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Please remove the video ad because it is really annoying.


Chew on this:



Dark0ne's Nexus bill for 2011:


  • 4 super powerful Dell blade servers each with dual quad core processors, 32GB of memory, dual 600GB SCSI hard-drives and pooled 125mbit of UK bandwidth (UK significant as it's twice as expensive as US bandwidth)
  • At least one additional dell blade server, perhaps two or three based on the popularity of Dragon Age 2, Skyrim (that will definitely need it's own server) and the possibility of Nexus sites for other games
  • Enterprise level backup solution using 1.5TB of space on an ultra-fast, ultra-redundant SSD NAS system so if the worst happens everything is safe
  • 5 file servers with dual 600GB SCSI hard-drives each with 1Gbit unmetered connections pushing some 450mbit/second
  • Cost of hiring on a part-time software programmer and a full-time web programmer to move things forward and get the most out of the sites
  • Saving away money for rainy days, s*** hitting the fan days, and competitions


That, right there, is a bill close to £80,000 (or around $128,000). I've already tried interstitials and I've already tried pop-unders but people bricked themselves because they thought they were less secure ways of advertising than any other way (not true). The video ads essentially tax the most costly part of the sites and 1 view of the video ads is worth 10 views of the box ad on the sites. It may not be necessary in the long term but it is in the short-term.


When you have the full picture you tend to be more willing to ignore complaints because (1) complaints are inevitable and (2) they come from people who don't have the full picture. The way I see it; watching a 15 - 45 second ad is more convenient than the Nexus just packing up shop. What do you think?



Want the ads to go away? Cough up some cash and go premium. Problem solved. The ads are there for a reason, and it's not just to ruin your day.

Edited by Eiries
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  • 4 weeks later...

the only issue i have with this site is the ads before the downloads. just for the record i understand the necessity of putting ads up to generate revenue to help pay for the hosting costs of the site.


but i just miss the mute button. i like to listen to music while i modsurf and i either have to pause the song and turn off my speakers or just turn off winamp and sit in silence.

and that mega lotto ad just plain grinds my gears.


so, all i ask is for the mute button back, if this is possible.

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I'm going through an e-mail changing process and I would like to delete this account to create a new one. I know I'm able to change e-mails, but I'd also like to change my username and I don't want to have two accounts. Who should I talk to about this?

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I'm going through an e-mail changing process and I would like to delete this account to create a new one. I know I'm able to change e-mails, but I'd also like to change my username and I don't want to have two accounts. Who should I talk to about this?


Contact one of the staff members and tell them you want your account closed so you can create a new one with a different username. If I remember right you can only do this once.

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