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Which town is your most plagued?


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Well I being just about every time I leave the dark brotherhood sanctuary near Dawnstar something seems to be waiting. I have had multiple dragons attack, saber cats, wolves, bandits, etc... And about 95% of the time I run into a dragon when I step out from the sanctuary. I think this has to be my most plagued town in the game they are always fighting something. I would have to say the most I have fought at once there is 2 dragons, a mammoth, handful of bandits and 2 saber cats. Is this normal? lol and I don't use console command of this character. So what is your most plagued town and what happens there?
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DawnStar for me, dragons, dragons, everywhere.


On the other hand I really like my command animals shouts, turning those cute Sabre Cats into loyal companions of oppertunity.

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I would have to say Riverside omw to there and about 70% of the time i am, there is a dragon or random bandits/nerco's everywhere. Can't believe no one has died yet so far 3 dragon attacks and 1 set of bandits and 3 sets of nerco's :facepalm: next town i say is Solitude 2 dragon attacks.
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