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Is Nora a Synth ?


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Nor does it make sense that if Danse was a Synth he should have had DNA identical to Shaun/Father and closely linked to Nora but the BOS didn't comment on this when they analysed the DNA. In fact they could use Danse's DNA to check anyone since they should all have Shaun's DNA.

If Nora was a Synth and her memories were programmed the dead body in the Cryo Pod didn't need to be her real husband. Codsworth could have been a Mr Handy specially programmed to back the story up.


They could be using it as base material only, manipulating and altering it to fit purpose, mixing it and combining with other samples from differing subjects to see what they could gain as a result.



This is my take. If you have all of someone else's DNA, you are an exact duplicate of that person. They weren't using him as a copy template, they just used wanted Shaun for a source of good DNA. All of the DNA available in the wasteland was not top quality, they needed a good base to start working from. A building is only as good as its foundation.

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Nor does it make sense that if Danse was a Synth he should have had DNA identical to Shaun/Father and closely linked to Nora but the BOS didn't comment on this when they analysed the DNA. In fact they could use Danse's DNA to check anyone since they should all have Shaun's DNA.

If Nora was a Synth and her memories were programmed the dead body in the Cryo Pod didn't need to be her real husband. Codsworth could have been a Mr Handy specially programmed to back the story up.


They could be using it as base material only, manipulating and altering it to fit purpose, mixing it and combining with other samples from differing subjects to see what they could gain as a result.



This is my take. If you have all of someone else's DNA, you are an exact duplicate of that person. They weren't using him as a copy template, they just used wanted Shaun for a source of good DNA. All of the DNA available in the wasteland was not top quality, they needed a good base to start working from. A building is only as good as its foundation.



They said in the game that the DNA from the Wasteland was "corrupted" so if they mixed Wasteland DNA in with the Shaun DNA it would kind of negate the purpose. It just occurred to me though that they have lots of other good DNA - the dead frozen Sanctuary Hills people in the Vault 111 cryo pods.

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Shaun's still the best "uncorrupted" source, and I could see the Institute mixing pre-war genetic material with post-war samples, they are scientists after all. Seeing the corruption of "clean" DNA would be of interest. Perhaps in defining a method of reversing any adverse effects.


The more stable mixed material might be used to create actual synths in order to see how the mutations manifest physically (or mentally).


At some point if it had been continued, the FEV research Virgil was doing might have been co-opted into a separate line of Synth production, but how it would have progressed is an unknown, since game events take a different path.

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Shaun's still the best "uncorrupted" source, and I could see the Institute mixing pre-war genetic material with post-war samples, they are scientists after all. Seeing the corruption of "clean" DNA would be of interest. Perhaps in defining a method of reversing any adverse effects.


The more stable mixed material might be used to create actual synths in order to see how the mutations manifest physically (or mentally).


At some point if it had been continued, the FEV research Virgil was doing might have been co-opted into a separate line of Synth production, but how it would have progressed is an unknown, since game events take a different path.


super mutie synths -- certainly a strange new world of DLC they didn't persue


what a shame :sad:

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Dunno about the spouse, but if you've answered DiMA's question, you've noticed that strangely enough your character actually has no pre-war memories except the day the bombs fell. It's not just that that's what YOU've been shown in the game, but when asked what is their earliest memory, your character actually says that that day is their earliest memory.


Codsworth's statements are also highly contradictory. If he's not been programmed with a half-baked story to feed you, the only conclusion is that he somehow manages to deliberately lie to you in the beginning. Something that apparently robots weren't supposed to be able to, according to Jezebel. Either way, it doesn't exactly make him the most reliable source.


My being a synth would also explain Shaun's COMPLETE emotional detachment. I mean, not only the guy self-admittedly freed his only remaining parent just as a side-experiment to see how long until you get killed, but even if you say you still love him, he's just a bit fascinated by it.


The player character also has several abilities that make me... wonder. E.g., the uncanny accuracy with iron sights matches an upgrade only installed in Coursers. And which has been known as a courser implant since Fallout 3.




Basically I'm not saying it's certain you're a synth. But I think Bethesda deliberately left that as a possibility, and even has DiMA pointing it out in case you've missed it.

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I think this is a roleplaying issue - it's all vague enough that you can decide for yourself. I mean, DiMA even said that this is more or less how it actually works: There's no safe way to tell for sure, so if you think you may be a synth, you need to decide for yourself whether or you are one. They basically went out of their way to establish that you can't know for sure.


That said, despite the fact that you are not really given an option to have memories of your past life during that particular conversation, this is contradicted by other parts of the game. I can recall two, maybe three times where my character mentioned remembering something from before the war. So, obviously waking up in the vault wasn't really her earliest memory.


Personally, I say my version of Nora - who is actually named Jenny - is perfectly human, just a very unusual specimen. I actually really like the idea that this ex-lawyer housewife woke up in the post-apocalypse and found that she just happens to be extremely talented at killing.


I also assume that she doesn't comment on the gas station and other such stuff because she is familiar with it.

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  • 2 years later...

Nora is human, because if she wasn't we would have found a synth component in our inventory :hurr:


also macdonna, the diamond city mayor is


the mayor of diamond city, he's human too. I found no synth component in his inventory when I showinventory on him by way of console. That would mean Piper was wrong all this time, and owes her mayor an apology :unsure; I have yet to do the same to his secretary though... :huh:


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