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Stuttering since the 1.7 patch.


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Well, I'm still at v1.7.9 of the game and didn't get any more or less stuttering and RAM-spikes than usual, but now I'm in the underground corridors of the North Church, heading to the RailRoad lair and, well, it's been an hour real-time and I've gotten halfway through because of atrocious lag. I mean, literally a one frame per scecond rate and even temporary freezes.


Strange thing is that I'm not going higher in RAM use than I would in other stuttery areas: 2.7GB V-RAM (GPU) and 6.98GB of system RAM (minus 2.5GB for OS and background stuff running). There's places around Boston Common and Hangman's Alley where System RAM goes up to 8.5/9GB of use and my GPU sitting against its 3GB limit with just the occasional stutter as a result.


Will persevere and see what happens after I discovered the RR lair entrance, that is, if I ever get there. At this rate, I'll probably need another hour or two: one to reach the entrance and another hour to play with the combination lock... wish me luck :tongue:


Must add I use both ENBoost (its .ini set to use 12228MB of RAM; GPU has 3GB and system has 4x4GB) and ShadowBoost.




Am running 318 mods of which 252 are active plug-ins and every single one of them works as it should; for those claiming that the 1.7 updates are bad for mods...

Edited by JimmyRJump
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Okay, here's an update: had to get out of the game since it hung after adding my previous post. Now restarted the game from my latest save, but with my regular exe (Bilago) instead of the F4SE one and hey, no more freezes and creepy-crawly frame rates but a nice and steady 60fps :wink:


Using 1.4GB of V-RAM and 5GB (minus 2.5GB) of system RAM which is only half of what I used 20 minutes ago :)

Edited by JimmyRJump
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The Ini setting is bUseHarddriveCache=0, The 0 = off and 1 = On this feature was used alot in Skyrim to use your virtual memory what is does is load to your hard drive before sending it to your Ram in Fallout 4 the game does not like this feature on so I set to off or 0 this makes the game load into your Ram which is faster, Also Check to see if you have any un-need patches left behind from mods that updated and no longer need a patch this can cause stuttering and CTDs or just plain wierd graphical bugs, also some foliage texture change mods that change your trees if the texture is to large as in 4096 this can cause huge stuttering on lower and med range machines if this is the case then look for smaller texture size options say 2048 or even 1024 this will help alot.

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Another full install later and the problem seems to be worse than ever. Every other game like War Thunder, Armored Warfare hell even No Mans Sky runs fine but Fallout 4 is just a mess.


At this point I don't even want to try again, I'm not going through another 30 gig download so thanks to everyone that tried to help but I've had enough.

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Yes, it runs. Mostly fine. Took a while till I noticed that patch 1.7 turned my AA settings to the highest possible level as well as VS. That was the reason for the stuttering, since it's way above the paygrade of my card.


What's getting tiresome are the constant CTD in workshop and pip boy mode. No better or worse than with previous patches, but way above what I experienced when the game first came out in november. Back then I even went so far as to call it the most stable Beth game ever. Well, quite a few patches later, I retract that statement.

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A full wipe of windows later, I'm not sure why I continue with this bull. Ill put it down to my love of the Fallout series.


Everything is fresh, windows drivers, graphics drivers, no mods at all. And the stuttering is still present so at this point I'm saying it's either the latest patch or the latest Radeon drivers.


Hopefully this will get patched out for Nuka World as I'm really looking forward to that.

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Same here, since 1.7.10, CTD randomly but often during a cell transition, from inside to outside and conversely.

Before this release (1.7.9) everything worked fine. A real lorry of patches and other updates during this last month for this result, sincerely, I'm slightly "disapointed". For instance, I have deactivated the auto-update option. I don't understand what Bethesda teams try to do but clearly, there is something wrong with their job and their mysterious goal.

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