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Wisdom in six words


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Surprised I got a message back.

From the first pres George Bush.

He liked to fish big fish.

Suggested Holter lake good fishing place

Thanked me and he nicely declined.

He knew though for a reference.

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No indeed; the wise aren't foolish.

Only  fools think wisdom looks wise.

Safe you are from ridicule here. 

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Welcome you are; always will be.

Friend of Yoda welcome here is.

Even when understanding hard is really.

Verbs in the wrong place likely.

And only six words not helping.

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Looking for wisdom a fool does.

When wisdom found no longer fool.

wisdom not saught fool never wise.

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Jesters are fools of the court.

Jesters get paid to be foolish.

Comedians are jesters seeking an employer.

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Wise Yoda employment needs not ever.

Agreed it is Yoda's style difficult.

Wisdom it makes sound always peculiar.

Perhaps peculiar wisdom these days is.

Now fix I lunch hungry getting.  

Dog restless is. Lunch needs she. 

Husband grumpy when food has not. 

When arrives it; day you enjoy. 


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