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A 53 yr old's view of difficulty


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Marthos' game room is awesome!!! I'm pretty happy just having a desk.


And in answer to the "how many hours" question. I used to play about 20 hours per week, but I played about 60 hours per week after leaving the corporate world 8 years ago. Then I bought a small retail store a few years ago, and I'm back down to about 20 hours per week. Oh well.


I hated spending so much of that precious time figuring out how to get FCOM installed correctly on Oblivion.:verymad: I sure hope Skyrim can handle the mods I'm sooooo anticipating.

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The only thing I found harder about gaming as I got older was that sitting at a desk for hours on end nearly kills me, so I went bezerk and ruptured my wallet and hey presto, a man cave complete with super comfy reclining massage chair, its my fave place to be.


OK, I seriously hate you! :tongue: I have a 50 inch plasma, but it is in my living room, not in my office. I just have to be satisfied with my little 28 inch wide screen. *sigh oh well.... :thumbsup:


(oohhh..but I do have an network connection to it..hmmmm...the mind boggles)


I am very busy so I only get to play maybe a few hours a day, usually in the evening. There really isn't anything worth watching on TV anymore, so I'd rather get some stress relief.

Edited by BarefootWarrior
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Sixty-three year old gamer here.


Been at it since the early 80's...earlier than that if you want to count PONG :)


One of the great things about today's games is character creation...I get to play as the hottie I used to be :wink:


Have fun!

pong counts, it was/is a video game. 46 myself, started with pong in 72 (the first interactive babysitter for hyperactive kids), and was hooked on games ever since. wrote my first on an atari65xe, missile command clone in *gasp* basic or atari's verson thereof then a space trader style game, that i had to learn assembly for to shrink it. every last bit counted so much then...still get a twinge of guilt d/l multi GB files or writing anything and leave whitespace in it >.<


will be a gamer till the pry whatever passes for an input device in the future from my cold dead hands


can't really comment on skyrims difficulty, it has an easy pattern to exploit and i won't stop exploiting it. even created a mage character in an attempt to make it more difficult...and yet fell back into bow+sneak w/perks on tougher enemies. just faster, less chance of death, and bow has soul trap. wish the AI was smarter.

Edited by DeadSpace
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I have been toying with the idea of connecting my TV wireless to my computer. Marthos, you just made up my mind for me.

Wish I had room for the lounge chair deluxe-o-matic.


Does that laptop table work well for your keyboard/mouse?

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This is absolutely the best thread I've ever read through. I''ll turn 62 in a week and I've been playing computer games since I got my first job as a IBM 360 computer operator in 1970. Third shift was great. In the middle of the shift when all batch jobs were done we'd read in a deck and play some real simple text games. There was one based on Star Trek, I remember. I think it was when the 370's came along we played games via the green screen CRT like pong, meteor and defender. Great fun back then but by 1980 management was starting to crack down on CPU useage and the good old days came to a close. It was mid 1990's when I bought my first home PC, a DX4 100 processor DOS machine. Two games Daggerfall and another one called HEXEN changed everything. I played both over and over again, always asking the same questions; Why doesn't Daggerfall look like Hexen? Why can't I do all the things and run all over the place in Hexen like in Daggerfall? Anyways I was hooked and have been looking for the perfect PC game ever since. Got to try them all cause you never know the next one could be it.
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Does that laptop table work well for your keyboard/mouse?



Yup, perfectly, till I fall asleep and it clatters to the floor scaring the puddins out of me, think I might try to Velcro it to my knees.



As for the "how many hours" question I took early retirement due to health issues so my time is my own, booted up the gaming rig at about 7 last night and have just crawled into my pit now at 6.04 in the morning and do that quite often, just having a quick browse about on the IPad while I wait for my eyelids to get heavy.

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<br />
<br />Am 37 still a pup by the looks of it in this post nice,s to no that people of all age,s still play computer games,<br /><br />What i would like to no from all you older gamers is how much time do you put in to your gameing..???? a week.<br /><br />This last year i,m putting down about 8 hours game play a day.<br /><br />i,m a games junkie my self no time for t.v. or books lol <br />
<br /><br />I also have little time for other amusements - but I only log about 2 hours per day in Tamrial. Married and job will do that...<br /><br />
<br /><br /><br />


Looks like you have a lot of game time to put down with skyrim saying its 300 hours long ;)

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