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Dear Dark0ne;

What a fantastic web sight. The hard work that your members put into their modifications and artistry is absolutely amazing. I am very aware of the challenges that you and your staff encounter regarding the day to day operations in a website this large and from what I have seen you all do a fine job here.


Your website has always been a "YELLOW LIGHT" web sight. That means it is safe to view at work but not safe to "SIGN IN" because that opens up the "ADULT" pictures and other files which are inappropriate in a corporate setting.


Recently it has come to my attention that there have been images in the "PUBLIC" portion of the picture sharing portion of your web sight that are questionable to say the least. I have opened my own account to see for myself and recently I have seen a handful of pictures released in the "PUBLIC" portion that are extremely revealing. ie. no underwear, fully exposed breasts with only the nipple area covered by a small flower or twig or leaf. I also was shocked to see fetish type outfits where the entire lower breast are shown up to the nipple. At this point the "TOON" is by all aspects naked.


I am very aware that people are having fun and that it is normal for teens (and young adults) to push the limits and challenge the rules. I was once a young man myself. However, I am also aware that young men and women do not always think of the consequences of their actions. When these adult and sexual pictures are posted in the "PUCLIC" areas of your web sight they can put unsuspecting and innocent workers at risk of being reported to Human Resources or even worse.


TESNexus is the last web sight in the world that I would expect to be placed in our "UNSAFE TO VIEW AT WORK" list but I have little choice. The headaches are just not worth it.


Perhaps you would review your policies regarding this matter. Clarification regarding the rules can only improve people's experience while they are here. Sometimes even small additions or rewording can make all the difference. ie. examples of what is and what is not acceptable.


Thank you. :thumbsup:

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Actually - the posting restrictions regarding nudity in the imageshare are pretty much zero-tolerance.


When uploading an image, the user is presented with the below text in a very easy to see box:



Do not post any images of nudity including breasts, genitalia, buttocks or characters that are wearing so little that they might as well be naked (like 1 pixel wide thongs that cover nothing up).


If you do not heed this warning it is very likely you will be banned.


Also, here is the site rules regarding the imageshare taken from the Terms of Service:


Uploading to the Image Share section

The image share section of Nexus Sites was designed to allow players to share their favourite or informative screenshots of the games they play with other users of the site. While an adult-only tag is available that should be used if the image would be rated anything higher than a PG-13 in US/UK media we do not want images of nude characters hosted in the Image Share section. “No nudity” includes boobs and genitalia as well as visible pubic hair in the genitalia area.


Yes, there’s an adult-only content filter (that some have just taken to mean “nude content” filter) but adult-only content is more than just nudity. It’s excessive gore, it’s risque comic-strips, it’s pictures of characters wearing the skimpiest outfits possible without breaking the rules. It’s basically everything you wouldn’t want to have your boss catching you looking through at work.


For a more detailed look at what is and isn't acceptable within the Image Share section please read Robin's thread on the subject.


Aside from no nudity, you should only upload images that would be acceptable in the file database. This, importantly, means that you should not upload pictures of mods you are using that would not be allowed in the file database such as mods using ported or copyrighted content. Whether or not you use these mods is your choice, but please do not upload pictures of these mods in action to the Image Share section of the sites.


As of the 12th of May 2010 a private "Supporter" only Image Share section is available for Supporter members of the site. This section may contain images of all types within the legal bounds of the internet. That is to say that nudity is permitted but any images that wouldn't be legally acceptable (such as pictures of naked children, bestiality, necrophilia, copyrighted content etc.) are still not allowed.


We remove any image in violation of our terms and regulations when we find them, or they are reported to us.

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Um, dont know if I'm doing something (or everything) wrong but have experienced multiple problems with this site.


1) Once Ive submitted my login information and pressed the login button all that happens is that the page refreshes itself and appears once again but this time without any of my filled in info.

2) Using the link from my registration e-mail I am able to login into the site BUT when I try to download anything I cant because

1) the file is hidden by the author ( the DD modders appear to be a very secretive bunch as most files were hidden ;-) )

2) I apparently need to be a member to download files of more than 2mb

3) There is no file for that id or something like that ...

3) When i first found the site i was able to browse through all the mods with pictures and file descriptions added but now that im a member this page seems to have disappeared.

Using my history button once again i located the page and eagerly entered my login details at the top of the page.........


Which is when problem number 1 kicks in and the vicious frustrating circle starts once again.


Please tell me that im an idiot and let me know the simple solution to these problems as Im a MASSIVE Dungeon Defenders fan and was so excited when i saw your awesome site

that not being able to get my hands on what looks like amazing mods is really upsetting me.

a lot.


So thanks in advance,

Great site (make it like me :-) pls )


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Is there a reason that the Dungeon Defenders Nexus is not keeping me logged in, like all of the others? Is it still not on the new code, or something? Just to clarify, all of the others keep me logged in, just not DDN.


Edit: Somebody seems to have pressed the right buttons; all seems well, now. Thanks.

Edited by Hickory
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Are we allowed to upload a non-adult version of our adult mod with it's own separate page? I am going to remove all the animations remotely close to anything sexual and all the nude screens but it will still have bondage (restraints & cages) and some light torture (flogging but no gore or blood). I wasn't sure about the bondage and flogging that's why I placed it under adult in the first place. Edited by rofloski
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Are we allowed to upload a non-adult version of our adult mod with it's own separate page? I am going to remove all the animations remotely close to anything sexual and all the nude screens but it will still have bondage (restraints & cages) and some light torture (flogging but no gore or blood). I wasn't sure about the bondage and flogging that's why I placed it under adult in the first place.


This is not an answer to your question (and absolutely no offense is intended), merely an observation: you consider restraints, cages and torture non-adult, and are unsure about bondage and flogging? Nudity and sex are clear, so let me hazard a guess: American?

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This is not an answer to your question (and absolutely no offense is intended), merely an observation: you consider restraints, cages and torture non-adult, and are unsure about bondage and flogging? Nudity and sex are clear, so let me hazard a guess: American?


I don't know how bondage & flogging is defined where you're from or maybe I just got them wrong but I thought bondage=restraints & flogging=torture. They are considered non-adult in my country & I did say light torture like a teacher disciplining a student with a ruler but different countries have different rules and that's why I was unsure. Anyways /Offtopic.

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This is not an answer to your question (and absolutely no offense is intended), merely an observation: you consider restraints, cages and torture non-adult, and are unsure about bondage and flogging? Nudity and sex are clear, so let me hazard a guess: American?


I don't know how bondage & flogging is defined where you're from or maybe I just got them wrong but I thought bondage=restraints & flogging=torture. They are considered non-adult in my country & I did say light torture like a teacher disciplining a student with a ruler but different countries have different rules and that's why I was unsure. Anyways /Offtopic.

"Torture" (depicted, as opposed to referenced) would definitely be considered "Adult" here on the Nexus. As would explicit gore (freezeframes of headshots, etc.) Unlike many other sites on the interwebz, we have a much broader definition of "Adult Content" than simply "nudity" or "sexual".


From the Terms of Service:


Insure that any content that would typically be awarded a 15 certificate or higher in the US/UK film and video game industry is properly labelled with the “Adult-only” option when uploading files and images. Continued failure to adhere to this rule will result in your account being banned.
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