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I've logged in (Fallout 3 Mods), I've chosen the mod, clicked download, clicked on the Mod file ... the screen grey's out and nothing happens, no download, no nothing ?

Am I doing something wrong, have i missed something ?


EDIT by LHammonds: Make sure you re-allow scripts to execute for the Nexus sites if you are using NoScript. Also make sure your browser is accepting cookies. If the site cannot access the browser cookie, it cannot remember from page-2-page that you are logged in. Also, read this pinned thread.

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I went on the site today and found a new site format! I thought it was ok but I soon found that I could not move from the mod description page to the downloads, comments, images, mirrors, or other pages for the same mod. I just don't get why this is happening. Please help!


EDIT by LHammonds: Do you have JavaScript enabled? Are you using an add-on such as NoScript which can disable site functions such as the tab navigation?

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I'm guessing that this is where I go?


This is a problem that seems to appear at the TES files page. [i have no idea about the other sections of the nexus, I don't use 'em since I don't have the other games. XD]


I tried to rep a tag in a file [not mine] I get the 'the author has already confi-...yadayada.'

Then it did the rep up.

[This was on a file with tags, but I up'd a tag that had no rep/votres/whatever.]

Just uh, throwing that out there, since it seems to be an error.

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Can anyone please tell me how to bring up the comments in the drop down section...all the others seem to drop down properly..images, files, etc...but not comments, I want to READ comments for any concerns I may have about a mod without having to pester the Author with messages.


Thanks in advance


Re the new layout...jury's out at the moment but I guess it's a matter of what you're used to... Oh yeah I have wide screen and most of it is empty/waste space with a strip down the middle.


EDIT by LHammonds: Does it work now? Everything works for me at the moment. If you can see everything else but comments, it is possible the forums are offline or too busy to access the comment thread. Whenever something like this happens, try going directly to the forums and see if the site seems responsive or not to know if it is a problem on the server or on your computer.


EDIT By Saggaris: LHammonds thanks for the input but I think it is a IE 8 problem...several others are experiencing the same thing with all the drop downs working except the comments section...Dark0ne is delving into it and hopefully can sort out the matter out :thumbsup:

Edited by Saggaris
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I've logged in (Fallout 3 Mods), I've chosen the mod, clicked download, clicked on the Mod file ... the screen grey's out and nothing happens, no download, no nothing ?

Am I doing something wrong, have i missed something ?


When it was working for me it would do the same thin. Now it keeps asking me to log in even when i'm loged in


EDIT by LHammonds: Login problems? Read this pinned thread to find your solution.

Edited by LHammonds
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Well, it LOOKS really nice, but .....


I am using Firefox, Javascript is enabled, I am not using NoScript or any equivalents thereof, none of my security software is indicating any issues, my log-in ID is not having any problems.


What I CANNOT do on the new-look site is access Comments, Images or actual Files for any Mod. I can go in and see what is listed. I can look at the description. If I move the cursor over one of the tabs for Images, Comments or Files; that tab illuminates and shows how many of said items are in there. If I click on the tab, absolutely nothing happens. Tried left clicks, right clicks and 'RETURN', singly and multiply. 'Absolutely nothing' as in nothing to show that anything is loading or changing - might as well be clicking on empty space.


Same story with 'Webmasters Blog' under 'Site' near the bottom of the page. Might have similar things happening with other links, but haven't tried those yet.

Edited by 7thsealord
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