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Guys who play girl characters


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I am exactly like you man, wondering why people play girl characters rather than boy characters,


I like making a person who looks like myself and acts like myself for a full immersive first person experience of skyrim


People's only excuse seems to be; I like to see a girls ass and tits in third person and blah blah third person


And my answer to these people is, WHAT THE F*** are you doing playing third person in a solely first person designed series such as the elders scolls? also mentioning they dont like looking at a boys ass? excuse me but if you cant help but stare at someones ass through a thick armor you have problems


Im out.

Thats Oliyox for you ladies and gentlemens.

And I can't understand people who try to put themselves in a game and find that 'immersive'....but I don't have a problem with them doing so, if that's what's they enjoy, then by all means play it like that...so long as their enjoying it....So why are you so concerned and affronted by how other people choose to play their first and third person game?...Funny how a 'first' person comes in 'third' person also huh.... :rolleyes:


That's exactly right. People play as what they want, and no one should judge them on it.


I like playing as both.

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Uhm... I am quite happy that I can play Skyrim in third person, thank you very much. I feel extremely uncomfortable with first person view in games - it feels like running around with blinders, no peripheral vision what so ever.


Concerning the topic, I play as both in single-player and mmo, because I usually make up a background story for my character during character-creation and it ends up being either male or female. Besides there are things way more interesting to watch in Skyrim than my Thief's backside ... I mean, even when he's not invisible and / or sneaking around somewhere.

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For me it is simple. So much normally goes into females by the developers then the males. A lot more goes into the women. No offense ladies but it is true.

When I normally choose a charecter like in soul blade, i always went for mitzuragi, but later games developed.... more and more went into designing woman then the guys.

Now a days when i play a male charecter I can't really get into it, for a man, its about his presence, for woman it is simple.. her curves. It is a lot easier to make a woman

look good in a game then it is a man. And as men we all know what we look at more lol.


So lately I have been choosing woman over men for that reason alone. Not a lot is put into men. I am in any way trying to sound sexist or biast. That is what I have

noticed for quite some time. Being a guy it sucks for me because to me its like they are saying........ oh well they're guys they dont need that much datail put into them

or what ever it might be. And being that I like woman and am straight I will choose a female charecter for those reasons.

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For me it is simple. So much normally goes into females by the developers then the males. A lot more goes into the women. No offense ladies but it is true.

When I normally choose a charecter like in soul blade, i always went for mitzuragi, but later games developed.... more and more went into designing woman then the guys.

Now a days when i play a male charecter I can't really get into it, for a man, its about his presence, for woman it is simple.. her curves. It is a lot easier to make a woman

look good in a game then it is a man. And as men we all know what we look at more lol.


So lately I have been choosing woman over men for that reason alone. Not a lot is put into men. I am in any way trying to sound sexist or biast. That is what I have

noticed for quite some time. Being a guy it sucks for me because to me its like they are saying........ oh well they're guys they dont need that much datail put into them

or what ever it might be. And being that I like woman and am straight I will choose a female charecter for those reasons.


I like the challenge of making my character look good.


Problematically it also makes it hard for me to make a character of the same race and gender that looks different because I spent so much time making the best looking person I could. Giving him a different hair color or beard just messes the whole thing up.

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*laughs* Cynder1, is that's an indirect request to employ more female concept-artists in the gaming industry? Your statement reminded me of a passage from the Hobbit art-of book. One of the concept-artists commented, that she suspects, that she only did so much work on Filli and Killi, because they were supposed to look very handsome and the art-directors simply believed that she could do a better job in this than her male colleagues. :smile:

I usually try to make my characters' looks match their personality. For example I envisioned my Spellsword as ambitious, very straightforward, stubborn and honorable to a fault, as this seemed fitting for the more offensive play-style I wanted to try with her (I usually prefer stealthy characters). So I wanted her to look like a stern, no-nonsense warrior-type, someone you wouldn't want to mess with. Considering her approach to problem solving, a broken nose and a few scars were in order. Eventually I decided, she had also lost an eye in some ambush, but instead of reconsidering her tactics, she wears her injury like a badge of honor, hightlighting it with war-paint. The lovely lady on the left is, what I ended up with. (... and yes, she's my Stormcloak :wink: )


Edited for typos.

