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You get that message when the database is overloaded with requests from users. Every time you load a new page it is a request. Every time you click on something it is a request, every time you post or upload something it is a request.


That is why we have been working on the site so much lately - to cut down on these problems.

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Hey, just wanted to report the same issue as Polyfemus; endorsements non-functional on the new vegas nexus, due to download history not working. At least for me, and mods uploaded since Tuesday don't have a single endorsement, with very few downloads. as the few that got through on monday have 16, 2, and 0 respectively... just upsetting when you find something that's That good, but it can't be endorsed because download history chose not to track it, really.

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Sorry, if my question is stupid or already answered, but I can not find any info in the forums.

It seems that we can not access to the "Nexus wiki" with the "Wiki" button at the top of the hompage of any game.

Is it normal ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been downloading some mods, and I've noticed a pretty frustrating problem- whenever I'm trying to download a mod through the "Dallas 2, USA" fileserver it keeps on responding with a 'server is down/not responding.'


I've tried switching area server preferences, but all of the USA options (US West Coast --- US East Coast -- US Central) all go to that fileserve4r first for certain mods, and the European Option only leads to another down fileserver.



EDIT: I was impatient and each time I got the bad server I'd cut off the download. It turns out that if you let it run for a bit, it switches servers and runs normally from there.


I'd like to apologize for being an idiot. This is no-where near the problem I thought it was. Live and learn, I guess.

Edited by KnightNicky
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