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I have a suggestion concerning translated mods.

I've noticed (at least on Skyrim Nexus) there are a few people who are quite systematically translating mods into different languages. I believe this is a good thing, but I think it clutters the mod section. I always like to browse through the latest files, but when one thirdth of these 'latest' files are mods which I've already seen it feels like I'm missing out other mods that didn't show up on the 'latest files' (by the way, why is there a limit on latest files?).


I'd like to suggest an extra tab (description, files, images, ...) with the translated version and the author of that translation. Or a link to the translated version but that file should not show up on the latest files section.


What do you guys think?

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I have a stupid question. I never used the "supporter image section", i was guessing there was a separated upload procedure.

Now i want to upload a picture and, to be on the safe side, i want to upload it to the "supporter image section" but can't find how. There's only the "upload in image" procedure.


So i'm guessing that to upload an image in that supporter section, i just need to set YES to the question "Is there adult-only content in this image", and it will be automatically posted there.

But since i'm not sure of this and i don't want to be banned :-) i ask.

Thanks in advance!

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Glad you asked. If you had uploaded a nude image and simply checked the "Adult Content" box, you would have been banned.


In fact there's a great big, coloured, "NO NUDITY" Warning Notice on the regular Image Share upload page.


It says:



Do not post any images of nudity including breasts, genitalia, buttocks or characters that are wearing so little that they might as well be naked (like 1 pixel wide thongs that cover nothing up).


If you do not heed this warning it is very likely you will be banned.

The check-box is to distinguish gore, etc., and possible language problems (we've had objectionable "speech bubbles" added to pics.)


The "Supporter Image Share" is accessed through the Member Area, found under your Member Name Drop-Down:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Minor suggestion:


I think the Anime mods have reached a level in quantity where they merit their own mod type categorization. I think categorizing anime inspired mods as such will benefit both those who like Anime and those who don't. If you like Anime, you have a one stop shop. If you don't, it's out of sight out of mind.


On a personal note, the anime bat ears picture on the root domain that has been up for the last couple weeks has gotten a little old.

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Hi.....I have a question....I recently accidentally deleted one of my image which already has 10 endorsement.http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/confused.gif


http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/5836/biga.gifIs it possible to get it back with all the comments and endorsement?http://img171.imageshack.us/img171/5836/biga.gif

Appreciate it much. The said image is part of a series that I am currently working on.Thank you for reading and answering.>:-)

Edited by Rosshiro
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  On 4/14/2012 at 8:40 PM, buddah said:

Nope, when you delete it it is gone for good.



Thanks for the prompt reply. Appreciate it much.





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I've been having a strange problem on both the Skyrim and Dragon Age Nexus sites. If I do a search, I get the results, but the page will spontaneously refresh and return me to a list of all files on the site. I'm using Chrome 18 on Windows 7 64-bit. The problem seems to have started a couple of weeks ago. It's not earth-shattering, but it is a little annoying. Anyone else seen anything like this?
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