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A 53 yr old's view of difficulty


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44 years old here, having a great time reading the posts, its nice to find a mature thread.


I remember my dad bringing home a contraption called Pong and hooking it up to the television back in the late 70s. Here were these pixelated paddles on the TV and we were in control, I was in awe.


I remember a game called Dragons Lair hitting the arcades when I was in high school. The line was usually so long that I had to content myself with watching others play which may not have been a bad thing considering the cost of play and the seeming difficulty. It was the first time I had seen an animated video game and I was in awe.


In 1984 I got my first job working for my girlfriends father at his computer store. They were nice enough to allow me to take home an Apple Macintosh on occasion, it had its own carrying case and a graphical user interface with some weird new thing called a mouse, I was in awe.


Not so long ago I was roaming the Capital Wasteland of Fallout3 one evening and was stumped on a quest so I went to Youtube in search of answers. What I found I couldnt believe my eyes, characters that I knew from countless hours of wasteland travels were dancing, yes dancing. How could this be? I followed the links that lead me to Nexus and discovered a plethora of mods, images, and community of people who also enjoy gaming, and I am in awe.

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Am 37 still a pup by the looks of it in this post nice,s to no that people of all age,s still play computer games,


What i would like to no from all you older gamers is how much time do you put in to your gameing..???? a week.


This last year i,m putting down about 8 hours game play a day.


i,m a games junkie my self no time for t.v. or books lol


I also have little time for other amusements - but I only log about 2 hours per day in Tamrial. Married and job will do that...


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i first started playing videogames in... 1991, gosh that's a heck of a long time ago. i was 7-8. was playing ah-1 cobra (can't recall what the game was actually called, those of you who know helicopters know it i bet) on nintendo. got my first computer + computer games 1992 or 3. very first computer game i played "panzer general", on a Packard 386. starcraft was the very first game i modded. i was a wiz with scripting maps, and map events... creatively (if you find starcraft maps by Casper_the_Ghost those are mine, unless someone sniped my name). i'd been playing tabletop/bookshelf + dnd games since 1988 (i was 4, thank my dad for that, lol)

how often do i play? weekly i have no clue, by the day? somewhere between 6-12 h/p/d. i have a social interactive disorder. can't hold a job, and on ssi. so i have lots of free time on my hands. started watching movies & tv shows to help keep me somewhat disconnected from my computer... otherwise fairly soon you'd likely hear me assimilated, and i'd do that scary borg drone speech thing. lol

(yes I’m a sci-fi freak too, total trekkie to boot)

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What i would like to no from all you older gamers is how much time do you put in to your gameing..???? a week.


Well, if we ignore the last couple of weeks since Skyrim was released, I get around 5-6 hours of gaming in per week. The confluence of Thanksgiving holidays and my wife spending a week out of town resulted in a 15x multiplier in hours spent. I beat the main quest line the day she got home, just in time!

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Wow, and here i thought i was 'old' for a gamer at 46. Nice to see I'm not 'weird'. lol


I don't agree with the difficulty comments in that if you play by the games rules than it does become FAR too easy far too quickly. Trade skill ups apply far too much to over all leveling. Once those skills are high you can use them to create weapons that crush anything in the game. I think this is what people are referring to when asking for more difficulty.

You shouldn't have to ignore large parts of the game in order for it to be a challenge or fun.

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That should scare you more than anything.


nah! after a certain age you are to cynical to be scared!


Tip from an "older" person. Do something with your life before you get too old to be able to do it. :thumbsup:


TAKE THIS TIP! and be lazy as much as you can, because when you get older your bladder wont let you :). (I am kidding, dont be lazy)




Damn, reading through your posts I feel young again. I thought with 35 you were considered a Dinosaur in Computerbusiness but it seems there is still hope.


Keep on rocking guys!



If I may paraphrase advise from a great writer, "...use plenty of sunscreen. The other advice may not be the best, but trust me on the sunscreen..."


For three days out of the work-week I spend 2 hours "gaming" after work. (usually 8:00p-10:00p)

On the weekend I will spend Sun morning, sometimes the day, intermittently. How so, you ask? I will do house work throughout the day. The Pause key is well used.

