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Guys who play girl characters


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Speaking of height, I do wonder how much mods can effect the height values....I play a Nord male with a true heights mod....that plus his weight slider at max makes him a big man...and due to another mod I have that allows him to somersault I was stunned the other day to find that he was actually able to somersault over and completely clear a Dark Elf male (Dark Elves are quite short in my game...top of their heads roughly in line with a Nord males shoulder)....the Dark Elf was stationary at the time and my Dovahkin was running...was epic to watch... :biggrin: ....I was surprised it could be done though.

I don't use Mods for what I can do with the Console. Just Player.setscale 1.5 will make a Bosmer the height of an Altmer, or a High Elf almost as tall as a giant. If it set the heights of all the NPCs, now that would be cool. Anod also make Kajit faster, like they're supposed to be.

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I can't read through 75 pages....so I am just going to post this


has someone not pointed out that perhaps some people prefer to roleplay as characters?


I am an author of sorts. I create characters and write about them male and female.


If I want to experience a game from different viewpoints ( especiallly in one as immersive as skyrim ) I play different roles, in different places with different goals and yes, with different genders.

I write a story about my character when I play.


I enjoy playing my Wood elf warrior just as much as my Female Nord Barbarian. It has nothing to do with how they look ( though the women are easier on the eyes....far more than the old disease ridden oblivion ones. ) =)

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Well, 59 pages says that everything was probably already said. Anyways, I think the best point is... Why does it matter? People really insist on making some things taboo, but those are the people who are missing out in life. Taboos are what hold people back. I'm not saying that everyone needs to turn gay, but holding taboos means that you are going to go through life ignorant and afraid to see new things, and perhaps miss a greater understanding than your meager existence.


Maybe some guys are gay, and maybe some guys like to role play, and maybe most of us just don't really care. Why do people have to prove that they are not gay? I know I like women, but I'm sure no one cares, and I don't blame them.

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I have read a few things of threads like this in the past and the most common of answers is that guys play gals so they have eye candy as they joilt and "jiggle" about any of the Beth games (Fallouts, Oblivion and Skyrim... i mean jiggle since the whole bouncy boobs thing is popular)


Guys tend to play a lot of Cpu games and with addictive and immersive games such as Skyrim, they spend long hours playing, they would also want to reflect their personal tastes in some way and idea of how they wish to experience thier version of Skyrim but at the same time have a bit of meat to lust over as they play.


Lots of Female Eye candy exist because of this, one such mod aims the camera view from below the waist line so that the viewer/PC can ogle thier character's behind when wearing a skimply elven clad armor.


"Baah... they are all horney 14 yr old kids who just want to ogle pixelated boobies and slash blood" is one such phrase i heard before though not sure its exact words but that is far from true.


My personal preferance is playing a male characters in what ever game I come across if it involves creating an unique character from scratch with the exeption of VtM:Bloodlines as the female malk dialogue is the best.

I leave it up to female companions for the eye candy.

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I would have played as a female for that reason, but I was able to make all the necessary edits to my follower instead. Much better to marry your hot character than to actually be her. At least it is for me.
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Speaking of height, I do wonder how much mods can effect the height values....I play a Nord male with a true heights mod....that plus his weight slider at max makes him a big man...and due to another mod I have that allows him to somersault I was stunned the other day to find that he was actually able to somersault over and completely clear a Dark Elf male (Dark Elves are quite short in my game...top of their heads roughly in line with a Nord males shoulder)....the Dark Elf was stationary at the time and my Dovahkin was running...was epic to watch... :biggrin: ....I was surprised it could be done though.

I don't use Mods for what I can do with the Console. Just Player.setscale 1.5 will make a Bosmer the height of an Altmer, or a High Elf almost as tall as a giant. If it set the heights of all the NPCs, now that would be cool. Anod also make Kajit faster, like they're supposed to be.


'Height Adjusted Races and True Giants'....yes, it alters both the PC and all the NPC's heights in the game

Edited by StayFrosty05
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Well, 59 pages says that everything was probably already said. Anyways, I think the best point is... Why does it matter? People really insist on making some things taboo, but those are the people who are missing out in life. Taboos are what hold people back. I'm not saying that everyone needs to turn gay, but holding taboos means that you are going to go through life ignorant and afraid to see new things, and perhaps miss a greater understanding than your meager existence.


Maybe some guys are gay, and maybe some guys like to role play, and maybe most of us just don't really care. Why do people have to prove that they are not gay? I know I like women, but I'm sure no one cares, and I don't blame them.



I don't see how being gay would matter in a "Guys who play girl characters". I'd imagine many would prefer male characters in fact. I mean, if they didn't like girls then why would they play as one? They wouldn't get any of that yaoi action.


I see little reason why any male who plays a girl character would be gay or even have questionable tenancies. In fact, I see it as evidence to the opposite. Meanwhile a male playing a male character has a greater chance to be gay if you ask me ( Afterall, dat ass :wink: ), but its still more of a neutral ground.


Reason I play girl characters. I prefer to have nothing to do with males let alone play them. Though killing them is more then fine :3 Shame the Sexchange command only changes the body and not the face :/ Or I'd have Cicero be a girl as well... Maybe Lucien Lechant as well if it'd work on a ghosty summoned character.... I should try sometime...

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I RP one of these:




And one of these:




Just be glad your not this guy:



Edited by Enatiomorph
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