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Site redesign - sneak peek - part 1


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In response to post #41331365. #41336080 is also a reply to the same post.

pewpewcachu4 wrote: comments are disabled on youtube lmao thats probably because the nexus staff has enough people that hate them to make a new country
Dark0ne wrote: Or we just like to keep things in one place. YouTube comments have always been a cesspit, so we're following TotalBiscuit's lead and keeping things in one place.

If what you want to say can only be said on YouTube, it likely wasn't constructive in any way, shape or form. So naturally, we couldn't care less about that.

Yeah - and enough people that love them to make an entire new continent :) Edited by pedantic
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The only thing I'd really like to see is that the new site take advantage of the extra width we have available on our monitors these days. It's annoying to have a 21:9 monitor and be stuck on a site designed for 4:3 or 5:4. 16:9 at least please.
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As a fellow website designer I would like to say very nice. Looks like a job well done. Of course the proof of this will be in the usability.


The addition of the Search feature everywhere has been something I have been wanting for a while.


On an unrelated note, and because I am Deputy Commander of a WoT Clan, I am wondering when you guys will be adding WoWP and WoWS to go with WoTanks?


Again, nice job. very pretty, can't wait to try it out.

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The Design looks absolutely nice, making it very modern! I like where it's going, keep that up! I'm already in love with it!

I have one question though, will it support the complete 16:9 Aspect Ratio? Or will we have to manually scale it up to make it take more of the screen up? I always use Chrome in Fullscreen Mode (F11) and so it's kind of bugging me to have useless grey bars on the side.

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Something I put in my suggestions for improvement was options for the user to choose how the mods are displayed on the page, like how there is flat and block. Something I'd very much like to see and use is a hybrid of the flat and block which shows both the mod image and all the info and description under it or to the side without having to hover over each one individually.
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Absolutely love the new design, i cant wait for that day when i come on nexus mods to browse whats new and to see this fresh clean format! everything looks fluid and accessible.


I know you most likely wont see this, as there are hundreds of other comments

But maybe you could give the user more customization, like the ability to set theme colors, or set custom backgrounds that could either be uploaded directly or downloaded from an image gallery

I feel as if something like that would really make the sight complete.


Good luck!

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I like the redesign...its whether certain features actually work properly. For example, I am tracking files so that I may know when authors update mods I use. The feature always tells me nothing has changed but when I go to the mod page I find that this is not the case. Also, the search feature is borked to some extent. If I can type "Mod Organizer" in the search field and all the mods that modify mod organizer come up but not the main mod itself...then something is wrong. Google often does a better job of finding mods on Nexus than the Nexus search.
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This looks great. It looks like the 'hotfiles' won't be cut off at 6 anymore, which I like because mods that peak at #7 can be really good but get no attention because they never appear on the front page. Having that arbitrary cutoff at top 6 seems a shame especially during hot modding periods (like right now #6 has about 150 endorsements when it's usually only about 100 so there are a few great mods already with 100+ endorsements that probably won't get much love due to bad timing on their release). Edited by cp44
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