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Y no mods for pretty males?


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I know the only modder who gave us only three realy young male characters (I do not take into account his kids). He is kikireco As for me, this is a perfect embodiment of the very idea of a young man in Skyrim world (for example):



Edited by Skybroom
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@Everyone: I'm sorry if I seemed hostile or rude :< I don't discriminate against anyone; I'm gay and it's just frustrating not being able to find that many male-oriented mods.


You were not being either of those things, I have no idea why dpgillam was throwing around baseless accusations. Seemed like he was in a bad mood and misinterpreted your post as hating female body mods, even though you clearly said otherwise in your post.

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The few that I've seen often have rude comments about "males need to be hardened and tough to brave skyrim", but there are mods for size Z breasts and perfect porcelain doll faces. You realize these girls wouldn't be able to fight, right? They'd die. Rather quickly. Due to their skimpy armor too. D-E-A-D. You want reality? Play a woman like Uthgerd the Unbroken. That's how a real female adventurer would look. I'm not saying these female mods are bad, because frankly a lot of them are artistic and beautiful, but don't try to throw 'logic' at it when you've no skill at debating to begin with.




Well, Lucario, lets just disect what was said:

The first lines, complaining that comments saying "males are hardened while women arent being unrealistic" are rude, starts his rant against the choice of how many (tens of thousands, if the 'Unique download' numbers are to be believed) wish to play: that the men do the hard dirty dangerous jobs that leave one filthy, scarred, and prematurely aged, while the women usually dont. You know, kinda like what happened in actual history. Granted, women did a whole bunch of other types of jobs that left them just as fugly, jobs that arent really represented in Skyrim.


Then there is the carry-on about how "unrealistic" such tastes and preferences are, how such women would be dead. Actually, large breasts were more common historically, and highly desirable. Contrary to current popular political correctness, being gay, a dick-girl, trans, cross-dressing, and such was a reason for execution, even among the non-christian religions.


Women fighters had to prove themselves by the greatest and most heroic of actions, or they were put to death for trying to become warriors, even in the Norse culture. Then again, a woman who died in child-birth was honored even greater than a warrior who died in battle, both by man and gods.


No, a woman wouldnt look like Utgard. First off, to maintain the necessary strength and endurance would require a training regiment that would burn off most body-fat, meaning no tits or ass at all. Second, only idiots fight with long hair, unless you're in a SPORT that rules against grabbing it. Otherwise, it makes a VERY effective point to grab and control the body for immediate decapitation. Third, unless she sleeps in armor with a weapon in hand, she's been raped repeatedly and often, and that was probably by her own side. Men are pigs, a stiff dick has no conscience, and no commander will surrender more than 10% of his force for a single warrior unless that warrior can make up for the loss; most likely, she would be accused of being a cock-tease and kicked out.



but don't try to throw 'logic' at it when you've no skill at debating to begin with.

But this right here, this part. This says "your opinions dont matter. Your beliefs dont matter. Your ideas dont matter. Im right, and I dont recognize your ability to even be able to discuss the issue." And that is what turns all the prior simple complaint into insult.


And, after all that pissing all over everyone, then asks for someone to either find or make a mod to suit his tastes.


Now, normally, Id call someone like that "an arrogant f**ktarded little tw*t-waffle unfit to open the moblie sperm-bank they call a mouth", and move on. What can I say, 20 years in the Army gave me a way with words. But this young man looked like a bright, creative lad, and I thought maybe he could be taught. Hence the kind words telling him where to look, and for what, to be able to teach himself. The fact that you could not recognize them as kind words is your problem, not mine. As any person who commonly participates in any kind of forum knows, all posts have to be assumed as neutral to decent, and sincere. unless some blatant clue presents otherwise. With only words on a screen, just about every message can be twisted to seem harsh, critical, and insulting.


Instead, everyone wants to rub sand in their vaginas and cry about "the meanie".



If you want valid, non-argumentative conversation, avoid things like:


but don't try to throw 'logic' at it when you've no skill at debating to begin with.

Telling people their opinions dont matter wont gain you assistance.


To Lucario: ask clarification before opening your mouth. It makes you look less an ass.


To those that gave him help: thanks. Personally, after his mini-rant, I would rather have let him make it himself, but thats just my opinion.



Ironically, I DO agree we need more "better looking" and some "skimpy armor" mods for males, so that the gays and the ladies can have their eye-candy too. I just dont care enough to learn to make any. But I sure as hell dont complain that other modders arent; If I want it, then I should make it.

Edited by dpgillam
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The few that I've seen often have rude comments about "males need to be hardened and tough to brave skyrim", but there are mods for size Z breasts and perfect porcelain doll faces. You realize these girls wouldn't be able to fight, right? They'd die. Rather quickly. Due to their skimpy armor too. D-E-A-D. You want reality? Play a woman like Uthgerd the Unbroken. That's how a real female adventurer would look. I'm not saying these female mods are bad, because frankly a lot of them are artistic and beautiful, but don't try to throw 'logic' at it when you've no skill at debating to begin with.




Well, Lucario, lets just disect what was said:

The first lines, complaining that comments saying "males are hardened while women arent being unrealistic" are rude, starts his rant against the choice of how many (tens of thousands, if the 'Unique download' numbers are to be believed) wish to play: that the men do the hard dirty dangerous jobs that leave one filthy, scarred, and prematurely aged, while the women usually dont. You know, kinda like what happened in actual history. Granted, women did a whole bunch of other types of jobs that left them just as fugly, jobs that arent really represented in Skyrim.


Then there is the carry-on about how "unrealistic" such tastes and preferences are, how such women would be dead. Actually, large breasts were more common historically, and highly desirable. Contrary to current popular political correctness, being gay, a dick-girl, trans, cross-dressing, and such was a reason for execution, even among the non-christian religions.


