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Great site thanks for all the hard work. :)


I could use some help, hope this is the right place to ask. I seem to always have trouble Searching for a mod Author, no matter what game site I am on. So I was wondering what I am doing wrong or if you would make it a bit easier to Search.


I click on the Search function in the gamesite area, get an Advanced Search screen and type in the Author's name, hit Submit and I get nadda. If there is some required fields missing, I don't see them identified.


I hope this isn't being too demanding, wouldn't it make things even easier on the amount of work your Systems have to do (i.e. less data parameters during searching), if we could just look up a mod Author in say Oblivion, Fallout 3 or Dragon Age?


Thanks for any tips or links. :)

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Thanks for any tips or links. :)


Possibly 'author' searches do not include the uploader name. Author is an optional field and is quite often left blank. Also mod authors often have different ids in different game sites so you may be searching on the wrong word.

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Great site thanks for all the hard work. :)


I could use some help, hope this is the right place to ask. I seem to always have trouble Searching for a mod Author, no matter what game site I am on. So I was wondering what I am doing wrong or if you would make it a bit easier to Search.


I click on the Search function in the gamesite area, get an Advanced Search screen and type in the Author's name, hit Submit and I get nadda. If there is some required fields missing, I don't see them identified.


I hope this isn't being too demanding, wouldn't it make things even easier on the amount of work your Systems have to do (i.e. less data parameters during searching), if we could just look up a mod Author in say Oblivion, Fallout 3 or Dragon Age?


Thanks for any tips or links. :)

You might also want to try searching for the name in the uploader box, or the description. You may also want to ensure that you have the author's name right as there may be some differences/errors.


If you can't find it, you can usually use the description box and check for terms related to that mod or some other mod you know was made by that author.


When in doubt, you can always ask in a thread related to each game to see if anyone knows what you are talking about.








Dragon Age

(no thread yet, just make a new post here until one is made)




You should also be aware that due to various reasons, not all mods are hosted on this family of sites, and occasionally people remove their mods/have them removed, so you may wish to check other mod sites related to that particular game.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm trying to bring up and go through all my post to fix and correct them after the forum rules. I may have left messages and stuff that might be spam or other things before I even know what those things were. I go to my page and click on post, but it only brings up a few. Is there any way to bring up more so I can fix them? I don't want to get banned for bad things I may have said without realizing they might be bad(most probably spams.)Help!


Also, was I allowed to ask a question here? I'm getting a nervous after reading the forum rules on where to post things and spam.

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Use this link, it should bring them all up for you:




If you have a question and are unsure. Feel free to contact me in a PM and Iwill answer them for you.




Thanks, I went through and edited what I thought may have been bad. There might be more though, I'll need to keep looking. Thank you very much, that helped me out a lot.

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Sorry site navigation here is just second nature to me, if you click on your name in the upper left where it says "logged in as", it will take you to your member page, on the left side you will see "options' under your personal photo, click on the drop down and select "Find member's posts", click on that and it will bring them all up for you.



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Sorry site navigation here is just second nature to me, if you click on your name in the upper left where it says "logged in as", it will take you to your member page, on the left side you will see "options' under your personal photo, click on the drop down and select "Find member's posts", click on that and it will bring them all up for you.






Thanks again, really helped me out alot.

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Hello, my name is Grihpus, i´m a new member of this page.

I have a question, i want download mods of The Elder Scroll Oblivion IV and i can´t download because i´m spanish and the servers are USA and United Kingdoom, please help me.


And sorry for my basic english :P

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