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Tutorial: 3ds Max Skinned Meshes Into Game


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Big thanx DizzasterJuice with the clear descriptive information you just gave im sure i will have it showing ingame soon as i can clearly see from page 22 & THE ABOVE POST just where i am going wrong, and yes its the dismemberment section! like you said only creating 1 partition, im so guilty of doing that just last night i was looking at how and why the original model dismemberment was done like it is , i think i was stuck in fallout 3 thought

mode believing dismemberment was a relic form fo3 engine where bodyparts would be blown off, but i now believe its to hide sections of areas when another item of armour is worn so the meshes don't tear through each other.

so my custom parts are more than likely being hidden because of the dismemberment problems . i have seen the light!

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yay finally got the hang of it thanx again for your help , initially i had some issues putting the armour parts together in nilfskope but then i managed to get them exported from max as a whole nilf with separate meshes and it was so easy.


this is one of the clothes set ive been working on for the skywife while shes at home just a little night shirt thats rigged in a way to provide some nice movement from the rear as she walks ;)


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above is using the default specular map for this model , could the exsessive shine be down to the bslshaderlighting being copied from the dark brother armour, meaning if i changed it to say brownleather armour bslshader would it have less shine or is it just a different game engine thing?
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above is using the default specular map for this model , could the exsessive shine be down to the bslshaderlighting being copied from the dark brother armour, meaning if i changed it to say brownleather armour bslshader would it have less shine or is it just a different game engine thing?


Looks awesome!

2 things it could be, the _n.dds (normal) and the _m.dds (environment mask). Try darkening the alpha channel of the _n first, and/or darkening the main background of the _m. If you didn't make an _m.dds you can just make a 512X512 and color it all dark gray.

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if it is an environment map and a missing mask map that is causing this reflective quality, hard to tell without seeing the effect live, then a dark grey _m map would be a bit wrong for 90% of that texture, sure it would be better than no map, the alternative being a completely unmasked env map effect. but it's nearly all cloth, which will look very weird with anything not black in the mask.


secondly if the shader is using an environment map flag, turn it off, or use a different shader block.

Edited by Ghogiel
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if it is an environment map and a missing mask map that is causing this reflective quality, hard to tell without seeing the effect live, then a dark grey _m map would be a bit wrong for 90% of that texture, sure it would be better than no map, the alternative being a completely unmasked env map effect. but it's nearly all cloth, which will look very weird with anything not black in the mask.


secondly if the shader is using an environment map flag, turn it off, or use a different shader block.

i got 4 maps 4 each part diff,normal,light,spec .

i added in the spec & light maps to seee it it was the issue as it was still a bit to reflective with normal . dont get me wrong its not messed up its working really well just looks like black leather thats been polished with wd40 ,

wonderd if there is some sort of control in nilfskope to tone it down a bit before i have to turn to the maps for editing.


come to think of it i believe the triss model was released with a texture called less shiny so it must be an issue with those light maps in this engine.


and your right about those looks those witcher 2 devs sure now how to make stella textures they really put skyrims to shame such hight quality even right close in.

Edited by AlphaWoIF
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if it is an environment map and a missing mask map that is causing this reflective quality, hard to tell without seeing the effect live, then a dark grey _m map would be a bit wrong for 90% of that texture, sure it would be better than no map, the alternative being a completely unmasked env map effect. but it's nearly all cloth, which will look very weird with anything not black in the mask.


secondly if the shader is using an environment map flag, turn it off, or use a different shader block.


Yeah good point, it's all cloth so I guess turning off the environment map flag would be best.

What I usually do for metal type armor is desatuate the main tex, resize it smaller, and save as texname_m.dds, while trying different brightness and curves until it looks right in game. Maps are definately my weak point so I'm pretty much stumbling around with them until it looks right. I wish someone would do a good tutorial on normals and environment masks for Skyrim....if it hasn't been done already.

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