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Tutorial: 3ds Max Skinned Meshes Into Game


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Hello people, I spent some time on the forum to read up on my problem, but I still can not understand it well.

I created a new mesh using two separate meshes, the curaiass of Tullius's armor and legs of thievsguild armor (wiev the attachment).


But in games appears a crazy amorphus jumble


From the little I could understand, maybe it's Weld Vertex Weight Problem or Problem. Understand the good but not this stuff.


I created the _1.nif _0.nif and the files with exactly the same mesh.


I have absolutely no idea of the vertex or weight parameters


I've already read half this thread


Can anyone explain the situation better?


Thanks very much and sorry for my broken English

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Jumble of polygons sounds like the skinning is screwed up. can't say why exactly without more info. Just check the skin modifier before you export and see if the skinning looks alright. then check yout export settings against what is shown in the first post.
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A followup to my previous post (no. 350 of this thread),


I was able to discover that the increase in file size whenever I export the CBBE body is perhaps due to some verts being duplicated during export, because afterwards, the number of verts in the exported mesh will always differ from the original mesh. This would be fine if the changes done to the _0 body and _1 upon exports is the same, but for some reason they're not. This causes the problem I mentioned before where the exported _0 body will always be smaller in file size than the _1 body. This makes it difficult for me because I cannot (as far as my limited knowledge allows) make a proper weight morph for my armor as long as the CBBE body export result in different sized files.


So if anyone knows of a way to allow me to export both light and heavy version of the body so that they would result in a same-sized file, please let me know. I've tried every import and export setting I could think of but still can't resolve the issue. I'm hoping someone with more knowledge or experience can help.


For more detail on my problem please refer to post no. 350. Thanks.

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It's probably the UV or a smoothing group. Or you have been welding verts at export. you make no mention of morphing a clone of the _0 into the _1 and using that. So try doing that.


Sorry, I'm kind of a noob, so I'd just like to clarify :blush:


About the smoothing groups or UV, if they were the source of the problem, how would I be able to resolve them? Is it something that can be done by tinkering with the exporter values?


Also, I've made sure (as far as I can tell) that no vertices were set to be welded either during import or export. Previously they were set to the default 0.01 in the export menu, but then I changed it to 0, still the same. The amount of vertices would change as soon as I export them. Unless there's another way to make sure?


About the morph, what I did was import the CBBE body_0 when I worked on the light version of my armor, then exported it as light version. Then I imported the CBBE body _1, and made changes to my armor (same mesh as before) to conform to this heavier body, and exported this as heavy version, The armor itself morphs fine in-game. It's the part that uses the CBBE body that won't play nice :confused:


Any help would be appreciated

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The smoothing groups and UV are not the exporter. Smoothing groups create extra vertices at the border of 2 groups, creating a hard edge. vertices can only contain 1 vertex normal and smooth groups are basically used in max to make mesh editing easy by having hard edges, without actually splitting the geometry. But that would get split and create extra verts if you export it to any games file format.


In nifs all UV borders are extra verts.

create a cylinder with 8 sides. the UV is laid out as 2 end caps and the tube part is just cylinder unwrapped, eachon separate islands. make some smoothing groups, the main tube body on one and then the end caps on their own. if you count the verts in max you would see 16 right? that is actually 34 verts total if you count that in a nif. 8 per end cap, 8 per top edge of the tube, and 2 more because the way the cylinder is unwrapped there is a seam down the side of the cylinder.


just make sure the UVs are laid out correctly and you have no over laps to avoid any splits happening or things goiing weird. It shouldn't be this, being a body it should be a full unwrap, object space normals can't use over lapped UV shells, it'll invert the normal direction if anything is mirrored


If you aren't welding some vertices at export then you can rule that out.


So in the end just make a clone of the _0 mesh and use the morpher modifier to morph that into the shape of the _1... assuming it's export that screws it up and not import.

Edited by Ghogiel
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Thank you for the detailed explanation. I checked the UV map, and if I understood your explanations correctly then I can confirm that there are no overlapping of the UV map pieces (don't know what the correct term is :tongue: ). The CBBE body consist of 3 separate islands (to borrow your term) consisting of the main body and arms ( 1 piece), and 2 legs (2 separate piece). All of them overlays a different part of the texture with no overlap as far as I can tell.


About the morph, I've never really used one before but if I'm not mistaken this involve importing both _0 and _1 body. Assigning the morpher to both, and pacing a value of 0 to the _0 body, and 100 to _1 body, and then have the _0 body set to 100 in order for it to transform into the exact shape of the _1 body. Is this about right? Or is there something else I need to know?


Thanks in advance

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You import both the _0 and _1 into the same scene. clone the _0. You can delete the skin and dismember modifier off the clone if you wanted and just paste those back off the original _0 once done. Now add a morpher. pick the _1 as the morph target and whack the the slider up to 100. From there you could probably use snapshot to create yet another clone off that clone of the _0 in the morph state to avoid any collapsing of the morpher or having to export with that in the stack or something. then paste the skin and dismember modifiers back on and you can delete the _1 and the first clone of the _0 with the morpher on it. then you can export both remaining meshes into the same nif in one go, and copy that nif and remove one version of the mesh from each leaving you with the 2 versions you needed.


that's probably how I would have set my scene up to get around any morph issue I might encounter. In theory you have made your own working morph target without trying to get someone elses meshes into then back of max intact. You cut out import error causeing discrepancies from the equation as the mesh and hopefully a perfect clone is only exiting the scene.

Edited by Ghogiel
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It's probably the UV or a smoothing group. Or you have been welding verts at export. you make no mention of morphing a clone of the _0 into the _1 and using that. So try doing that.


Can help my nif file?


The problem is that i haven't understand nothing about the welding vertex question ._.




3975071 Madcat221


What mean exactly? :look:

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that quote you made of me there wasn't on ref to your issue,


but I tried to import your nif a get an error



link could not be cast to required type during file read. this NIf maybe invalid or improperly supported

type of object index 0 was NiNode:

required type was: AbstractAdditionalGeometryData


It's a new one on me.

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