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So like i'm getting a new video card

Aelfric Fey Necurat

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well, if i were you, i would get a....ATI Radeon 9600, i know someone who just got one for $260 (australian dollars), he had no lag in a single game he owns, even morrowind. either that, or get something cheaper, like a geforce 3 ti500, the best in the geforce 3 series, and it easily outperforms the geforce 4 mx series....but it has the pixel shaders.
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thats the drivers, the new catalist drivers are unstable, the previous ones run better, and run morrowind smoothly apparently, although, recent research shows that on laptops the new radeon 9200?? outperforms the geforce fx5200go on morrowind by 10fps at 1024x768...unfortunantly...it has no Direct-X 9 support...no reflective (pixel shaded) waters.


but, you could just go with a geforce 3ti500 or a geforce4 ti4200...or...but be warned, the drivers are terrible as i have a video card by the same company, but worse, a SiS Xabre 600....it outperforms a geforce 4 mx easily...and its insanely cheap...but the drivers.....shudder...

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The new Radeon series are far surpassing the GeForce FX cards - the FX have been EXTREMELY disappoining. My recommendation would be to go with a pretty new Radeon, couldn't give you up-to-date info since I'm still using my trusty, reliable, Geforce Ti4200 which hasn't let me down yet.
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