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GlorfindelCotton: Try muting tabs. Right click at the top and Firefox and Chrome have an option to mute tabs. Chrome can tell you which one is talking even.


I saw the password message, and thought of an addition to it: Telling people how to relog into Nexus Mod Manager. It's a slightly obscure button in the lower left side of the interface that I didn't even realize was button

Now thats a good suggestion. Thank you. PS: Firefox tells you as well by showing a small speaker icon on the tab.

Edited by GlorfindelCotton
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Please Nexus devs, it would be extremly usefull if you would add category sorting to tracking center OR on the search page add a tick box [x] for Tracking / Tracked so i can search category and show only my tracked.


Site dev! would be nice especially option 2 should not be hard to do.

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Hi Dark0ne,


just wanted to give a heads up from my side concerning password change problems. The change itself was unproblematic but, although I was able to logon afterwards, I still received an error message. A bit confusing the first time, because I thought it hadn't worked.


Otherwise, thank you for your great work.


Happy Easter

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I just found the answer to my issue with downloading from the site. I am embarrassed that it took this long but I don't have all damn day to screw with it. I am putting this here because while I think I am special, I am not that freaking special and I know there are other people having this same issue. My first clue was that when you placed a https in front of the url, it actually showed the gif "content loading". However, it would never actually load anything. Theory It turns out that you have to force every site connected to this site (quite a few) to load via https as well. End of my theory


My problem:

In Nexus I could no longer click the buttons for individual mods. I could click them but it didn't do anything. No content loading, no nothing.


Answer (for me):

I added HTTPS Everywhere to the browser (Chrome) and bam, I can see the files & download again.

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Why are moderators allowed to endorse images and mods? I don't think it's very professional for the Nexus to allow that kind of thing. While someone is an active moderator or member of the staff shouldn't they have to support all files/images posted to the Nexus equally? Just curious is all.

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Too be fair, their ability to endorse or like a mod or image has zero impact on their ability to assist with those mods or modders that they don't like. And I'm absolutely certain that there's quite a few of those.

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