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Can someone tell me if there is a way to put your mod screenshots in a certain order for uploading? I've uploaded a mod with a large player house and I want a certain screenshot to show on the main page as you browse the mods, and I'd like to have certain ones show up in those three first shots that are on the mod description page. From what I read they display backwards from the way you load them - latest screenshots displayed first? But it doesn't seem to be doing that. Is there any way to order the already loaded pictures?
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  • 2 weeks later...

Dark One,


This may have been addressed but I was wondering if there was a way to sort the mod files by language? For example: When selecting the "Files" tab on the Skyrim Nexus or Oblivion Nexus, instead of the current menu it would display language. The user could then select the language of choice and then only files in that language would be displayed. I'm not sure how much work this would entail, but I'm wondering if it was considered. Thanks for the time.



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I have a question about the mod author's forum.


I have written a couple of mods now (for fallout new vegas), and was told by a friend (who has access) that once I have passed the 1000 unique downloads mark, I should have access to that forum. It seems that I don't currently have access, even after 9k+ unique downloads.


So, am I broken or merely misguided?



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@Roger you should have access. When in any forum. Go to the top of the page and click on the 'Forums' tab - then when the general forums page opens, scroll down to find the 'Mod Authors' section.


If it still doesn't work let us know.

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Thanks for the reply,


All I see are the following subsections (and the sub forums contained therein): Nexus Mod Manager - Open BETA; News, Rules and Feedback; Nexus site forums; Specific Games; General gaming; Discussions; Software Programs. (None of the sub forums are the author one either)




@ Thandal

Slave Town is my latest offering (for Fallout New Vegas).

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