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If I could create create a mod it will probably be a mod that replaces the entire combat system most likely like Dark Souls,with dodging,mini bosses (named enemies),and actual strategy.


P.S: I already play with a lot of combat mods,Requiem plus some animation mod to spice it up,but it's nothing like Dark Souls




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I would like to see a mod that makes damage more focused on bleeding, but keeps blunt weapons effective throught the use of other forms of damage, similar to mods for other games such as DayZ or Breaking Point for Arma 2 and 3. It would work great if all humanoid NPCs had the same amount of health and never changed, and damage/armor rating for gear will not increase just from skill level alone, making it so that your strength is determined by gear and perks. I think it would greatly delevel the game, making it possible to defeat a strong opponent at a really low player level if you fight very well, but also make it possible to be killed by a weak enemy at a very high player level.

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an armor mod that doesn't add anything knew. But it adds variation to the current armor, like how the steel armor has one with shoulders and one with out. More of the same armor,


Maybe armor that based off the smith you get it from it has a custom look it based of the smith. Like the telltale sign of who you got it from. OR custom looks to armor that you make your self, like a symbol or a pattern to show it was made by you, sell that, then find it on a bandit...

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1. A mod that gives npcs access to any abilities you get that you add to the game so you don't end up like a god and you're on equal footing. e.g. You add throwing knives in a mod, enemies can use them too, you add extra arrow variants, enemies can use them too, you add extra spells, enemies can use them too.

2. More were-creatures! Were-bears, were-sharks and others! Yes, this is actually in skyrim lore!

3. A realistic looking asian race mod for both males and females that isn't ultra beautified or sexualized. I want to make ninja characters :ninja:!

4. Scythe weapons with there own animations and fighting style different from other weapons.

5. A mod that adds just about every throwing blade weapon variation in existence, even chakrams and boomerangs! :laugh: .

6. Rope-like weapons with their own unique animations and fighting styles such as whips, flails, kusarigama, chain scythes and urumi swords. Even better if there's physics :laugh:

7. Staff weapons such as bo staffs, blade staffs, again with their own unique animations and fighting style.

8. Realistic Nodachi blades!

Edited by ross365
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Can someone create a Spell Jammer ship? It has Runes all over the surface that only glow when the Wind Wizard is at the helm magically making the ship move in the water then take flight.

I wanted to make a quest that uses this ship to fly to a city in the clouds. I know there are flying ship MODs but they do not have the magic runes on them that glow when in use. This would be one of many dream mods for me. I have attached pictures to give an idea.

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Not sure if this is already a thing but a mod that allows you to be halfbreeds between races. Selecting dominant traits of the races, appearance and skills, to create your half-breed Dovahkiin.

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