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Why does everybody hate console players?


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Matth it seem obvious but i will tell you why common people prefer Console .


First a console is less expensive than a good computer that can handle modern games .

Second a computer is hard to use for kids and old people .

They are other reasons but since i am completely sleep deprived and hungry i can't think to much .



Excuse the comment I'm about to make - I have to say it:


Pc too hard for old people and kids? Then they must have some serious mental problems. I realise some people - of ANY age - are simply too incompetent to handle certain forms of technology, but does anyone that incapable even deserve to use it in the first place?


Dumbing things down to suit the inherently inept really grates on me. (Junior Monopoly, anyone?)


You need a certain (meager, in reality) level of intelligence for RPGs in particular. If people fall below that level, go and buy them...hmmm...Junior Monopoly instead?



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I think the main reason I get kinda ticked, not hate but ticked off at console players is actually more childlike then I like.


It's cause the developers (parents) pay more attention to consoles these days. Skyrim is a perfect example, the UI a fundimental part of a game is optimised for console's while the PC got a shitty port. It happens everywhere, crappy console to PC ports and i think most of us wish they would actually put some effort into it cause the only time we get good games are when their built for PC like battlefield 3 or any strategy game.

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Why do people hate console players? Simple: by ingraining upon themselves a trivial obligation of superiority through the choice of consoles, people feel better about themselves. Also, about those people asking why they can't mod their 360's or PS3's, I can find an equal number of PC players who have the same knowledge base in terms of modding among them (proportionately speaking, of course). It's the same elitist attitude that, unfortunately, is a result of capitalism. But now I'm veering of course, and apologies if I did.


I have to admit, PC players are sometimes the most selfish people I have met: based on statistics alone, where do game companies earn more money from? PC, or consoles? The answer is obvious, and a lot of PC players who claim that 'it happens everywhere, crappy console to PC ports and i think most of us wish they would actually put some effort into it cause the only time we get good games are when their built for PC like battlefield 3 or any strategy game'. Mate, if you were running a company, you maximise your profits, not adhere to a niche market.

Edited by dazzerfong
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I don't hate console players at all, just hate dumbed down graphics and game experience, aimed at he lowest common denominator, e.g Xbox 360. I don't blame developers for this.

I believe Microsoft is probably more to blame than anyone, the more games made directly for the console prolongs the life of the console. Where as Years ago you had to upgrade your PC every couple of years

just to keep up with the latest games.

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Mate, if you were running a company, you maximise your profits, not adhere to a niche market.



Yeah, they're making a profit. Probably maximise it too. But it's the same shortsighted profit you can find everywhere these days.


Sure, they have to make sure to produce for the console market, but by lazy porting they lose a fair bunch of preorders for their next title. They ruin their francise on the way because they constantly try to lower the bar until the illiterate button crunching moron of any age group is their core audience. Skyrim isn't that low yet, but there have already been a fair number of titles this last year, that appealed only to that particular group. The rest rightfully assumed they were taken for complete fools being served the proverbial on the silver platter and sales throughout all the platforms plumetted. I'm thinking of a button awsome game that came out in march.


The game companies obviously are under the same assumption one poster previously voiced. Young or old people aren't comfortable using a PC. Therefore they go for the console. This assumption already implies the button crunching moron and while I would never underestimate the number of idiots in the general populace, developing for that particular group may not be the wisest decision. For even if you are an idiot, the seller shouldn't make it all too obvious that their product is tailormade for you.

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I look through these forums and I see a lot of negativity towardd console players because we "ruined the elder scrolls series" and "console players aren't like PC players"

and stuff like that, I mean what did we do?



I don't hate the players. I've never met them.


But I can't stand how consoles ruin great PC games. Skyrim is another example. Selling it's soul.


It's the user interface. It's terrible. Witcher 2 was ruined by consoles, too. Dragon Age 2, same deal. It's a second-rate way of playing a role-playing game.


That's why people hate consoles. They destroy great games.


You want a great role-playing game, the way a role-playing game should be played, go play Lord of the Rings online. It would be impossible to make that game for the console. Unless of course you handicapped it, completely overhauled it, and blasted it with a cloak of simplicity.


Age of Conan is better than this. Neverwinter Nights is better than this. Hell, I'd rather play Drakensang than Skyrim Consolized.


Okay, maybe that's going a bit to far. Forget Drakensang.


What really pisses me off is when developers say they are catering to the PC croud, when it's blatantly obvious they aren't. Just look at the interface for Christ sake. Another unshockingly poor console template.


*^#! damn console players.... :wallbash:





Edited by katzenkrimis
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You? you who? why do you say "we"? since when are you forbidden to play on a PC thus becoming a so called "PC-Gamer"?


This is crazy....think about it for a moment, you have all rights to buy a PC as much as a Console and yet you reduce yourself to a "Console Player". I play on a PC and I have no Console but I would never ever think of saying I am a PC only Gamer. I absolutely reserve myself the right to buy a Console when I want to and play on it.


If you look at it from this perspective, you might realize that its not the Players People are Angry about but the blatant and obvious disregard of open and visible facts. One such fact is that a PC nowadays can have multiple times more Power than a Console that is nearly five years old. Games are getting worse every Year and yet People are paying more and more Money.


Lastly I have read that Skyrim made a whopping 650 Million Dollars. For this amount of Money we get low Resolution Textures, below optimum UI and Controls and less and less Role-Playing-Elements or complexity which by the way People who like to play on PC very much want.


Some people, among them myself, are angry because we gamers are a uninformed bunch of individuals who fight amongst each other over trivial bullsheetofpaper instead of presenting a unified front to say "Hey Publishers, we are sick and tired of your information gathering and binding "Spyware", we have enough of yet another "warmed up", scripted, boring and expensive superhyped Game Part 3XXXX, we are fed with your "human psychology exploiting" Marketing tricks, we dont want anymore of this "Stone Age" Graphics. If you want our Money you better come up with some innovation, some Customer friendly installation and Usability and some Games that actually are what you praised them to be."


Unfortunately, this wont happen as long as we "hate" each other as "Console Monkeys" and "PC Apes". Publishers and the guys on the "other" side must be shaking their heads with a disgusted smile while they are counting our Money spent on some digital crap.


P.S. I like to mention that I dont necessarily mean Bethesda or Skyrim in particular when I am talking about Publishers and Games. In fact, I think they can be considered as "good" compared to some other.

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I'd go into a long argument about why people who use PCs resents bad console ports and why the resentment of the people who play on consoles is nothing more than people displacing their frustrations but all people will really read is "console players suck."


Meh. I'll say something anyway. Console ports suck. People who play on consoles do not necessarily suck. People who say consoles are always better than PCs on a board for players who mod games are trolls and idiots.

Edited by justwannaddl
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