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Yes I am saying that the artists and who ever else puts time into making characters puts more time into the woman they they do the men.

It just seems that way. When I look at the male characters in game they do not look impressive. I meanin reality there are things men can

do physically while the same task is harder for woman to do. There is nothing that sets men apart form women in games usually.


Why would I not pick a toon that right off the back looks better then the other toon hands down and can do the same thing the other toon can do. The female toons

have it all. There is no need to use a male toon in skyrim. If I were gay then I probably might use the make toons. Yea I am nit picking but tell me I am wrong about it.

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I play male characters. I am male. I tend to see aspects of myself, or aspects of my "ideal" self in the characters I create. Never once have I ever desired to be some buxom thong swallowing strumpet within a video game. I have tried the occasional female character for story or immersion, but it starts to feel strange very quickly and I end up switching back to a Male character. Games like Tomb Raider are different. There is no character creation there. It's like i'm reading a book. I don't identify with the character like I do in a game where I create the main character.


To the individuals who play girl characters just to stare at an ass or breast... grow up. Go get your ass and breast watching done separately like everyone else. I find it bizarre that people work so hard to combine the two. Nudity mods are ok IMO for immersion (removing the default small clothes of the NPCS for example) but I have seen countless mods here that are just way way over the top with the nudity and the warping of the female body. Seriously... it's absurd. I also find all the countless screen shots of all the bikini/thong clad female warriors trudging through the harsh climes of Skyrim battling dragons clad only in their high heels and thongs to be incredibly silly.


I also don't get the Anime/Manga/Hentai injection into Skyrim that goes on. Why go out of your way to bring that into Skyrim, when it already exists elsewhere?


I am not trying to hate, just trying to understand. I see these trends and so many people blindly follow them. I like to think that there are others like me out there that do not follow trends as easily as so many others seem to do, but I don't think there are.

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I think, I can't really relate to the whole immersion-thing. I previously thought, that immersion meant... well what it means when you loose yourself in a book you really like, that you loose track of time and the outside world. I can relate to the characters in a game, but I don't identify myself with them - no matter whether they are premade or I generated them myself. I see my own face everyday in the mirror at least two times a day, I don't really need to recreate it with the character-generator ... or try to idealize it. It wouldn't help me to imagine what it would be like to walk the roads of Skyrim any better, nor would it help me to relate to the story any better or feel in any way better about myself. On the other hand, if I would start to blur the line between life and game, it would put me in some morally uncomfortable situations. I probably could only ever join the College of Winterhold from this point of view, because all the other guilds are thieves, murderers, or a bunch of glorified thugs. Why would I even want to put such restrictions upon myself?


In the end, I think I just understood, why some people get so terribly worked up about the CW, need to find a side that matches their personal views best and end up demonizing the other side way beyond every game-evidence. So, thanks, Sardonicus, that was a real eye-opener.


As to the mangafying thing, the answer probably simply is: "Because they find it aesthetically more pleasing" or cooler. Not my cup of tea either, but to each his or her own.



Edited for typos and such.

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I too was never interested on playing as female character, my 1st character on skyrim is argonian and i got bored really fast. I was hoping argonians would have different swimming animation or khajiit will have cooler running animation than human, but they all walk, run and swim just the same. And then i play the human race as male gender, again i got bored really fast. And it came... the most amazing spark of idea i ever have.. why not play as a female? i thought, and i then proceed to make a female character, with some mods and body texture i finally have my 1st female character on skyrim, that and the over-abundance of armor mods in nexus. I never got bored again
~end blogging.

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