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Why does everyone like the Brotherhood so much?


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Other than nostalgic memories of previous games why is the BoS so popular among New Vegas players?


They wish for everyone but themselves to live like tribals. Their fear of others with technology isn't exclusive to weapons on the scale of ARCHIMEDES or nuclear weapons but extends to pretty much anything powered by electricity. Instead of chasing down nutjobs like Elijah or Ulysses they'll gladly devote themselves to storming Farmer Joe's ranch to grab his old laser pistol at gunpoint, taking the pip-boy some caravan is using to navigate, and so on. Despite being nearly wiped out almost all of their endings involve them again throwing themselves at a power plant they almost died defending, doing nothing with it, then marching around the wasteland demanding anyone they come across hand over any technology they own or face death.


Their xenophobia is incredibly severe- as well as believing anyone but them is too dumb to be trusted with anything more advanced than a stick (except the player) they also have a deeper hatred of ghouls and mutants, to the point that they often shoot them on sight. Bringing Lily into the bunker causes many members to offer to "put her down". Such an attitude to outsiders has effectively doomed them. Nobody that is not of some relation to an existing member can join without fulfilling some near-impossible task (saving the entire group isn't enough for the player to join, you also have to go fight an army of super mutants) and younger members are granted the choice to leave. The brotherhood will never expand due to their ferocious loyalty to the codex, effectively dooming them to inevitably run out of bodies to fill the metal suits they love so much.


Not only is their codex dooming them to either die out or become a glorified raider gang and die out later, they're also too brainwashed to ever change it. McNamara is one of their most liberal members yet will shrug off the fact that the Helios battle was for next to nothing, become angry at the suggestion that helping outsiders might make their presence tolerated, happily send out patrols to shake down outsiders as soon as the battle is over, and accepts that dying out is inevitable because he'll at least have stayed true to the outdated and now impossible goals set by the codex. To top this off, a group of paladins will happily murder you and a fellow member for suggesting such a thing, and another group will happily later slaughter a group of doctors because they might know something they shouldn't. All of this under McNamara's leadership with the alternative, Hardin, being even worse- his first act as leader is to demand you go shoot up the Van Graffs, not for any moral reasons but to scare the hell out of anyone with tech and show that the BoS mean business.


So... why are these guys seen as pretty much everyone's favorite faction?

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Probably because Bethesda inexplicably made them the "good guys" in Fallout 3.


They're only slightly more tolerable than the utterly insufferable Boomers, which is a very, very low bar.


Common raiders are are more rational than these people. At least they don't kid themselves into thinking they're the good guys.

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The BoS from FO3 is a different brotherhood. Lyons defy the ideology of the Brotherhood from the West by helping the people of the Capital Wasteland, fighting the good fight and I like Lyons for that. That is the brotherhood I love not the brotherhood Maxon and the other elders has.


Though I admit, I do have a hard time in New Vegas, currently siding with Mr. House, and I can't seem to hold the idea that I have to destroy them even though I know they were not Lyons' BoS. Maybe because of Veronica, or maybe because when I think of the Brotherhood of Steel, I think of the one from the Capital Wasteland, not the technology hoarding ass other Fallout franchise has.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't like the Brotherhood in New Vegas, I don't hate them either. You CAN get them to to do the right thing with the NCR and that's the only reason I don't kill every last one them. I liked the Brotherhood in 1, 2 and 3. In the first two they kept to themselves and in 3, trying to do the right thing goes a long way in my playboook. My Courier doesn't believe in killing the entire chapter because of some murderous hotheads, even if it will free Veronica. It would help if you didn't have to blow up the bunker or kill them all one by one: maybe if you could suck all the air out of the bunker and kill them them all quietly that way and loot all their power armor, then maybe I could get her to do it. Maybe. It's just a waste you can't disarm them them somehow, compel them to surrender to the NCR like the Vault 19 powder gangers.

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I dont :smile:


There are only 3 NPC´s in this faction that I liked: Veronica, Elijah and Danse. That chick trapped in a power armor and Sara are ok too.


In Fallout 2, sometimes I even ignore them completely.

Edited by YanL
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