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I've recently gotten a new game Kingdom Come Deliverance, how can I change the Nexus Mod Manager to remove games I don't have and add the new one?

Rescan for games. Looks like a refresh button

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I've recently gotten a new game Kingdom Come Deliverance, how can I change the Nexus Mod Manager to remove games I don't have and add the new one?

Rescan for games. Looks like a refresh button



Keep in mind though, the current listing of supported games by NMM does not include Kingdom Come: Deliverance. You cannot set the NMM up to manage games it doesn't yet support by code.

I don't know, if the community developers on GitHub already added support for more games, but if the game isn't shown on the scan for games page, it's unlikely to be supported, yet.

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I viewed some images that looked like maybe private mods but in actuality are WIPs. It got me wondering, what would happen if I started creating an armor and showed WIP images but for whatever reason the release never happened? Like let's say I hit technical issues or I never become happy with my outfit or I simply got bored of working on it.


Showing private mods in image share is against the rules but what if a file was originally intended to release at some point but then "things" happen making the release cancelled or on indefinite hold? Or what if the WIP just takes an extremely long time or if I worked off & on, like as would be likely to happen if I started out on one as I tend to go at a slow pace and do jump around a lot? Like hypothetically what if I worked off & on, on an outfit for a year? I could see quality issues putting things in limbo, as admittedly the standards on the Nexus set by many of the popular mods are extremely high so it isn't completely unfathomable to work on an outfit for many months or even a year and I probably would upload screenshots over time so I could get feedback to hopefully improve with. IMO, getting considered as having decent quality pretty much means reaching nearly professional standards and with the top modders actually surpassing that.


So if I began work on an outfit I could foresee uploading images periodically over a long period of time, for purpose of getting feedback. Though I would state in the description that my mods are basically always on "Valve Time", meaning "Release Date: When it's done" or possibly never. Image title would contain "WIP". It has to reach a certain standard for me to ever upload it, and if that never happens then a release won't happen.


Admittedly it isn't something directly relevant to me right now, but as a long time member I do try to ensure I know everything I can about the rules and if I flat out don't know I come here to ask about it. I do want to make an outfit but can't ever seem to make up my mind on what to make.

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I viewed some images that looked like maybe private mods but in actuality are WIPs. It got me wondering, what would happen if I started creating an armor and showed WIP images but for whatever reason the release never happened? Like let's say I hit technical issues or I never become happy with my outfit or I simply got bored of working on it.


Showing private mods in image share is against the rules but what if a file was originally intended to release at some point but then "things" happen making the release cancelled or on indefinite hold? Or what if the WIP just takes an extremely long time or if I worked off & on, like as would be likely to happen if I started out on one as I tend to go at a slow pace and do jump around a lot? Like hypothetically what if I worked off & on, on an outfit for a year? I could see quality issues putting things in limbo, as admittedly the standards on the Nexus set by many of the popular mods are extremely high so it isn't completely unfathomable to work on an outfit for many months or even a year and I probably would upload screenshots over time so I could get feedback to hopefully improve with. IMO, getting considered as having decent quality pretty much means reaching nearly professional standards and with the top modders actually surpassing that.


So if I began work on an outfit I could foresee uploading images periodically over a long period of time, for purpose of getting feedback. Though I would state in the description that my mods are basically always on "Valve Time", meaning "Release Date: When it's done" or possibly never. Image title would contain "WIP". It has to reach a certain standard for me to ever upload it, and if that never happens then a release won't happen.


Admittedly it isn't something directly relevant to me right now, but as a long time member I do try to ensure I know everything I can about the rules and if I flat out don't know I come here to ask about it. I do want to make an outfit but can't ever seem to make up my mind on what to make.



Well, first off, it isn't "private mods" in general, which is not permitted to show images of, it's "mods you cannot legally share". If everything is your's, and you just can't yet finish up a release, or you got all permissions and only time is holding you back, and even if any such project later on dies and never sees the light of day, with all these it'd still be fine for you to show images of the work in progress.


Only if the work is not your's, or you didn't/can't/won't obtain all permissions, or for other reasons a release of the work on the Nexus would violate the rules or laws, only then showing images of it can also become a problem.


