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How can i add a screenshot so it's listed under "from user" in a mod? I cant find any button for that! ;)


Edit: Ah, i found it! Its near the tracking button!

A short info at the "from user" section or a link to this button would be nice.

Edited by Paddyy86
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I'm having a problem with the forum that is rather annoying. Every time I try to navigate to a new page on the forum it logs me out and then logs me in again returning me to the main forum page. It's making browsing the forum impossible, any one give me some advice? I'm using Firefox 8 as my browser.
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Thanks for this site and all your works! :thumbsup:


Think I posted this in the incorrect forum, so posting here to correct it.


there seems to be an error in your Java scripting or at least that's my best guess. Here are two pictures, one of NexusSkyrim and other of NexusElderScrolls. Both are the same font sizes, if you really need me to take some screens of larger and smaller fonts on both I will.


Notice the Skyrim page has the NexusNetwork placed properly (afaik) in the top right. While the NexusElderScrolls site is placed underneath the Login/Logout icon making it impossible to access the NexusNetwork from any site except Skyrim. What I mean to say is Only Skyrim is working correctly all the other Network site Icon placments are bugged in FF 8.


Nexus Site Screens.



Best of luck with the site! :)

The other sites are still broken, has there at least been a workaround?



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I hope this is the right thread. How do I find my all posts? When I click in my profile on 'find my content' it showed me only 24 items. I am assuming these are 24 posts + topics, but that doesn't make sense for me. I have way more posts/threads than these.


Maybe the forum configuration is set that it clears automatically the number of your own post you can find?

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How do I find my all posts?

Pretty simple actually. Click the Advanced Search button which is the gear icon to the right of the search box on the top-right corner of the page.


Then, type your ID in the "Find Author" field and click the "Search Now" button and all the posts you ever typed in will be displayed in a handy-dandy list sorted by the recent activity. :thumbsup:



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Eng cannot use well


Reporting this error


If you believe this error is due to a bug on the site then please use the contact form to let us know. When reporting this error please include this page URL with your report: www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/download.php?id=11160.


Please correct.

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OK I feel really stupid, I can;t find the "flag for moderation" button on a mod page that I think is stolen etc etc. Is it not there anymore? I simply can't find it.


Running firefox if it matters.. I feel stupid...


edit: oh jeez I am an idiot..I found it.. Its so small and the actions bar was hard to see.. sorry

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Hey, this is kinda my first post ever on the Nexus network, but I mainly enjoy and use your mod filebase. I sent a couple of PM's to the staff about my problem, but an indirect question could help. Pretty much some assho*es decided to DoS New Vegas Nexus, and they were from Latvia (my country). Following that, virtually all IP's of our region are blocked. So, I recently picked up New Vegas again, but this ban thing kind of ruins the fun, since I wanted to mod the game too. Perhaps I could, in some way, get a "out of jail" card? Or is this a permanent thing that won't be "looked up" anymore? Thank you, any solutions would be appreciated.


P.S. Using proxy just to use the forums.

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I have 2 suggestionsto make:


I love this site, and I browse the forums/Skyrim-nexus when I get bored. Like now. So i use a mobile device (iPad) and it would be nice to have an actual app for the nexus site. I am asking thus because I cannit hover over anything, the pics are wierd, and i have to zoom in eveytime. I love the layout of this site, so if you do ever decide to make a version of it for mobile devices. (Indows Phone , iOs devices, Android powered phone and tablets.) You should keep the same layout.


My second suggestion, is the ability to flag files, so that if someone is on the move using a mobile device, or they are somewhere else and see a mid that they would like to download but they would probably forget what it is called or something like that! So if you could implement a new section of the site which holds oinks to mods that you "flagged" for later.



By the way i am on my iPad right. Ow which is what inspired me to ask this.

Bye, you guys have an awesome site here!

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