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Whats your all time favorite RPG game.


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100% I'd have to say Morrowind.

Even now I go back to it, even if it's just messing with mods and changing them to my liking. :D

There are some really good ones out there. Planescape: Torment, Neverwinter Nights, Baldurs Gate I loved story wise (but gameplay is just not that great). Final Fantasy has really great gameplay imo, but story is mostly iffy. Fallout 1/2 or Bastion would also be strong contenders...


tl;dr, I love RPGs, hard to choose. :D

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Everquest, it's still running after 18 years and 23 editions. Responsible for more lost work hours than influenza!


Come and have a go if you've never tried it, you can play a massive amount of content for free to get the feel of it before spending anything if you want to get serious and raid, the first 21 editions are free to play now.

I'm on the Bertoxxulous/Saryrn server, Quiverr is char name if you need some help getting going.

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My all time favourite is an old german dos game called Das schwarze Auge - Schicksalsklinge and the two other parts Sternenschweif and Schatten über Riva. It's called Nordlandtrilogie and I truly love them.


Divinity 2 - Ego Draconis because flying and fighting as a dragon was great and fun.


And for sure Morrowind.


These are my all time favourite. If these games don't run on my system, than the system isn't a system for me and I have to think about my PC configuration. :teehee:

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