Now, that all goes out the door the first week a game like Skyrim comes out.

Call me crazy but I think I sleep better when I wind down with gaming.

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That should scare you more than anything.


nah! after a certain age you are to cynical to be scared!


Tip from an "older" person. Do something with your life before you get too old to be able to do it. :thumbsup:


TAKE THIS TIP! and be lazy as much as you can, because when you get older your bladder wont let you :). (I am kidding, dont be lazy)




Damn, reading through your posts I feel young again. I thought with 35 you were considered a Dinosaur in Computerbusiness but it seems there is still hope.


Keep on rocking guys!



If I may paraphrase advise from a great writer, "...use plenty of sunscreen. The other advice may not be the best, but trust me on the sunscreen..."


For three days out of the work-week I spend 2 hours "gaming" after work. (usually 8:00p-10:00p)

On the weekend I will spend Sun morning, sometimes the day, intermittently. How so, you ask? I will do house work throughout the day. The Pause key is well used.

Now, that all goes out the door the first week a game like Skyrim comes out.

Call me crazy but I think I sleep better when I wind down with gaming.


Uh huh, sunscreen is a good thing, trust me...I know. I love this thread, and I think we do have the 'Old Warriors' Club going. I did not pay attention to playing games until about six years ago. Long story, suffice it to say, I can get rid of soooooooo much stress by playing. Do I get frustrated by playing? you bet, but at least I can go back and try again. If nothing else, it is a great way to get rid of stress of the day to day issues.


I was back into college at the age of 51...if one particular instructor knew how many times he died in a game....well...you get the idea. LOL! :thumbsup:


( and I graduated a very stressful and fast paced graphic design / web design program with a 3.5 average...not bad for an old guy.)


As far as difficulty, I have noticed something. I am now at level 25 and I now seem to be able to 'shout' much faster then before. Has anyone else noticed this? Also, my fights seem to be longer and tougher, so I am guessing that the opponents are getting stronger too as you go? But getting points in any of my skills seems to have slowed way down, having a heck of a time getting my skills to advance.

Edited by BarefootWarrior
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I'm 53 and I've played games since the Spectrum...


However Elder Scrolls are the only 'real time action' games I've played.


And unlike all you types I am a grade A cowardy-custard and possibly the worst fighter the world has ever known! Skyrim scares me half to death on a 5- minute basis, or thereabouts. Needless to say, I'm playing on the easiest level and am waiting for mods that make it ...well, maybe just a touch easier still. Which I did in Morrowind and Oblivion. :P


For me, minimising the combat element helps me cope with the "jumpy" side of things without actually having a heart attack... At the moment, my nerves only seem to cope for a couple of hours. Is it me, or is this game scarier than Oblivion was?? (Or did I just forget how that made me jump)


(Actually the one thing I remember most clearly about Oblivion was the Thieves Guild khajiit appearing suddenly on my screen after a rest. I screamed out loud and my mouse went flying clear across the room! If Elder Scrolls were films, wild horses wouldn't make me watch them.And yet... I'm addicted. Weird!) ;)

I'd love to see a video of you playing amnesia:the dark descent.


I played the Amnesia demo, in broad daylight, in the livingroom with 4 other people, who were highly entertained by my reactions. I did not buy the game. :psyduck:

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What i would like to no from all you older gamers is how much time do you put in to your gameing..???? a week.


I'm what the old folks used to call a 'shut-in'. Spend my days on the couch with a gaming laptop. Sitting upright for more than a half hour or so is a very bad idea. Been like this for 9 years. Fortunately, I was born loving games, card games, board games, and since 1981, computer games. RPGs like the Elder Scrolls with their worlds help a lot when I'm feeling trapped in the house.


Gaming can take up to 14 hours of my day. Skyrim usually gets about six hours. I've had to cut down since my mom-in-law moved in; she likes to talk.

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The only thing I found harder about gaming as I got older was that sitting at a desk for hours on end nearly kills me, so I went bezerk and ruptured my wallet and hey presto, a man cave complete with super comfy reclining massage chair, its my fave place to be.





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