So don't worry, showing WIP images of something you're currently working on is most definitely not inherently against the rules. If you right away don't intend to release it, I must question your reasoning for why you're showing it still to begin with, but even this one wouldn't exactly be a violation. And if real life strikes and the release will never happen, how could you possibly have known this sufficiently ahead in time for you showing the pictures of your WIP years before to have been with malicious intent or knowingly wrong to begin with?


Here's the relevant part of the current rules for this case (emphasis added mine):

Images showing private mods and mods from other sites

As a rule of thumb images showing content from mods not hosted on a Nexus site, including unreleased private mods or mods obtained from sites other than Nexus, that would not be permissible on the Nexus file servers may not be uploaded to public and supporters' image share. If you create a private mod for your own enjoyment using content from other modders without permission then do not upload images of that mod. Simply put; if any mods shown in your image could not be hosted on the Nexus because of our rules then do not upload the image to our Image Share.


But if you're unclear about the exact meaning of a rule, it's always best you ask one of the CMs about it instead.

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Well, first off, it isn't "private mods" in general, which is not permitted to show images of, it's "mods you cannot legally share". If everything is your's, and you just can't yet finish up a release, or you got all permissions and only time is holding you back, and even if any such project later on dies and never sees the light of day, with all these it'd still be fine for you to show images of the work in progress.


Only if the work is not your's, or you didn't/can't/won't obtain all permissions, or for other reasons a release of the work on the Nexus would violate the rules or laws, only then showing images of it can also become a problem.


So don't worry, showing WIP images of something you're currently working on is most definitely not inherently against the rules. If you right away don't intend to release it, I must question your reasoning for why you're showing it still to begin with, but even this one wouldn't exactly be a violation. And if real life strikes and the release will never happen, how could you possibly have known this sufficiently ahead in time for you showing the pictures of your WIP years before to have been with malicious intent or knowingly wrong to begin with?

Thanks for fast reply!


Oh I see. I figured that illegal mods were definitely no goes, but I'd thought when reading that segment that it also restricts Private Mods maybe due to complaints about people who show off stuff they made but will never ever share or only private release. It used to happen a lot like many years ago but seems like it doesn't anymore or at least is rare. It did seem a little bit trolly, they'd show really cool custom race + custom hair + custom outfits/weapons but berate anyone who ask them to share. Though this is a long time ago so I hardly even remember them anymore and for all anyone knew maybe they did have some kind of permissions entanglement going on that meant they can't share. I guess they maybe did it for attention, but by now it should be obvious due to stuff like File of the Month, Youtubers, Nexus promoting some mods, etc that sharing it will lead to far more attention than showing your release ready mod and refusing to share.


For me the intention to release or not would be dependent on the quality it can achieve. If I think most people will think that it sucks then I won't release till it can get better, if it can get better. Hopefully it can semi approach the stuff we see in Hot Files on Fallout 4 Nexus though that's a tough standard to reach as many of the top modders surpass some of the game industry professionals. I've gotten the basic workflow down to get something made & exported through 3DS Max, some kind of texture attached to it and putting it into the game but real professional quality is something that'll take much longer. I will have to set out without knowing factually whether or not I can achieve a professional's level of quality and also without factual knowledge if certain desired features are possible or not.


I might potentially make a mod private if and probably only if it seemed to me that the community react pretty negatively towards it. I like anime stuff and I've seen over the years how some react quite negatively towards it. However I'd prefer to share things and I think the staff aren't likely to allow hate brigades to happen. Especially since anime content can be filtered out easily by user settings.



Here's the relevant part of the current rules for this case (emphasis added mine):

Images showing private mods and mods from other sites

As a rule of thumb images showing content from mods not hosted on a Nexus site, including unreleased private mods or mods obtained from sites other than Nexus, that would not be permissible on the Nexus file servers may not be uploaded to public and supporters' image share. If you create a private mod for your own enjoyment using content from other modders without permission then do not upload images of that mod. Simply put; if any mods shown in your image could not be hosted on the Nexus because of our rules then do not upload the image to our Image Share.

But if you're unclear about the exact meaning of a rule, it's always best you ask one of the CMs about it instead.


Is CM = Community Manager? And it would be preferable for me to direct message a CM rather than ask here? Would that be a better "When in doubt" course of action?


Who is good to ask? I always feel like it might be a bother, as they're probably super busy.

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