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age of Conan


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I did a 'Conan' search and couldn't find anything about this game on nexus - what the?


I'm amazed given were all hopeless fantasy gaming addicts (face it if you weren't you wouldn't be reading this)


If you have no idea what I'm talking about - HERE


So what are peoples thoughts?


I'm looking forward to it, though I dread another WOW which was really really really dull.


Knowing me, I'll buy it, get bored in a week and then it will sit on my shelf for eternity.



As always if my ineptitude at searching means there is a topic please point me in the right direction :thumbsup:

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I don't know. I followed the game for a while until it was delayed and then lost focus. I don't know much about the game now but it doesn't really spark my excitement as much as Warhammer Online. I think that will be the next MMO I'll take a proper look at and only hope it will come out after my exams in June :D


Of course, I'm "playing" Eve Online but Eve really isn't your typical MMO. I haven't properly played the game yet and I've been registered for 3 months, just getting my skill training up to a nice level so I can properly fund my PVP with good PVE moneh!

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TBH, I doubt it will be much good. But, I intensely dislike all traditional WoW-style MMOs, so everyone else might love it.


Like Dark0ne, I'm playing EVE Online too, though I'm actually playing it, rather than just training skills. It's totally different to pretty much every MMO I can think of, and, once you get past the insanely steep learning curve, it's an amazing game, superior to most other games I've played. I highly recommend it.


If the current trend in the MMO industry is anything to go by, I expect it'll just be another attempt to jump on the WoW bandwagon, rather than actually something new and exciting.

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It’s an MMORPG, I wish it had a single player mode also.

Here’s the scoop from the about section:


Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures is a massively-multiplayer online roleplaying game (MMORPG) based on the world and works of acclaimed author Robert E. Howard. In Age of Conan, players enter Hyboria with thousands of their friends and enemies to live, fight, and explore the dark and brutal world of King Conan.


Age of Conan's features include:


An advanced combat system lets you choose every cut, thrust, and swing in real time.


Groundbreaking graphics and advanced DirectX 10 features plunge you into a world of breathtaking beauty.


A massive fantasy world based on over 75 years of books, movies, art, and music, developed in close collaboration with Conan Inc. to ensure the most realistic Conan experience ever seen.


An unprecedented character development and customization system with combo attacks, skills, special abilities, and deadly spells ensures no two characters are exactly the same.


Massive Player Versus Player combat. Capture battlekeeps and wage epic warfare between players and guilds, or hire yourself out as a mercenary and battle for pay!


New and exotic classes, such as the Demonologist, Herald of Xotli, and Dark Templar, along with incredible twists on classics like the Ranger and Assassin.


A detailed and engrossing crafting system, allowing you to make everything from armor and weapons to an entire city!


Hundreds of unique quests for combat and crafting with extensive NPC interaction and voice acting, immersing you in the living world of King Conan.


An extensive story-driven single player adventure to start the game drawing you deep into the scheming, seduction, intrigue, and betrayal of Hyboria.



Age of Conan is consistently mentioned as one of the most anticipated PC games in development. It has received close to twenty magazine covers and more than fifteen awards, including numerous “Best MMO of E3” awards and the official “Best Online Game of Show” award at the GC convention 2007. Age of Conan is a key title in Microsoft's Games for Windows line-up, as well as a showcase title for nVidia. Age of Conan is set for release on May 20th, 2008.

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So... to sum up the above post: WoW set in the Conan Universe.


Like I said, as if we need any more WoW clones, when developers should be trying to achieve something new and different, like CCP did with EVE.


This is nothing like Wow, you should have read more....


In “Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures” this brutal and barbaric violence is made according to the dark vision of Robert E. Howard. Through a revolutionary real-time combat system, where the player uses a six-directional fighting system to carry out their own strikes, the battles in “Age of Conan” is as dynamic, intense and raging as the ones described in the Conan lore. We assure you the combat in “Age of Conan” will be unlike anything you have ever seen in any MMO before.


* A real-time, dynamic combat system that let sword-wielders, spellcasters and archers fight their own battles in real-time -- no more combat on autopilot!

* Choose where to attack with six directions of impact in melee combat

* Archers get to string their bow, zoom in on their targets and manually let go of the arrow to make deadly real-time strikes

* Magic-wielders get to create powerful spellweaves -- a series of combined spells that can lead to devestating destruction other powerful results

* Fight from horseback -- mount your creature and bury your sword into the backs of your foes as you crush through them

* Enter player-made battle formations to maximize your damage and defense

* No more targeting -- when you swing your weapon, you can hit many enemies in one blow if you're close enough

* Discover and equip hundreds of different weapons

* Got a game pad? Use it to fight like you would in a console game


This game is starting to sound like our wish list for TES V.


In “Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures”, you and your guild can build your very own city. By claiming a piece of land you get the opportunity to erect a wide range of buildings and city walls. Your guild and its members will have to collect resources such as wood, stone, iron and gold to make the city of your dreams come true. Building such a beacon of civilization naturally attracts unwelcome visitors in the form of invaders, so be prepared to defend it from powerful computer controlled enemies.


* Buy a piece of land, collect resources such as wood and stone, and then erect functional buildings such as the blacksmith, the city hall, the barracks and much more

* Build fortified city walls to defend your city from invaders

* Become a resident of your own city, walk around between its buildings and invite other players to come and trade on your streets

* Like in a real-time strategy game, computer-controlled enemies will start building their own city next to yours, eventually launching attack

* Lay siege to computer-controlled cities, and let the catapults sing their merry song of death as you crush their defenses

* Guard your city with computer-controlled guards, and allow vendors to sell their merchandise in your city


There is a lot more and nothing like this has every been released. Looks very promising.

Page with all the details here

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This looks interesting...

But I have a question about it..

Don't know if you guys can answer it or not...

But do you think they would charge you to play it like

WoW? Thats the reason I don't play WoW... I'm (me) too poor lol.

That and I don't particularly do well in games like that.... :(


*EDIT* Uh, this is set in the world of Conan as in the movie Conan?

Lol, sorry if this sounds newbish and all.. But it's got me confused.. :(

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