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The cluttered pile that is supposed to be your inventory


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Chests are even worse, there are no categories at all, if you've hoarded a lot of stuff in the chest by the bed then the contents are just presented as one long list.


Talking about chests, my one and only chest (so far till I console in a bunch more) is sooooo full of junk, I made the fatal mistake of accidently pressing R instead of E when pulling an item out. Lucky I had just quicksaved and restored the game just prior to my fat fingered faux pas :biggrin:




But at least it comes with a sound effect. You almost feel the weight of all the items being dumped on your shoulders.


Every tried storing a ton of ingredients only to find out that instead of R for storing you were actually pressing E for eating? Ate a couple of precious daedra hearts away like that.


Yeah, it was "That's not the normal take stuff from the chest noise". Then the thought "why is my chest empty". Then "OMG, I just took 10 billion items!!!" F9 !!!!


Done the "oops, not supposed to eat that"


Also done the "oops, wasn't supposed to sell that awesome item" :wallbash:


I double check whos weapon/apparel list I've selected before press E/R now :tongue:

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I've got a couple of levels in alchemy from eating stuff I'm supposed to be storing, one way of levelling up I guess. :psyduck:



Yup, and if you scran what's in your food section quickly it drops straight to the next category ie: ingredients, I had a giants toe for deserts the other day :unsure:

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Chests are even worse, there are no categories at all, if you've hoarded a lot of stuff in the chest by the bed then the contents are just presented as one long list.


Talking about chests, my one and only chest (so far till I console in a bunch more) is sooooo full of junk, I made the fatal mistake of accidently pressing R instead of E when pulling an item out. Lucky I had just quicksaved and restored the game just prior to my fat fingered faux pas :biggrin:




But at least it comes with a sound effect. You almost feel the weight of all the items being dumped on your shoulders.


Every tried storing a ton of ingredients only to find out that instead of R for storing you were actually pressing E for eating? Ate a couple of precious daedra hearts away like that.


Hell yeah. Not to mention the time lost by having to do it all over again.


While we're at it: I'd like to see a buy back option for vendors. I had to buy back (inflated price of course) my gauntlets of lockpicking I accidently sold yesterday.

Edited by lauer
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One situation, where your "more logical" sorting approach would fall apart is with different sets of armor. E.g. if you want to switch from Thieves Armor to Glass Armor, each set is nicely grouped together because of the alphabetical sorting right now. If you had grouped the items seperately by armor, boots, bracers and helments you'd actually have to scroll and search more because of it.


... that's one very very minor issue though. The interface as a whole doesn't bother me too much, but more sorting options and an actual item table with values like weight, price or "item type" instead of a simple name list would be great. Kinda like the "QD Inventory" mod here on Nexus, just with less bugs and issues.


Also, a way to equip multiple items with just one hotkey would be great, e.g. for switching armor or sets of clothing.

Edited by Arparso
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@Nekrafilia I have yet to find any logic in the soul gems. And taking one out can spontaneously rearrange the others. From being stacked to seperate and vice versa.

I would love to see the Bethesda explanation for this little gem. Drives me frikkin' nuts. I actually hate enchanting because of it. It's almost as if the different souls you collect somehow makes them different "petty souls" (for an example). Even if all I do is whack mud crabs (a most joyous endeavor, I recommend it heartily to anyone) and collect their little, blighted, crabby souls, I still get weird and individual petty soul gems clogging up my inventory.


That small, black, and evil part of my soul blames the people who built the console coding for the game. My PC version screams CONSOLE at me whenever I open a menu to do anything and it makes me hate. Hateithateithateithateithateithateit.... obviously I'm not happy with it.


As for organization, I always use the same containers for the same things. My smithing items always go in the container nearest the door. Cool weapons go on racks or into the "Big Trunk 'O Junk." Enchanting and Alchemy get their own chest/ container. Bookshelves are for books I forget to sell and I'm too lazy to leave the house for the 30 gold per I might get for them. Besides, do you really need the 200 gold you'll get when you're sitting on 30K?


...and yes, pressing "R" is a great way of reminding you that you have waaaay too much junk in your trunk. Heh.

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I'd love to have a lock item option that prevented it from being sold accidentally. When you are selling less then six of an item you have to keep clicking on it. It is too easy to click one too many times and sell the next item in the list and I totally agree with the OP, the inventory lists are tedious at best.
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