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I feel like an idiot, but I think I made a mistake and "Hijacked" a thread. I'm relatively new and I'm not sure what to do. I'm not sure whether to report myself or contact an admin (which I've been hesitant to do because I'm sure the admin are inundated will multiple problems). So, I'm not sure if I can have my posting (and responses) moved to a completely different thread (which I should have done to begin with). I feel bad about it. The thread is: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/574389-upgrading-old-pc-building-new-one/page__p__4648254__fromsearch__1#entry4648254


Yep, you hijacked it alright.


You should, at least PM the Original Poster and apologize.


I don't know if the mods can clean it up, but you could PM Bben46 (he's very good technically) and maybe he can help.

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I feel like an idiot, but I think I made a mistake and "Hijacked" a thread. I'm relatively new and I'm not sure what to do. I'm not sure whether to report myself or contact an admin (which I've been hesitant to do because I'm sure the admin are inundated will multiple problems). So, I'm not sure if I can have my posting (and responses) moved to a completely different thread (which I should have done to begin with). I feel bad about it. The thread is: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/574389-upgrading-old-pc-building-new-one/page__p__4648254__fromsearch__1#entry4648254


Yep, you hijacked it alright.


You should, at least PM the Original Poster and apologize.


I don't know if the mods can clean it up, but you could PM Bben46 (he's very good technically) and maybe he can help.


Thanks. I'll PM him now. I did apologize to him so hopefully Ben can maybe move it or just delete it. I was able to PM (or basically contact him through e-mail) but I cannot find where I can do the same with Ben. At least as far as contacting by e-mail. I'm new and still trying to search for where I can PM, but I'm not sure if the "e-mail this member" is the private messaging system.


EDIT- I finally figured it out. In my settings, the PM option was defaulted to disable. Feeling more like an idiot every day :facepalm: I must be getting old.

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I know what Kudos are and what it stands for but the sense of positive and negative reputation escapes me. Can anybody explain what reputation (here in Nexus) stands for?

Currently? Nothing, outside of the post it was given for anyways.

Its only function is to hide a post with more than -5 reputation, nothing else, not even a statistical value how many + or - rep was given to a user in sum or something. It doesn't "stick" to the person. Exclusively a self-moderation feature for now.


As a side note: Remember the times when "Sitebot" got so many bad reputation it was starting to look hilarious already? Not only did those trolls not know "Sitebot" wasn't the author, no, they totally missed the meaning of the reputation system also, as it doesn't "have" a meaning outside of one single post. And what's to be hidden in an automatically generated opening post totally escapes me! Plus, regardless of how many neg rep it summed up to, Sitebot's post never vanished, of course. Don't like a mod? Rep down the OP... yeah, well, only the OP of the comments wasn't the author of the mod. Laughable troll attempts those were.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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Because of my nature I sometimes notice small things that aren't quite right. It's not that I'm picky, just pedantic. :biggrin:


Anyways. The main Forum page where all the sub-forums are listed still has links to the Nexus mod sites that are in the old address format, not the new subdomains off the central "nexusmods.com".


Interestingly new Nexus sites are correctly listed.


There could be quite a few links like that hidden throughout the site code that aren't as obvious.

Just noticed whilst typing this an old style link with the mouseover for the "Kudos" [+].


Aside from that I appreciate very much the, I assume, thankless task you all do.



Edited by MistakenMystic
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Trying to download manually, I don't use NMM yet cause my mods are carefully sorted and categorized in FOMM (which doesn't carry over yet).

It does happen consistently on that particular file (Forrest legs), some others as well. tried it again just now to make sure.

I normally use the Kent server, but none of them work atm for that file on Firefox.

No problem downloading it using IE though.

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Is image uploading instant on the Nexus sites? I know the question is dumb, but I'm just making sure if it ain't different here, reason being...


Half a day ago, I uploaded a couple pics to one of the Skyrim mods (as a user, not author) and while they're in the action log (and counted under my profile's "file images"), they don't appear in the mod's gallery. The site got an overload and 502's 15 minutes later, so that might be a reason.


Just checking if I should reupload or wait it out.


It depends, mod authors have the ability to set image uploads to require their approval before being visible. The creator of the mod you uploaded to might have enabled that setting.

Reasonable. Thank you for the quick reply, much appreciated! =)

Edited by Ocaro
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I know people never comment on things that make them happy, so I will begin by saying this, the Nexus sites are brilliant, intuitive, easy to use and pleasurable to browse. That said, however, there is one thing that is niggling away at me every time it happens. I sign in to the nexus site and see a really cool mod pop up in the "Hot Files" section. With my curiosity escalating, I hover my mouse over the mod's cover image and begin reading, only to have my reading interrupted after about 3 seconds when the autoscroll decides to show another mod in the hot files section which I downloaded 2 days ago. My suggestion is this - When I am hovering my mouse over a particular mod, the autoscroll feature should be disabled, so I can read the whole of the intro uninterrupted. Having to move my mouse away from the image, then back to it and find where I had read up to is costing me valuable seconds of my life! Considering the amount of times I log into the Nexus sites and check out the mods in the hot files section, these seconds are slowly adding up! Eventually, I predict I will have lost about 3/4 of a year of my life because of this little annoyance! Please, save me these valuable minutes of my life by fixing this issue! That is all, Thank you
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