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Why does everybody hate console players?


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Unfortunately, Microsoft would be right about that.


I'm also going to say, that I think PC gamers and Console gamers are two different breeds. No one is better or worse, but there ARE differences in how and why we play. Its their style of playing (which seems to be the majority) that drives the popularity of consoles.


I'll leave it at that. I have my beliefs as to how exactly we're different, but it is unnecessary to post.

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i dont hater console gamers (well some but thats because there like pcs are naff consoles rule) god i hate fanboys/girls,i hate what the consoles are doing to the gaming industry,consoles kills creativity and innovation sometimes even passion but thats no excuse for lazyness (cough looking at you ea!) :tongue:,all most companys care about is how much money they can make,that and thanks to console ports some of the good game sucked on pc (like gta 4 and dmc 3) both formats have there good and bad points,pc games aren't limited by outdated hardware,can be modded,games are cheaper,get games like witcher 2,X3,stalker series,steam (to an extent kinda a double edge sword on that one) and i know what my pc is and is not capable of as i built it not sony,microsoft etc etc.


consoles dont need to be upgraded which is a gift and a curse,get games that pcs dont (like fight night and tiger woods which i miss),and consoles are cheaper plus less hassle to keep running if your not familar with pc hardware,software,dont have to spend more time try to get your 200+ mod list to work than playing the game ,besides i can see consoles either being killed by tablet gaming or evolving to a point when its no different from the pc


1) i dont regret for a second switching to pc sure we have our fair share of issues but so has the consoles (see skyrim patch 1.2 for consoles) :happy: 2) got sick of all the console fanboy crap (ps3 is better,no 360 is better)

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I do note hate console players, i hate poor console design ported to the PC such as the inferior gamepad, why on earth would i use that crap when i have a keyboard and a mouse right next to me.
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2 words: Console Port.


3 words: Old console port.


Meaning: The game could have had realistic textures, but they couldn't: Since the Xbox is as good as handling graphics as my toaster.

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Sorry, I'm not jumping on the apologetic bandwagon. I am filled with hate and I am not going to even try to hide it.


Why do I hate console players?


First, because I'm over 20 and can read & write about a 6th grade level.


Second, because console games are targeted at a very specific demographic, read: Adolescent, ADD, demanding of instant gratification and overly simplistic gameplay because thinking hurts, dangit.


Third, because consoles control such a large share of the market that PC game companies have basically given up trying to write actual PC games and now just write console games that are then ported (as cheaply & quickly as possible) over to a PC version.


Fourth, because of these three things, I, as a PC gamer, have had my PC gaming experience dumbed down to console game levels by unmotivated game designers who are more concerned with market share than the actual quality of the product that they are putting out. I resent this abandonment by these developers who are still falsely claiming to be making PC games. They're not. They've sold out and become nothing more than console game developers who misrepresent their product when they crap out the "PC version" of their shallow, simplistic and altogether juvenile console games.



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I'm a PC user and IMO it doesn't make sense to look down on some players because they own a console. It's the same elitist bull that we had with Mac and PC...


Playing a game on a computer (or owning a Mac) doesn't turn you into a superior being. There is no need to be smug about it.


Consoles are meant for different uses.


The real problem is that developers don't care to make games that adequately match one platform instead we get ports that force us to play games on the PC as if we were using consoles (it's obvious when it comes to the UI).


It's very immature and intolerant to look down on people because they are different from you or enjoy things that you don't like.


If someone likes telenovelas, sudokus or football you're not going to say that they are dumb because they watch TV, fill in grids with pencils or drink beer? In fact if you think about it as PC gamers you probably have more in common with the console crowd than with cruciverbalists, fans of Ikebana or Antiques Roadshow enthusiasts.

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Games are being dumbed down to appeal to the masses, the masses just happen to own consoles. Does anyone seriously think that if consoles didn't exist the same wouldn't be happening on the PC? Blame those responsible, the developers and publishers, don't blame players or the hardware. Its also worth mentioning that the PC is really the home of casual gaming, 80 million and counting play Farmville, similar brainless games also attract huge numbers of players.
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The old recurrent debate. After all is taking the effect for the cause, shouldn't exist any reason to hate console players other than them buying console games (and then the opposite could be valid too). I'm sure every reason to hate the porting (notice is not about the player/gamer in the end) was already pointed in this thread and honestly I'll not read all those pages because I know the content already.


Speaking for myself I don't hate console gamers, don't hate console games either. Actually I have consoles (disguised as owned by my son) and once and again I can even play their games for a while.


Now, that the console control is less than adequate for the kind of game most rants come is a serious problem when brought at PC (although those flexible in terms of modding, like TES will have this problem solved in no time once the Creation Kit is out), unlikely to be modded games are unlucky in this sense.


But the real, very, undeniable (due to simple observation) reason for loathing is some titles that came first from PC had the thematic changed to meet the new target (as supposing most console users are still children or teen). This phenomenon is a tad more complex than it sounds at first. It's not just about sheer violence, some times is because the violence itself, like excess gore and explicity. The narrative is toned down, the complexity level is toned down too and so forth.


Notice I don't mean the console players are children or teen in general fashion, less yet I deem children and teen stupid or something like this, I loath only the industry targeting them seen to think they are.

Edited by nosisab
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In fact if you think about it as PC gamers you probably have more in common with the console crowd than with cruciverbalists, fans of Ikebana or Antiques Roadshow enthusiasts.


Actually that is just as much of a sweeping statement as the people saying they hate console gamers. I am a PC gamer through and through but I do own an XBox 360 console (on which I occasionally play some good games that haven't come out for PC), and whereas I have to confess that crosswords bore me rigid, I am very interested in flower arranging of various kinds (made an Advent wreath a week or two back)and also in various collectibles - some of the books that I use for my handicraft habits of knitting and embroidery are collectible (anything by Batsford for example).


So, I would say I have more in common with the flower arrangers and avid collectors than the console gamers and here's why. Unfortunately, from what I have seen, many of the successful console games tend to be shooters and just hack and slash button mashing jobs. There are the odd few that have much more to them and that have grabbed me for a time, Red Dead Redemption I liked, but even that succumbed to the compulsory zombies add ons that seem to be de rigueur for consoles. My nephew is a great guy, but as a console gamer he could not cope with even Oblivion as he does not have the concentration to deal with RPG gaming, and God forbid using any stealth, subtlety or conversation. Because he is used to run and gun, he had racked up Talos knows how many septims bounty within minutes of leaving the sewers, he just attacked everything. He wasn't interested in character development or customisation because that's not the kind of gaming he's used to on consoles. So no, I don't have anything much in common with that kind of gamer, my toons tend to be stealthy for one thing.


This is why we complain about the consolization of Skyrim. The craptacular UI that kills my hands and has me headbutting the monitor. The short questlines that seem designed for the...ahermmm...shorter attention span. Etc, etc....


I do agree with jim_uk however. There is a general dumbing down of gaming and a lot of it on PC. I have actually had Farmville addicts sneer at me for playing "moronic" RPG games, ROFL.

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