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Unconvential weapons to kill Supermutants


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Fallout 4 is really bad at weapon variety, everyone knows that. But it occurs to me that modern firearms probably aren't the best items to kill a lot of the mutants in the wasteland. Bullets are designed to cause bleedout and pain, and well, Supermutants are supposed to be very durable as well as strong, and so they probably aren't going to die from bleedout, and neither is an opponent who has these miraculous stimpacks.


So if you were in the Fallout universe and you decided you were going to kill Supermutants, really take the fight to them, what would you do it with? Real life flamethrowers, as opposed to the lamethrowers Fallout gives us, are out because they are obvious, as are antimaterial rifles. You think maces? Or shape charged mines, or....m,y imagination is limited. What's the practical psychopath's guide to Supermutant genocide?

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Mines. Not the silly garbage we get in fallout. I am talking about bouncing bettys and claymore mines. Things that would literally shred the enemy.


Failing that, chainsaws (not the ripper, but something with some decent range).


white phosphorus ammo rounds - literally burn the enemy up from the inside.


Mustard gas - Sure super mutants are tough, but they need to breath.


Bat bombs - I kid you not, its a real thing. Strap some napalm to a bat and let the bat roost in a supermutant house.

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While an anti material rifle chambered in (Barret in real life) .50 BMG is quite nice for defensive sniping I sure as hell wouldn't want to lug one around again.


Friend of mine has one and he let me shoot it at his outdoor range on the condition I had to get it there. Unloaded the damn thing weighs damn near 30 pounds and the ammo adds a ton more weight.



Personally if I were going to snipe I would prefer something in the new rechambered .338 Lapua. You would get all the distance of a .50 but at half the weight. The only down side is it isn't as adequate at going though buildings and armored vehicles.

They also come in bullpup designs making them quite easy to handle.



As for other things


Mines & IED's.

Punji Pits

And good old fashioned rubble being dumped on them by the ton (lots of partially destroyed buildings out there after all)

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