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Wisdom in six words


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Music can express what words can't.


A good leader shows the example.


A good leader rules through confidence.


An undeserving leader rules through manipulation.


An undeserving leader rules through intimidation.

Edited by Oblivionaddicted
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I see therefor I have sight.


I see food I have hunger.


If I do not see food.


I am not hungry at all.


I see words that are useful.


I use words to get fed.


Words use me for health reasons.


So I need food and water.


Money and collateral are secondary needs.


Food and water are necessary needs.


It sure was hot out today!

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Keep people ignorant to manipulate them.


No critical mind means easier manipulation.


Expect nothing, always try your best.


Have critical mindness, never blindly trust.


Whoever wants every power deserves none.


Whatever looks impossible might be feasible.


Be realistic and never stop dreaming.


To preserve yourself anticipate the attacks.


Without credibility the manipulators are weak.

Edited by Oblivionaddicted
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