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Most powerful one handed sword


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I like having the one legendary sword, like Excalibur and from what I've read Umbra isn't in Skyrim. I got my Skyforge Sword up to a 43, but is anyone found the one great sword in Skyrim?


I don't really want to use a Daedric sword, my guy is a Nord Warrior, he needs a sword that fits.



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There are a couple of unique swords which will be stronger. There is the sword of the last Blade to defend Cloud Ruler Temple or Sky Haven (cant remember) which is found in a grotto you'll have to look into this but whether a katana will fit your Nord warrior. There is also Dawnbringer obtained through the Meridia daedric quest which is a unique looking sword which is very powerful it has a glowing part at the end of the hilt and would probably fit a holy warrior style character.
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Good question. I am still very fond of my Blades Katana and have it up to 30 ( I think ). But I just learned that I can duel wield two steel swords and am having a great time with that on now. So I wonder it one could duel wield two 'legendary' swords at once, could be great fun.
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I use a daedric greatsword with over 200 damage

shields are for the weak


Over 200 with one handed daedric sword! :biggrin:

Train own enchant too 100 and blacksmith to 100.

Make awesome enchanted blacksmith enhancing gear and then drink blacksmith potion, then make the daedric weapon with blacksmith, then enchant. Profit.

with sneak perks and one handed skill you can now oneshot skeletal dragon (or centurions, whatevers) from sneak. Poisons also add nice touch.

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I use a daedric greatsword with over 200 damage

shields are for the weak


with sneak perks and one handed skill you can now oneshot skeletal dragon (or centurions, whatevers) from sneak.


Dude, I can do that with a pair of Flawless Elven daggers. Without maxed out smithing/enchanting.

Edited by frakle
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I use a daedric greatsword with over 200 damage

shields are for the weak


with sneak perks and one handed skill you can now oneshot skeletal dragon (or centurions, whatevers) from sneak.


Dude, I can do that with a pair of Flawless Elven daggers. Without maxed out smithing/enchanting.


I like using the fire breath shout to weaken, then finish them off with enchanted bow and arrows. Swords are for the cowardly. :)

Edited by AbleGnome
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Train own enchant too 100 and blacksmith to 100.

The nr.1 reason people complain about this game being easy. Exploting the craftig professions to the max.

one shotting everything is not fun. Might aswell get 0 mana cost destruction and conjuration, send in 2 overpowered summons and lob in infinite master level shock spell.

You break the game either way.

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