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Witcher placeable conversion project


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If you're still taking requests, I think I could make use of these:

  • ob_skelepart01
  • ob_skelehang0
  • ob_skelepart02
  • ob_skelepart03
  • ob_skelevar01
  • ob_skelevar02
  • ob_g35corpse02
  • ob_g35corpse01
  • ob_g35corpse00
  • ob_ratdead01
  • ob_dirt01
  • ob_body06 <-- especially this one
  • ob_hay02
  • ob_debris02
  • ob_stand02
I checked through your update v0.431, but didn't see them included. Thanks.


Hello Tchos,


Is this project still alive? I was just wondering where it's at. Thank you.

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If you're still taking requests, I think I could make use of these:

  • ob_body06 <-- especially this one


Hello Tchos,

Is this project still alive? I was just wondering where it's at. Thank you.


Yes, here's that ob_body06 you wanted. Though now that I can see it in higher resolution, it's either a badly burnt or badly rotted body, so I'm not sure if it's what you were looking for.


Right now, my biggest obstacle is that I can't seem to get the Nvidia DDS import/export plugin to work in Photoshop on my new Windows 10 computer. I can make the normal maps (and this needed one, because the original one it came with was just plain black, which doesn't work correctly), but opening existing ones to edit them or saving ones that I create is a problem. I can at least open DDSes in Irfanview, but it can't seem to save them. After several hours of trying to get it to work here, I booted up my old computer and did it there, but I need a solution for the new computer.

Edited by Tchos
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I blame Adobe CC - even if it isn't its fault, i chose to blame it anyways. Can you downgrade to CS 6? I have had to do that for a great many things thanks to the horrible choices made by Adobe over the last 2 years.

Edited by Sabranic
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I've downgraded, and I am able to run it on this computer now. I think it's all fine. I'm not sure why I had to use the 32-bit version of the Nvidia plugin on this 64-bit system in order for it to work, when my scanner will absolutely not be recognised on this computer because there are no 64-bit drivers for it.


I also have to take back what I said about the toolset working just as well on this computer -- I had a problem with it refusing to display point light shadows at all no matter whether I toggled on and off the toolset's point light display and/or the light's shadow display itself. After toggling on and off the area's "Has directional light" and "Directional light casts shadows", the point light shadows do show up again, but much, much lighter than on my old computer. At full-black settings, the shadows now look 50% or less. I haven't yet compared them between the toolset and the game, but if they're different, it will affect my ability to design areas with the amount of shadow I want.

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  • 2 weeks later...




If you're still taking requests, I think I could make use of these:

  • ob_body06 <-- especially this one


Hello Tchos,

Is this project still alive? I was just wondering where it's at. Thank you.


Yes, here's that ob_body06 you wanted. Though now that I can see it in higher resolution, it's either a badly burnt or badly rotted body, so I'm not sure if it's what you were looking for.


Thank you, Tchos. I'll give it a try.

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Dropbox is doing weird things with its structure. They warned me that they were removing the concept of the public folder, but I thought that giving a direct link to the file would still work whether it's in the public folder or not. I've taken it out of the public folder, and generated a new link:


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I've downgraded, and I am able to run it on this computer now. I think it's all fine. I'm not sure why I had to use the 32-bit version of the Nvidia plugin on this 64-bit system in order for it to work, when my scanner will absolutely not be recognised on this computer because there are no 64-bit drivers for it.


I also have to take back what I said about the toolset working just as well on this computer -- I had a problem with it refusing to display point light shadows at all no matter whether I toggled on and off the toolset's point light display and/or the light's shadow display itself. After toggling on and off the area's "Has directional light" and "Directional light casts shadows", the point light shadows do show up again, but much, much lighter than on my old computer. At full-black settings, the shadows now look 50% or less. I haven't yet compared them between the toolset and the game, but if they're different, it will affect my ability to design areas with the amount of shadow I want.

If that persists ingame and you have an AMD GPU, then it sounds like an issue related to the difference in how NWN2 handles shadowing between Nvidia and AMD.


Nvidia works as designed. AMD won't "render" pointlight shadows in interiors unless you enable directional light (the performance hit will be still present if you don't enable it). The cause seems to be that the shadow intensity depends not only on the shadow intensity set on the point light but is also modified by the sun/moon shadow intensity. If the directional lighting is disabled, then the sun/moon shadow intensity is apparently 0 - thus invisible shadows. I seem to remember some reports that Storm of Zehir messed this up but I have never really checked if the old <1.20 versions behaved this way as well.

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