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is there a way to change your userame?


No, there isn't. You may request to have your current account "Closed" by posting a reply in this topic, which would then allow you to re-register with a different username, but you would lose all association with all current account content (e.g. uploaded mods and images, NMM profile, download history, and forum posts.)

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Hi guys,


Got a quick question about the most recent NMM update. It's requiring that I update to .NET 4.6!? Which seems a bit sketchy since according to microsoft, there is no '.NET 4.6'. But essentially won't allow me to use NMM without this 'update'. The reason I ask is I've had some serious issues with .NET framework before and I don't want to risk affecting it AGAIN - Why rock the boat, right?



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Hi guys,


Got a quick question about the most recent NMM update. It's requiring that I update to .NET 4.6!? Which seems a bit sketchy since according to microsoft, there is no '.NET 4.6'. But essentially won't allow me to use NMM without this 'update'. The reason I ask is I've had some serious issues with .NET framework before and I don't want to risk affecting it AGAIN - Why rock the boat, right?





*goes back to lurking*

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Hi guys,


Got a quick question about the most recent NMM update. It's requiring that I update to .NET 4.6!? Which seems a bit sketchy since according to microsoft, there is no '.NET 4.6'. But essentially won't allow me to use NMM without this 'update'. The reason I ask is I've had some serious issues with .NET framework before and I don't want to risk affecting it AGAIN - Why rock the boat, right?





*goes back to lurking*




I mean the NMM takes me to that link anyway but thanks. I just said bollocks to it and went with the download via Microsoft.com. It works and everything else still works too! So, the boat was not rocked!


Quote me a happy girl.

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Hi guys,


Got a quick question about the most recent NMM update. It's requiring that I update to .NET 4.6!? Which seems a bit sketchy since according to microsoft, there is no '.NET 4.6'. But essentially won't allow me to use NMM without this 'update'. The reason I ask is I've had some serious issues with .NET framework before and I don't want to risk affecting it AGAIN - Why rock the boat, right?





*goes back to lurking*




I mean the NMM takes me to that link anyway but thanks. I just said *censored* to it and went with the download via Microsoft.com. It works and everything else still works too! So, the boat was not rocked!


Quote me a happy girl.


mmm minor updates mabye I dunno. I've not used the new version yet, not going to untill I feel like reinstalling 70+mods for skyrim, 20+ for FO3 and 20+ for NV >>


Also every time the net framework screws up I had to install windose >>


Good luck with it, lets hope it behaves!!

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The .net framework is NOT a Nexus program It is a part of Windows and the latest version is just an update to it. The latest version is required for a lot more than NMM. And if you don't update - don't complain when other programs that need it start to fail. :rolleyes:


All future NMM versions will likely also require this - as said this is a part of Windows, and Nexus has no control over Windows updates.


The biggest thing I have seen so far Is Win7 requires an OLD update named SP1 to already be installed before the .net framework will install. If you neglected to install this update that came out about 3 years ago. You will need it before you can update the .Net framework. SP1 can be installed from the Windows update site. If you cannot update Windows - you have a much bigger problem than not being able to run NMM. :whistling:

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I tried to do some searching in this thread for my suggestion, with no luck.

Pardon me, if this has been up for discussion before.


At Nexus, we have a large number of active, brilliant modders, and even larger group of skilled users. The we have the millions of common users.

With this we have an increasing number of mods, that are insanely advanced and/or huge.

This demands countless of hours to create, and even larger amount of hours to maintain. And in the end, modders are still only humans (I think), and too many are burned out, and stop/scaling down their excellent work.


And here comes the idea;

What if a mod-author can recruit nexus members to be "support-staff" on a mod-page? Nexus provides several levels of access to a mod-page, and the author can delegate to a user certain tasks, like "Keep Description page up to date", or "help out sorting bug-reports into forums/subjects", or "Write articles/how-to" or "Upload pictures/videos" (I know of the User-possibility to add media). This "staff" is not directly under Nexus-staff, but maybe Nexus could have some sort of oversight? I find it natural that mod-staff must follow "good behaviour"-rules, or get banned from Nexus.

  • The author need a "admin-panel" for the mod-page staff he/she recruits, to keep track of what staff does with mod-page.
  • Maybe a Panel oversight if a author has several mods active
  • Possibility to instant revoke access to a any given "staff-member"
  • Author have the opportunity to review any changes done by staff, before it goes live
  • Some other level of fail-safe mechanisms, to prevent any wrongdoing with the mod-page, Nexus or its users.

I'm no modder my self, but I do like to contribute to the community, in any way I can. Haven't spoken with any mod-authors, but I see them struggle every day. With users not following instructions, blaming the wrong mod for ruined save-games, "demanding" more development and/or patches to other mods, etc. So positions like, "Page-designer", "Customer Service Representative", "Bug-report handler", etc could strengthen the solid Nexus even more?

So if Nexus reached out to some well known modders, to test it out/get some feedback?


Maybe with this we have more creations with the same amount of modders?


There already is an ability similar to what you describe. The mod author can add other users to their project and grant the ability to maintain the page(s) in the same manner they would.

Each page can, and some do, have multiple modders with that access to the page(s) to allow any of them to make changes as necessary.


I see that, but it's hardly any "perfect" way of getting it done. And that's why a lot of mod-authors are still all by them selves, I believe...

I was hoping for some feed back from Staff.

Like "No, not possible with the site today", or "Nope, not in a million years". Or "Maybe, if you get rid of world poverty first" :thumbsup:

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I see that, but it's hardly any "perfect" way of getting it done. And that's why a lot of mod-authors are still all by them selves, I believe...

I was hoping for some feed back from Staff.

Like "No, not possible with the site today", or "Nope, not in a million years". Or "Maybe, if you get rid of world poverty first" :thumbsup:



Asked and answered. All the permissions you describe are already available for mod authors to delegate to others. They simply aren't limited. It's an all-or-nothing proposition.


But if an author can't trust the people to whom s/he delegates permission to manage the mod to behave properly, then s/he shouldn't be delegating them permission to do anything at all.


It is, in fact, "any [sic] 'perfect' way of getting it done." :yes:

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I recently downloaded several fallout 4 mods but I cant find there item ID numbers using the help command in the console plz help me.


I'm sorry, this is the topic for general site feedback and questions. Please try reposting your question in one of the Fallout 4 subforums. The easiest way to find the subforums specific to the game you're modding is to locate the "forum" button in the upper right hand corner of the Nexus mod site for that game, it will take you right there.

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