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Fat people


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I think I've seen one guy who looks paunchy at best. Pretty self explanitory here, I want to see some fat people. We have old people, kids, but everyone is more or less in great shape, and that is totally unrealistic.


For modding and making new NPCs, I think it would be great, story-wise. I feel it adds a lot to certain characters. Think of movies, or books, some people just work better fat. A skinny Harkonnen in Dune would not be nearly as fun as the massive floating thing he was.

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In medieval times, the only ones who were fat were either rich, had their own land (and thereby food source), or employed by the rich and useful to them in some way. I suppose you can supplant rich for resourceful in some cases but I imagine there were far fewer fat people than skinny/malnourished people around. Not that it isn't a bad idea, I wouldn't shy away from a good number of fat citizens of Skyrim.
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Yeah...sheesh look at Henry VIII...he was a big boy :P


I would like to see fatter people in Skryim too. I was quite disappointed what their definition of "fat" was when I turned the slider up to see what it looked like. All they really did was broaden the shoulders and thicken the arms. I was expecting to get a beer belly or something haha.

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Well I'm not surprised how it turned out but as a mod it would be amusing to put together something like Saint's Row with a fader from anorexic to obese. A fader for muscle would be cool, too, but that would take a lot more work, I'd imagine. Definitely a good idea for adding variety to NPCs, though.
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