Women fighters had to prove themselves by the greatest and most heroic of actions, or they were put to death for trying to become warriors, even in the Norse culture. Then again, a woman who died in child-birth was honored even greater than a warrior who died in battle, both by man and gods.


No, a woman wouldnt look like Utgard. First off, to maintain the necessary strength and endurance would require a training regiment that would burn off most body-fat, meaning no tits or ass at all. Second, only idiots fight with long hair, unless you're in a SPORT that rules against grabbing it. Otherwise, it makes a VERY effective point to grab and control the body for immediate decapitation. Third, unless she sleeps in armor with a weapon in hand, she's been raped repeatedly and often, and that was probably by her own side. Men are pigs, a stiff dick has no conscience, and no commander will surrender more than 10% of his force for a single warrior unless that warrior can make up for the loss; most likely, she would be accused of being a cock-tease and kicked out.



but don't try to throw 'logic' at it when you've no skill at debating to begin with.

But this right here, this part. This says "your opinions dont matter. Your beliefs dont matter. Your ideas dont matter. Im right, and I dont recognize your ability to even be able to discuss the issue." And that is what turns all the prior simple complaint into insult.


And, after all that pissing all over everyone, then asks for someone to either find or make a mod to suit his tastes.


Now, normally, Id call someone like that "an arrogant f**ktarded little tw*t-waffle unfit to open the moblie sperm-bank they call a mouth", and move on. What can I say, 20 years in the Army gave me a way with words. But this young man looked like a bright, creative lad, and I thought maybe he could be taught. Hence the kind words telling him where to look, and for what, to be able to teach himself. The fact that you could not recognize them as kind words is your problem, not mine. As any person who commonly participates in any kind of forum knows, all posts have to be assumed as neutral to decent, and sincere. unless some blatant clue presents otherwise. With only words on a screen, just about every message can be twisted to seem harsh, critical, and insulting.


Instead, everyone wants to rub sand in their vaginas and cry about "the meanie".



If you want valid, non-argumentative conversation, avoid things like:


but don't try to throw 'logic' at it when you've no skill at debating to begin with.

Telling people their opinions dont matter wont gain you assistance.


To Lucario: ask clarification before opening your mouth. It makes you look less an ass.


To those that gave him help: thanks. Personally, after his mini-rant, I would rather have let him make it himself, but thats just my opinion.



Ironically, I DO agree we need more "better looking" and some "skimpy armor" mods for males, so that the gays and the ladies can have their eye-candy too. I just dont care enough to learn to make any. But I sure as hell dont complain that other modders arent; If I want it, then I should make it.



man, and people think im an a**hole lol.


Love the stiff dick has no conscience line btw.


There might not be a lot of skimpy sexual type mods for guys but theres definitely quite a few mods that change the male appearance.


You can have a huge cock. Boners. Smooth or hairy. Bodybuilder.


Making slutty looking women is what dominates skyrim tho. The top files are always dominated by bouncing butts and boobs and skimpy armors and female character items in general. They even have a name for it in modding in regards to making a "dream girl" lol


gay or straight tho i just dont understand why turning skyrim into a medieval porno is so popular.

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gay or straight tho i just dont understand why turning skyrim into a medieval porno is so popular.


Blame it on enb cause of the working sss shader.

Also its mor work to make something that covers entire body.


But in the end its only people are gonna make what they want to make its probly better not to pay attention to what goes on on someones game.


Anyway. Male fashion is totally suck compared to womens fashion even in the real world.

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Not once did I dismiss any help or links anyone had given me. Also, most of your post is tl;dr.

Try making your points without trying to look like a master-of-da-mind badass. Maybe most people will bother reading it.

I know your type, "Being nice and considerate is just something pathetic people do to earn the favor of everyone".

You must live by those words, hmmn?


Also, 20 years in the army huh?


" I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target."


I'd love to argue with you further, but I tend to steer away from negativity. Cheers! :)

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Trying to put Skyrim in a historically correct frame is futile. It has dragons and elves in it for crying out loud.


Specifically in response to dpgillam: the whole "I am a badass and people who can't cope with my opinions are wusses" thing really grinds my gears. You were (I'm assuimg - please correct me if I'm wrong) lucky enough to be born into two groups that are almost exclusively catered for: straight males. It's very easy to say "It's all fine, stop whinging" whilst your potential wishes are already granted.


From here, I'm not aiming this at you personally, dpgillam: So many people decry "porn mods"* whilst simultaneously defending sexy lady mods: eg. "I don't understand why anybody wants porn mods for Skyrim because I'm totally well-adjusted and have a bajillion RL sex partners, but at least the ones that appeal to straight men are ok because [reasons]". It's total bull. People claiming not to care about something, yet somehow finding the time to list all of the reasons why it should be ignored, are clearly invested in the status quo. I have personally wanted to use an in-depth male companion for several years, but I simply don't have a wide enough skill set to make it happen. You want a mod that lets you change the wallpaper in Breezehome? I'm your gal. You want a well-voiced NPC? Not so much.


Truly individual companions are few and far between, because people who can create a fully-fleshed NPC are few and far between.



* The phrase can be applied to any NPC mod apparently, from a random vanilla-voiced follower to unambiguous sex mods.

Mod authors do not cater for any group. They simply make mod for own enjoyment.


These admirable creations are not driven by the audience, unlike in a commercial scenario.


There is satisfaction of creativity and accomplishment, improvement of objective quality compared to previous work. And fascination of learning.


This accusation of a status quo inclines me to mistrust you.

Or maybe you simply misunderstand what is the meaning of an artist community in the internet.

Nobody is stopping you from making the mods that you would prefer.

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