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When are we going to be able to select a Primary Image for our files again?


That appears to be working again.


On another note I just noticed an issue with the code on profiles but it can only be noticed by someone with a higher number of friends (no offense intended but this is how it can be noticed).


The error and a second example to verify it.


Just looking at those I think I can safely assume that the "%s" is supposed to auto grab and reference the username of the profile holder.

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I think it would be great if there were 'previous' and 'next' buttons when viewing an image through the image share section, rather than having to use the browser and then finding your place and selecting the next image thumbnail... only to do it all over again (and again) until one has caught up with where they left off from a previous visit. It just seems like a relaxing thing to be able to do, after you've selected an image to view from the thumbnails. Would make endorsing and such a lot easier, too, IMO. Just a suggestion, but I think a good one :)
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After the latest update the site became too slow for me.

It not only loads pages too slow,but often they doesn't load at all,and I get error messages like 500 (Internal Server Error) and 504 (Gateway Time-Out)

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Okay, I've held it in for over a month, but I'm finally breaking my silence and having a rant about the nexus site since the update, in particular skyrimnexus.


Issue 1: It's SLOOOOOOOOW. I mean, glacier slow. Continental drift slow. It's not my connection because I can stream 1080p videos at high speed, and any other websites I visit load quite snappily. It's the site. I have vague memories of its former zip though, before the overhaul. Also, though probably more common at peak usage times, error messages such as "500: internal server error" and "502: bad gateway" show up. That and my browser despairing over the nexus and timing out makes browsing difficult and tedious.


Issue 2: The "Advanced Search" option doesn't work, period. Any advanced search yields this blank 1x1 pixel page. At first I thought it was an adblocker or something, but disabling all such extentions and even trying three different browsers make no difference.


Issue 3: About 20% of the time, opening a mod page will yield the "File hidden" screen, even when it's not hidden. Refreshing the page 2-3 times usually fixes this.


Issue 4: The regular search option is buggy. I'll put in a name and it will bring up the search results and while the title will say "2 results found" or "13 results found", none of these results will be displayed, just a column of blank space below said title where I can admire the lovely grey nexus background. This is becoming increasingly common.


Issue 5: Entering a mod page will 100% of the time not display the file description until I click on the already-highlighted Description tab to reload it. This reload can take a surprisingly long time on even short text-only descriptions. On a side-note, loading the Comments tab takes so long I now walk away for a while after clicking on it. Second side-note, the loading circle for these tabs is displayed incorrectly, with a opaque white box around it.


Issue 6: Almost always, whether it be an picture, thumbnail or other element of the web page, any page of the nexus will not load correctly. 9 out of 10 times there is always some part of the page which has failed to load correctly, or causes the whole page to go off kilter requiring a refresh or two to fix.


Issue 7: I often get the "new files message" (sometimes new files takes time to propogate across our servers etc etc) DAYS after the file has been uploaded, and even for arbitrarily small files like 8KB.


Oh, lately I've been getting a whole host of Google's "server sent no data" pages, large red boxes on the nexus saying "An error occurred", and NMM saying "Nexus is not available". The latter two are only recent developments though.


Now, I'm not going to be a total b***h here, I understand the people behind the nexus work really hard, and I totally know how difficult site maintenance and optimization can be, especially on such a well-used site, which is host to so many wonderful things. I just needed to get this moan out there, really for venting my own frustration at these little annoyances, rather than an attack on the site owners.


*sigh* Sorry about all this, I just had to get it all out. It's all true though. But I still appreciate the luxury of having the Nexus at all, and the effort that is put in to maintaining it.

Edited by Mayfly53
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I've had a problem today, and I've decided to share it, so that others may one day benefit from this.



I haven't been to the site in months, probably longer. When I came back, I didn't even remember I had an account in the first place, so I proceeded to register. My default username choice is Egon_Freeman, but the register form told me that it contains illegal characters (despite the underscore NOT being in the illegal characters list - fix that please?). So - my second, obvious username choice is EgonFreeman without the underscore, but the site told me that it was taken already.


So okay - apparently I have an account here already. So I proceed to reset the password. On the Reset Password Form I entered my e-mail, and voilla - I got the reset password e-mail. But when I re-set my password and tried to log in, using combination EgonFreeman / (new password), it wouldn't work! I tried again, and it locked the account out for 13 minutes, I believe (I apologize for that, by the way).


So I tried to reset my password again, only this time I used EgonFreeman as the user name, believing it to BE my username... The e-mail never arrived.



Now, the problem could probably be obvious to some of You, but let me spell it out: my user name, as may be obvious, contains an underscore. I failed to read the entire e-mail message, which had my account name IN IT, because I do what we all do - I "scan" when I read: I was expecting a link to reset my password, so I scanned for a link - hence ignoring the rest of the message, and being blissfully oblivious to the problem. So I accidentally locked out some poor fellow's account.


I must've registered my user name (Egon_Freeman) way back when the underscore was STILL a valid character in user names! But the register form FAILED to inform me that Egon_Freeman was taken - it instead just told me that it had an illegal character, leading me to assume that an account with an underscore was not possible to exist, which is OBVIOUSLY FALSE.



So yeah, a fallacy on my end (failing to read the e-mail entirely), but the mechanism shows a certain logic I believe to be universal to a larger group of users. I realize that revealing an "already taken" account is technically a potential security issue, but then this issue is already present - as soon as a valid (but taken) username is entered, it shows that it's used already. So could You PLEASE change the error priority order? FIRST show if a username is taken, valid-by-current-standards or not, and THEN check for username validity.


I don't know how probable it is for my case to pop up frequently (as in - an account with an illegal-by-current-standards character in it, almost identical to an existing legal one), but I just wanted to give You a heads-up. I know that some users (some of my friends, actually) use the register-form as a substitute for "checking if I have an account", because it's faster/more efficient: if I don't, I create it in the same step.

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