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Site redesign - sneak peek - part 1


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I appreciate the work you all are doing to improve the site; I do however have some thoughts as some others have stated. Maybe add an option to add/remove certain tabs - eg... the news, random. Something akin to being more customized per user.


I also agree with having an option to toggle the page from tiled to a more streamlined, less graphical line by line look. Some people have a bit of a hard time processing all the graphical information at once on a screen and the eyes don't know exactly where to look.


Casting my vote to remove the direct download button too. Many people would use that and bypass the readme or profile page describing exactly what is needed and how to install the mod.


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At the end of the day, as long as we can get our mods, news, and other information we come here to get, I am happy. Designing a new site is a pain in the ass, so do give the guys some slack. That being said, if you have any constructive criticism that could help out, do speak up.


Keep up the good work ya'll. Mahalo.

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I really like the header and the redesign of it. I like how responsive it looks. No more clicking "Search" to make a search.


"File Updates" intrigues me. File Tracking is lacking at the moment. It simply shows a list of mods in the order of latest upload. The Tracking List feed on the game page is like a pointless Facebook wall, unless you edit your preference to show nothing but author actions, you'll be flooded with user actions such as comments and image uploads otherwise.


I'm curious to know if the new site will have NMM tracking functionality, where the website will know what version of what mod you last downloaded and notify you if a newer version has been uploaded by the author (although this seems to be broken in NMM now).


Personally, I don't like Tiles for mod previews. I like the "Flat" design over "Blocks".


When I say "Flat", I mean where mods are listed one after the other, each mod has a landscape preview section (rather than tile) with Mod Title, Thumbnail, Short Description.


I find it easier reading through lists which is what the "Flat" system is. "Flat" does take up more space per mod but I'm more likely to view each thumbnail and read each short description as I scroll down.


Grids are a bit messier and and clustered. With "Blocks" I am far more likely to miss mods in that mess and also forget where I last stopped checking previously if I'm looking at "Latest Files".


Blocks: http://i.imgur.com/3U5frei.png

Flat: http://i.imgur.com/2xJHONg.png

Edited by crazyjackal
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