imperial Legate. So? Trust me, if I was a pervert, I would not look to a 3D chick to get off on.

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Play whatever you want; don't worry about what others think and don't bother them with what you think.


The end.

It annoys me just to know there are some people out there who take this so seriously that they'd question my sexual preference because I don't limit my characters to a single gender. It's a massive pet peeve of mine and probably everyone else who 'crossdresses' in videogames. It's like you're watching a movie and some guy leans over your shoulder, whispering "It's all fake. They're all actors following a script" in your ear. You start feeling ashamed of trying to be creative, rather than conforming to everyone's notion that your character needs to be a perfect representation of your real life self.

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It annoys me just to know there are some people out there who take this so seriously that they'd question my sexual preference because I don't limit my characters to a single gender.



Why care? Usually the ones feeling their need to express their machismo are the ones with insecurity issues.

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I'm a guy, and i usually pick girls in games. In fighting games like mortal kombat, street fighter, tekken, i usually pick chicks. When i play crysis i even choose the female voice over the male voice for the suit. I guess its because i love girls and i rather look at a female figure than a male one.
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I'm a closet transgendered person that would love nothing more than to be a hot fantasy-type woman with a set of really huge....swords. There, is that the answer these topics are always fishing for?


For a serious answer, I play both. It depends on the goal I am setting at character creation. I do tend to select female more often and I think it is because they tend to have more effort put into the models and clothing than males. This Doesn't seem to be the case in Skyrim, but it's demonstrably true in quite a few other games.


he got it right on the ball, jkjk

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I actually find the "U R ghey if you play girlz LOL!111!!!ELEVEN!!!!!11!!, CUZ I play big strong hairy shirtless guys because I'm a guy" argument pretty ironic. :biggrin:



I live in Asia so I'm not 100% sure about the western world, but I thought liberty and freedom of speech is supposed to be really cool down there?

Don't think or worry so much u guys. All these are trivial things that don't even affect others...


Just do what you feel now.

Electric feel now.

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I live in Asia so I'm not 100% sure about the western world, but I thought liberty and freedom of speech is supposed to be really cool down there?

Don't think or worry so much u guys. All these are trivial things that don't even affect others...


Just do what you feel now.

Electric feel now.


I'm not worried at all, I was just reversing the argument to show how silly all of this really is.

As you've seen from this thread, I play female characters pretty much exclusively now because I feel they're more dynamic and far more interesting than some cardboard cutout superhero clone/stereotype that I've grown sick of over the past 35-40 years

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That depends on how I want to role play the character, if is to be involved in romance it is always male... if not, depend... I like to play mages as females most of time, thiefs have balanced chance of being chosen for certain playthru and fighters almost always are males in my book. The main reason I'm sure was pointed several times in this long thread... if is to be looking a character moving on the screen I rather be looking to a beautiful female body than a male's...


Another reason, maybe, is the naming ... for some reason female names are good to make wordplay in my native language, just a few examples:


Mara Kutaya -> Maracutaia --> not easy to translate, it is something like dirty trick, obscure deals (normally associated with politicians but not restricted to). I use that name for thieves or if I know she would be noble or politically engaged someway.


Eladora Sorrezah --> literally "she loves to pray" ... for cleric's naming, of course


Lathra Dukesseu --> Robber of what is yours - someone thought thief?


for the very few times I played a female fighter her name was linked with the sympathetic species known in English by tapir (anta)


one example of male name for fighter I used more than once


Schutubald (kicks the bucket)


for mage is always Nosisab Ken Keleh from the P&P roleplaying age... meaning literally - "Is not known who he is" to enforce the idea of an elusive mage of mysterious origin... and so on.

Edited by nosisab
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