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skywind or skyblivion


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Why? Most of the oblivion data can be converted to skyrim with minimal issues. Tons of stuff is re-used from oblivion (practically all the weapons/armor are the same with the exception of oblivion specific DLCs). The biggest issue i can think of is if you want to port oblivion DLC pants over to skyrim since you would need to merge the mesh with the cuirass mesh as skyrim has no pants slot.


AI data is very similar and uses pretty much all the same values and packages. You dont even need to add perks to oblivion NPCs since they functioned just fine without any in oblivion. Quest data and dialogue structure is pretty much the same as well.


The hardest parts that i can think of would be to port the spell making system since that was ripped out from oblivion with no replacement. Porting over oblivion specific spells is a piece of cake, im actually porting over elemental resist spells and i know the missing spells mod has ported over quite a few spells. Enchantig system re-uses many of the oblivion assets as well.


Infact, bethsoft deliberately designs their games to be easy to port in terms of assets so that they can re-use as many things as possible to cut down on devleopment time.

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Skywind is Legal

Skyblivion is Not (last time I checked) So....Do the Maths



Personally I hope they stay true to the Land Mass Area with NO FAST TRAVEL options

(that crazy talk) :yes:

No it immersion, with Mage Teleport Service & Boats & Indexes points

Oh yeah that Cast & Recall spell too.

Oh well since it Skyrim Engine we could have horses too. I HOPE NOT ( where the magic in that?)

With NO COMPASS, work out out school style. No Cheating or Pointing the Way (just North South East West)

Ah..... the memories....running around (where do I go, damn this fog)


Yes I know we don't get what we want....

We get what Skywind Developer thinks we need or is possible.

Nevertheless... :tongue:





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